THE CHRISTIAN EXAMINER. VOLUME LXXXI. NEW SERIES, VOLUME II. JULY, SEPTEMBER, NOVEMBER, 1866. Porro si sapientia Deus est, .. verus philosophus est amator Dei." - ST. AUGUSTINE. NEW YORK: JAMES MILLER, PUBLISHER, 522, BROADWAY. BOSTON: WALKER, FULLER, & CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by JAMES MILLER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CAMBRIDGE: PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. V. THE METHOD OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY. - C. F. Barnard VI. MISS MARTINEAU'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. - E. E. Hale Theology. Colenso on the Pentateuch, Part V., 119. Oort's Baalim in Israel, 123. Pleyte's Religion des Pre-Israelites, 124. Hennell's Present Religion, 125. Renan's Les Apôtres, 127. - Philosophy. Martineau's Essays, 132. - History and Politics. Kleine Historische Schriften von Heinrich von |