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Of ideas in general.

1. Idea is the object of


2. All ideas come from sen-

sation or reflection.
3. The objects of sensation
one source of ideas.
4. The operations of our
minds, the other source
of them.

5. All our ideas are of the

one or the other of these.
6. Observable in children.
7. Men are differently fur-

nished with these, accord-
ing to the different ob
jects they converse with.
8. Ideas of reflection later,
because they need at-

9. The soul begins to have

ideas, when it begins to


10. The soul thinks not al-
ways; for this wants

11. It is not always conscious
of it.

12. If a sleeping man thinks

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without knowing it, the

sleeping andwaking man

are two persons.
13. Impossible to convince

those that sleep without

dreaming that theythink.

14. That men dream without

remembering it, in vain
15. Upon this hypothesis the
thoughts ofa sleeping man
ought to be most rational.
16. On this hypothesis the
soul must have ideas not
derived from sensation or
reflection, of which there
is no appearance.
17. If I think when I know
it not, nobody else can
know it.
18. How knows any one that
the soul always thinks?
For if it be not a self-evi-
dent proposition, it needs.


19. That a man should be busy

in thinking, and yet not

retain it the next mo
ment, very improbable.

20-23. No ideas but from sensa-

tion, or reflection, evi.
dent, if we observe chil

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finite space.

9. Number affords us the

clearest idea of infinity.

10, 11. Our different conception

of the infinity of num.

ber, duration, and ex-


12. Infinite divisibility.

13, 14. No positive idea of infi-


15-19. What is positive, what

negative, in our idea of


16, 17. We have no positive idea
of infinite duration.

18. No positive idea of infi-

nite space.
20. Some think they have a
positive idea of eternity,
and not of infinite space.
21. Supposed positive idea of
infinity, cause of mis-

22. All these ideas from sen-.
satlon and reflection.

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