The Asylum Journal of Mental Science

S. Highley, 1855


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Side 106 - THE JOURNAL OF MENTAL SCIENCE. Published by authority of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane.
Side 151 - I assert then in plain and distinct terms, that in a properly constructed building, with a sufficient number of suitable attendants, restraint is never necessary, never justifiable, and always injurious, in all cases of lunacy whatever.
Side 17 - AN ACT to amend an Act passed in the Ninth Year of Her Majesty, " Forthc Regulation of the Care and Treatment of Lunatics" - - (20 August.) XCVII. AN ACT to consolidate and amend the Laws for the Provision and Regulation of Lunatic Asylums for Counties and Boroughs, and for the Maintenance and Care of Pauper Lunatics in England - - - (-20 August.) XCVI1I.
Side 204 - Lyndhurst told the jury that they must be satisfied, before they could acquit the prisoner on the ground of insanity, that he did not know when he committed the act what the effect of it, if fatal, would be. With reference to the crime of murder...
Side 170 - ... the name of the street and the number of the house in which he...
Side 151 - Mr. Hill became house surgeon in 1835 ; and it will be seen, by the table already given, that the amount of restraint (which, in consequence of Dr. Charlesworth's exertions, had already remarkably decreased) became less and less under the united efforts of these gentlemen, until the close of the year 1837, when restraint was entirely abolished ; and while, on the one hand, as Mr. Hill frankly acknowledges, "to his [Dr. Charlesworth's] steady support, under many difficulties, I owe chiefly the success...
Side 135 - And drown a province, does but spring a leak ; That always ply the pump, and never think They can be safe, but at the rate they stink ; That live as if they had been run a-ground, And, when they die, are cast away and drown'd ; That dwell in ships, like swarms of rats, and prey Upon the goods all nations...
Side 20 - If any medical officer omit for more than three days after obtaining knowledge of any pauper, resident in such parish or in any parish within his district, being or being deemed to be lunatic, and a proper person to be sent to an asylum, to give such notice thereof as is hereinbefore required. # Or if any relieving officer of any parish, or any overseer of any parish of which there is no relieving officer, omit for more than three days after obtaining knowledge of any pauper...
Side 91 - So little knows Any, but God alone, to value right The good before him, but perverts best things To worst abuse, or to their meanest use.
Side 22 - ... hath an estate applicable to his maintenance, and more than sufficient to maintain his family (if any...

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