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Lesson XIII.) + ag+er or (e) ; man+ag(e)+able or ment ; ex+ig+ent or ency; nav (see the root, Lesson XVI.) +ig+able or able+ness; prod+ig+al or al+ity;2 amb+ ig+(u)ous' or (u)ity; co(=cum)+g+ent or ency.* Act; active or ive+ly or iv +ity or ion or ion+able or or or r+ess; counter, en, ex, over, re, re+en, trans+act; counter, ex, re, transaction; en+act+ment; ex+act+ness; actu+al or al+ly or al+ity.


From nav i gá re, nav i gá tus, derived from agere, come nav+igat+or or ion or (e); circum+nav+igat+or or ion or (e). From the frequentative* ag i tá re, ag i tá tus, derived from agere, come agitat+or or ion or (e); co+ gitation or (e). From ac tu á re, ac tu á tus, derived from agere, come actuat+ion or (e).



1 Ex

Helps for the Pupil.-We do not in these Helps define, but attempt to point to the paths which may lead to definitions. igency, something urging instant action. 2 Prodigality, an urging into wasteful extravagance. 3 Ambiguous, uncertain-note the force of ambi. Cogency, the compelling force of the thought. The ly is A.-S.-actively is a hybrid, its parts are from different languages. * Cogitate, to think, involving intellectual activity.

Alt, from ál tus, high, lofty.

Alt+ar (raised); alt(i)tude.

From the derivative ex al tá re, ex al tá tus, to raise, come ex+alt; ex+alt+ed; ex+altat + ion.

Anim, from án i mus, mind, intellect, feeling, spirit.

Equ (see this root, Lesson VI.)+anim+ity; magn (see the root, Lesson XIII.) +anim+ous or ity; un (see root, * A frequentative expresses a repetition, or an increase, of the action denoted by the primitive.


Lesson XXIV.)+anim+ous or ity; pusill (pusillus, small, mean) + anim+ous or ous+ly or ity; anim+os+ity ;1 anim+ad (the prefix) +vert (to turn); anim+ad+vers +ion; the true anim+ (us) (L.) of the affair.

2 Animad

Helps for the Pupil.-' Animosity, the feeling hostile. version, the mind turned in criticism upon its object; is this metaphorical?


Remark. If the pupil is required to write out any part of his work, some form like this may be adopted-the necessary work with the parts of the word, outlined above, not being here set down:




Manage, To do something by the hand.

The driver manages his horses. (Literal.)

The speaker manages his voice. (Metaphorical, since the work is not done by the hand, but by the organs of speech.)

If the pupil should bring in as an illustration, The teacher manages his pupils, he could perhaps see that this use of manage is still more metaphorical, since the work is done by nothing physical, but by authority or personal influence.

Ann, Anni, Annu, (enni, en), from án nus, a year.


Ann+al+ist or al+s;1anni+vers+ary ;2 bi, cent (see root, Lesson IV.), tri, sept (seven), mill (mille, thousand), per + enni + al; super+annu+at+ed or at+ion.

From an nu á lis, yearly, come annu+al or al+ly or ity. Helps for the Pupil.-1 Annals, a relation of the events of the year. 2 Anniversary, the annual return of the day which commemorates some event.

Apt, (att, ept), from áp tus, fit or fitted,—the p. p. of obsolete vb., áp e re, to fasten, join together.

Apt; aptly or ness; in+apt; apt(i)+tude; att(i) +tude or tud (in)+ize; ad,' in+ept.

From the frequentative ad ap tá re, ad ap tá tus, to fit, come ad+apt; ad+apt+able or abil+ity; ad+aptat+ion. Helps for the Pupil.-'Adept, one skilled in something; inept, unskillful.

Bas, (bass), from bas, or bás sus, low, humble.

Bas(e); bas(e) +ly or ness or ment; a, de+bas(e); a, de+bas(e)+ment; bass.1

Helps for the Pupil.-' Bass-what part in music?

Brev, (brief), from bré vis, short.


Brevity or et ;' brev(i)+ary;' brief (adj.); brief+ly; brief (a lawyer's); brief + less.

From ab bre vi á re, ab bre vi á tus, derived from brevis, come ab+breviat+ion or (e); a+bridg+ment or er or (e). Helps for the Pupil.-1 Brevet, applied to a commission, or to an officer of higher rank than that for which he receives pay. 2 Breviary, a compend, a book of the Church, not the missal.

Cad, Cas, (cid, cay, ch, casu), from cád e re, cá sus, to fall, to fall out, to perish, to happen.

Cad+ence;1 de+cad+ence or ency; ac, in + cid+ence 2 or ent3 or ent+al or ent+al+ly; oc+cid+ent* or ent+al ; co+in+cid+ent or ence or (e); de+cid+(u)ous;' de+


cay; ch+ance; mis, per+ch+ance.


Cas(e); oc+cas+ ion or ion+al or ion+al+ly; casu+al or al+ly or al+ty or ist or ist +ic+al or ist+ry.


Helps for the Pupil.-Add the meaning of al to that of incident, taken as a whole, and the meaning of ly to incidental, taken as a whole. In general, take the more simple combinations first, and use these as wholes in defining other derivatives. 1 Cadence, used of the voice only. Incidence, a falling on or upon, as of one line upon another. 3 Incident, an occurrence. * Occident-the sun apparently falls down where? Deciduous-applied to what trees, and why? Chance, a happening. An occasion falls out or happens. Casuist, one skilled in cases or questions of conduct-ac, ic, ist, and ism are the common Gk, suffixes.




To the Teacher.—The meaning of some prefixes seems almost to have faded out of them in certain combinations. To detect the force of de and re, for instance, in deceive and receive, below, is a task too subtile for the pupil. Allow him to give the proper meanings of such words (they are few) as wholes, without a hunt for the separate meaning of each element.

Cap, Capt, Captur, (cip, ceiv, cept, ceipt, ceit), from cúp e re, cúp tus, to take, seize, hold.


Capable or ability or acious or ac+ity or acious+ ness or ac+it1+ate; in+cap+able or ac+ity or ac+it+ ate; prin (=prim, see root, Lesson XXI.)+cip+ al' or le3 or al+ity or al+ly; muni (see root, Lesson XVI.) +cip +al or al+ity; parti (see root, Lesson XVIII.)+cip+le* or (i)al; in+cip+(i)ent or (i)ent +ly or (i)ence ;* re+cip+ (i)ent or (e); con, de, per, re+ceiv+er or able or (e). Capt +ive or iv+ity or iv + ate or iv+at+ing or or or (i)ous; ex, inter, pre+cept; de, ex, per,' re+cept+ion; de, per, pre, re, sus+cept+ive; ex+cept +ion+al or ion+able or


or; sus+cept+ible or ibil+ity; pre+cept+or or r+ess; receipt; con, deceit. Captur(e).

From an tic i pá re (anti for ante), an tic i pá tus, and


tic i pá re, par tic i pá tus, derivatives of capere, come anticipation or ory or (e); parti+cip+ant; parti+ cipation or (e). From e man ci pá re, e man ci pá tus, a derivative of capere, come e+man (see root, Lesson XIII.) +cipat+ion or or or (e). From oc cu pá re, oc cu pá tus, a derivative of capere, come oc + cup+y or (i)er or ant or ancy; oc+cupation. From the frequentative ac cep tá re, accep tá tus, come ac+cept; ac+cept+able or able+ness or ance or er; acceptat +ion.


Helps for the Pupil.-' It, a L. n. stem ending. 2 Principal, first in importance. Principle, that which is fundamental, from which something proceeds. Municipality, originally, not now, a town receiving the rights of Roman citizenship while retaining its own laws. * Participle, a word partaking of two natures. Incipience, a taking hold of at the beginning. Perception, the act of taking, or that taken, through the senses into the mind.



Carn, (carni, charn, car), from cá ro, cár nis, flesh.

Carn+al' or al+ly or al+ity or age; carni+val2 (imperative vale, be strong; hence used in farewells); carni+vor (to eat)+ous; charn+el;3 car(r)+ion.


From car ná ti o, fleshiness, comes carnation.

From the derivative in car ná re, in car ná tus, come in+carnat +ion or (e).

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Helps for the Pupil.-'Carnal, fleshly; how comes the meaning sensual, sinful? 2 Carnival, a festival just before Lent, and so, according to Webster (but not Skeat), "a farewell to flesh." Charnel houses are houses for the dead-vaults and sepulchers. Carnation, flesh color. 'Incarnation, putting into a body.

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