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grati+fy; grati+ficat+ion. From the derivative gratu lá rẻ, grat u lá tus, come gratulat+ion or ory or (e); con+gratulat+ion or ory or (e).


Helps for the Pupil.-1 Disagree, not to accord with or be agreeable to.

Hospit, (host, hot, ost), from hós pes, hós pi tis, one who entertains, or a guest.


Hospit+al1 or al+ity or able; host;3 host+ess; host +el or host+el+ry=-hot+el; host+1+er=ost+1+er.3


Helps for the Pupil.—1 Hospital, a building for guests, sick people. Hospitality, the generous entertainment of guests. Host, the entertainer. Hostler, now ostler; once the inn-keeper, now the groom.


Ject, (jet, jut), from jác e re, jác tus, to lay, throw, cast. Ab, e, in, inter, ob, pro, re, sub+ject; de, e, in, inter, ob, pro, re, sub+ject+ion; ad, ob, subjective;1 ob, pro +ject+or; ob+ject+ion+able; ab+ject+ly or ness; de +ject+ed or ed+ly or ed+ness;' jet;3 jet+(t)y;* jut.

From the derivative ja cé re, to lie, we have ad+jac+ent or ency; circum, super+jac+ent. From the derivatives con jíc e re, con jéc tus, and e jac u lá ri, e jac u lá tus, we have conjectur+al or al+ly or (e); e+jaculation or ory or (e).


Helps for the Pupil.- Subjective, of the mind, or the internal world, in distinction from objective, of the external world. 2 Dejectedness, state of being cast down. Jet, a throwing, or that thrown, forth. Jetty, a projection, as a wharf. Conjecture, to throw together, or Ejaculation, uttered, or thrown out, sud


throw out, as a guess.




Jung, Junct, Junctur, (join, joint, jointur), from júnge re, júnc tus, to bind, connect, unite.

Join; join + er; ad, con, dis, en, re, sub+join ; joint; jointly. Junction; con, dis, in+junct+ion;' con, dis, subjunctive or ive+ly. Junctur(e); con, dis+ junctur(e) ; jointur(e).

From ju gá re, ju gá tus, derived from jugum, a yoke, we get con+jug+al2 or al+ly or al+ity; con, sub+jugat+ ion or (e)'.


Helps for the Pupil.—1 Injunction, an enjoining, a mandate. Conjugal, pertaining to those joined in marriage. Subjugate, literally, to cause to pass under the jugum, or yoke.

Jur, Jurat, from ju rá re, ju rátus, to take an oath, make oath.

Ab, ad, con, per+jur(e) ; jur+y1 or or; per+jur+y or or; con+jur+or2 or er;3 ab, ad, con +jurat+ion.



Helps for the Pupil.-1 Jury-what is administered to a jury? 2 Conjuror, one bound to others by an oath. Conjurer, a juggler, one who practises magic arts.


To the Teacher.-Do not let the pupil overlook the common metaphorical uses of words. Have him see that in saying, Collect your thoughts, Recall or recollect what he said, Outline the lesson, you are using the words collect, recall, recollect, and outline not literally, but figuratively, metaphorically.

Lat, see Fer.

Leg, Legat, from le gá re, le gátus, to bring forward, to send on an embassy, to depute, to leave by will.


Al+leg(e). Legat+ee or (e); leg+acy; legat+ion; al, de +legat+ion; de+legat(e);2 re+legat+ion or (e).3


Helps for the Pupil.- Legacy, that left by will. deputed or appointed. Relegate, to send back.


? Delegate, one

Leg, Lect, Lectur, (lig, less), from lég e re, léctus, to read, gather, choose.




Leg+ible or ibil+ity or ion;' il+leg+ible or ibility; col + leg(e); e, in+e+leg+ance or ant; legend' or end+ary; e, in+e, intel+lig+ible or ibil+ity; di,° neg, intel+lig+ent or ence or ent+ly. Col, dia,' e, intel,3 neg, re+col, se+lect; col, e, pre+di,' re+col, se+lect+ion; e, col+lect+or; less+on. Lectur(e); lectuṛ+er; lectur(e) +ship.


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• Diligent,

Helps for the Pupil.—1 Legion, a chosen body of men. 2 College, a collection of persons, a seminary. Elegant-what would well-chosen manners or style be? Legend, once, that appointed to be read; now, a mythical story. Eligible, qualified to be chosen. opposed to negligent; painstaking in the matter chosen. language read and spoken throughout a limited region. the faculty of choosing, distinguishing, knowing. Predilection, a bias disposing one to a certain choice.

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Liber, from li ber, free, frank, acting at one's pleasure.

Liber+al or al+ly or al+ity or al+ism or al+ize; il+ liberal or al+ity.

From the derivative noun líb er tas, lib er tá tis, we have liberty or ine1 or in+ism. From the derivative verb libe rá re, lib e rá tus, come liberation or or or (e); de+


liver; de+liver+er or ance or y.

Helps for the Pupil.-' Libertine, one whose liberty has become mere license. Deliver, to free from.


Lin, from línum, lín e a, flax, thread.

Lin(e); lin+en' or t;' lin(e) +ar or age3 or al or (a) ment; lin(n) +et; lin+seed.


From de lin e á re, de lin e á tus, a derivative from linea, we have de+lineat+or or ion or (e).o

Helps for the Pupil.-' Linen is made of what? and 2 lint of what? Linnets feed on what? Delineate, to


Lineage, line of descent.


Liter, from lít era, a letter.

Liter+al' or al+ly or ary.'

From the derivative adj. lit e rá tus come literat(e); il +literat(e); il+literat(e)+ly or ness; il+litera+cy ; al+literat+ion 3 or ive. From the derivative lit e ra tú ra


comes literatur(e).


2 Lit

Helps for the Pupil.-' Literal, according to the letter. erary, pertaining to letters or literature. Alliteration, repetition of the same letter at the beginning of successive words.


Loc, Locat, (loco, lieu), from lo cá re, lo cátus, to place, arrange.


Loc+al or al+ize or al+ity; loco+mot (see root, Lesson XVI.)+ion or motive; lieu+ten (see root, Lesson XXVIII.)+ant or ten+ancy. Location or (e); col, dis

+location or (e).

Helps for the Pupil.- 'Locomotion, movement from place to place. Loqu, Locut, from ló qui, lo cú tus, to speak, to talk.


Loqu+acious or ac+ity; col, ob, soli (see root, Lesson XXII.) +loqu+y; e, magni+loqu+ent or ence; col+ loqu+(i)al or (i)al+ly; soli+loqu+ize;2 ventri (venter, belly) +loqu+ist3 or ism. Circum+locut+ion; e+locut +ion or ion+ary or ion + ist.

Helps for the Pupil.-1 Loquacity, talkativeness.


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talk alone and to one's self. Ventriloquist, one making his voice seem to come from some other than its real source.

Lud, Lus, from lú de re, lú sus, to play, laugh at, sport with.


Al,' de, e, inter, pre+lud(e). Al, col,3 de, e, il‘+lus+ ion or ive or ive+ly.

From the derivative adj. lú di crus, we have ludi+(cr) ous or (cr) ously or (cr)ous+ness.


Helps for the Pupil.-1 Allude, to hint at, refer to, not to speak fully of. Delude, to play with in order to deceive. In 3 collusion, men play into each other's hands. Illusion, a deceptive appearance.


Magn, (magni), from mág nus, great.

Magn+anim+ous or anim+ity; magn+ate ; magni +fy or fi+er or fic+ent or fic+ent +ly or fic+ence or tude. From the derivative ma jés tas come majesty or ic or ical or ic+al+ly. From the derivatives ma gis ter, mag istrátus, come magister+(i)al or (i)al+ly; master; master+ly or ful or ship or less or y; magistrat(e); magistra+cy.

Man, (manu, main), from má nus, the hand.


Man+ag(e); man+ag(e) +ment or ag(e)+able; man +(a)cle (dim. of manica, a glove) or œuvre' or ure; bi, quadru (four)+man+ous; manu+al or al+ly; manu +fact+ory; manu+factur+er or factur(e); manu+ mit (see root, Lesson XV.) or miss+ion or script (see root, Lesson XXI.); a+manu+ens+ (is) (L.) ; main+ tain (see root, Lesson XXVIII.) or tain+able or tain

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+er or tenance.

From the derivative manière (Fr.), we have man(n)+er or erly or er + li+ness or er +ism; un + man(n)+er+



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