where it lay looking about with eyes full of sweet wonder, behaving itself with marvellous quietness and discretion, as did most of the other little torments, to do them justice. "Much consultation, deep and solemn, was held as to the most profitable kinds of work to be undertaken by the society. Many were in favor of making up linen, cotton linen of course, but Mrs. Nippers assured the company that shirts never used to sell well at the East, and she was therefore perfectly certain that they would not do here. Pincushions and such like feminilities were then proposed; but at these Mrs. Nippers held up both hands, and showed a double share of bluewhite around her eyes. Nobody about here needed pincuhsions, and besides, where should we get the materials? Aprons, capes, caps, collars, were all proposed, with the same ill success. At length, Mrs. Doubleday, with an air of great deference, inquired what Mrs. Nippers would recommend. "The good lady hesitated a little at this. It was more her forte to object to other people's plans, than to suggest better; but after a moment's consideration, she said she should think fancy-boxes, watch-cases, and alum-baskets would be very pretty. "A dead silence fell on the assembly, but of course it did not last long. Mrs. Skinner went on quietly cutting out shirts, and in a very short time furnished each member with a good supply of work, stating that any lady might take work home to finish, if she liked. "Mrs. Nippers took her work and edged herself into a coterie of which Mrs. Flyter had seemed till then the magnet. Very soon I heard, 'I declare it 's a shame!' 'I don't know what 'll be done about it; ' 'She told me so with her own mouth;' 'Oh, but I was there myself!' etc. etc., in many different voices; the interstices well filled with undistinguishable whispers, 'not loud, but deep.' "It was not long before the active widow transferred her seat to another corner ; Miss Clinch plying her tongue, not her needle, in a third. The whispers and the exclamations seemed to be gaining ground. The few silent members were inquiring for more work. ""Mrs. Nippers has the sleeve! Mrs. Nippers, have you finished that sleeve?' "Mrs. Nippers colored, said 'No,' and sewed four stitches. At length 'the storm grew loud apace.' 'It will break up the society' ""What is that?' asked Mrs. treble. What is it, Mrs. Nippers? "Mrs. Nippers replied, that she Doubleday, in her sharp You know all about it.' only knew what she had heard, etc. etc., but, after a little urging, consented to inform the company in general, that there was great dissatisfaction in the neighbourhood, that those who lived in log-houses at a little distance from the village, had not been invited to join the society; and also, that many people thought twenty-five cents quite too high, for a yearly subscription. "Many looked aghast at this. Public opinion is nowhere so strongly felt as in this country, among new settlers. And as many of the present company still lived in log-houses, a tender string was touched. "At length, an old lady, who had sat quietly in a corner all the afternoon, looked up from behind the great woollen sock she was knitting, ""Well now! that 's queer!' said she, addressing Mrs. Nippers with an air of simplicity simplified. 'Miss Turner told me you went round her neighbourhood last Friday, and told how that Miss Clavers and Miss Skinner despised every body that lived in log-houses; and you know you told Miss Briggs that you thought twenty-five cents was too much; did n't she, Miss Briggs?' Mrs. Briggs nodded. "The widow blushed to the very centre of her pale eyes, but, 'e'en though vanquished, she lost not her assurance. 'Why, I 'm sure I only said that we only paid twelve-and-ahalf cents at the East; and as to log-houses, I do n't know, I can 't just recollect, but I did n't say more than others did.' "But human nature could not bear up against the mortification; and it had, after all, the scarce credible effect of making Mrs. Nippers sew in silence for some time, and carry her colors at half-mast for the remainder of the afternoon. "At tea each lady took one or more of her babies into her lap, and much grabbing ensued. Those who wore calicoes seemed in good spirits and appetite, for green tea at least; but those who had unwarily sported silks and other unwashables, looked acid and uncomfortable. Cake flew about at a great rate, and the milk and water which ought to have gone quietly down sundry juvenile throats, was spirted without mercy into various wry faces. But we got through. The astringent refreshment produced its usual crisping effect upon the vivacity of the company. Talk ran high upon almost all Montacutian themes. ""Do you have any butter now?' 'When are you going to raise your barn?' 'Is your man a going to kill, this week?' 'I ha' n't seen a bit of meat these six weeks.' 'Was you to meetin' last Sabbath ?' 'Has Miss White got any wool to sell?' 'Do tell if you 've been to Detroit?' 'Are you out o' candles?' 'Well I should think Sarah Teals wanted a new gown!' 'I hope we shall have milk in a week or two,' and so on; for, be it known, that in a state of society like ours, the bare necessaries of life are subjects of sufficient interest for a good deal of conversation. More than one truly respectable woman of our neighbourhood has told me, that it is not very many years since a moderate allowance of Indian meal and potatoes was literally all that fell to their share of this rich world for weeks together. ""Is your daughter Isabella well?' asked Mrs. Nippers of me solemnly, pointing to little Bell, who sat munching her bread and butter, half asleep, at the fragmentious table. "Yes, I believe so, look at her cheeks.' "Ah yes! it was her cheeks I was looking at. They are so very rosy. I have a little niece who is the very image of her. I never see Isabella without thinking of Jerushy; and Jerushy is most dreadfully scrofulous!' "Satisfied at having made me uncomfortable, Mrs. Nippers turned to Mrs. Doubleday, who was trotting her pretty babe with her usual proud fondness. "Do n't you think your baby breathes rather strangely?' said the tormentor. "Breathes! how!' said the poor thing, off her guard in an instant. "Why rather croupish, I think, if I am any judge. I have never had any children of my own, to be sure; but I was with Mrs. Green's baby when it died, and “Come, we 'll be off!' said Mr. Doubleday, who had come for his spouse. 'Don't mind the envious vixen,' aside to his Polly. "Just then, somebody on the opposite side of the room, happened to say, speaking of some cloth affair, 'Mrs. Nippers says it ought to be sponged.' ""Well, sponge it then, by all means,' said Mr. Doubleday, 'nobody else knows half as much about sponging; ' and with wife and baby in tow, off walked the laughing Philo, leaving the widow absolutely transfixed. “What could Mr. Doubleday mean by that?' was at length her indignant exclamation. "Nobody spoke. "I am sure, continued the crest-fallen Mrs. Campaspe, with an attempt at a scornful giggle, 'I am sure if anybody understood him, I would be glad to know what he did mean.' ""Well now I can tell you ; ' said the same simple old lady in the corner, who had let out the secret of Mrs. Nippers' morning walks. 'Some folks calls that sponging, when you go about getting your dinner here and your tea there, and sich like; as you know you and Meesy there does. That was what he meant, I guess.' And the old lady quietly put up her knitting, and prepared to go home." - pp. 227 – 233. These long extracts will convey a much better idea than any elaborate commendation of our own could have done, of one of the most spirited and original works which have yet been produced in this country. ART. IX. - 1. The Second Exhibition of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, at Quincy Hall, in the City of Boston, September 23d, 1839. Boston: I. R. Butts. 1839. pp. 134. 2. An Address delivered before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, at the Celebration of their Eleventh Triennial Festival, and Second Exhibition and Fair, October 3d, 1839. By JAMES TRECOTHICK AUSTIN, Honorary Member of the Association. Boston: Isaac R. Butts. 1839. 8vo. pp. 36. Not long since, we had occasion to notice a volume of statistics, published in pursuance of an order of the Legislature of Massachusetts, exhibiting the amount and value of the annual products of industry in the several towns of the Commonwealth.* That publication excited some surprise at the amount and estimated value of those products, particularly of those which come under the class of manufactures. The exhibition under the direction of the Mechanic Association, of which a description is given in the first of the pamphlets above named, afforded more conclusive proofs of the extent and perfection of the manufactures of Massachusetts, than could be afforded by printed statements or written documents. The great number and variety of articles exhibited, extending to a supply of almost all the wants created by our state of society, - their adaptation to the uses for which they are intended, and to the supply of the constant demand, - and the knowledge, in many cases, of the quantity of articles manufactured, of which only specimens were exhibited, could not fail to produce on the mind of the observer, a strong impression of the extent, activity, and skilful direction of that industry, which has produced such vast results. North American Review, Vol. XLVII. pp. 255 et seq. * The place selected for holding the exhibition was the hall over the Quincy Market, in Boston. This hall is 520 feet in length, and 50 feet in breadth, with a rotunda of wider dimensions in the centre. In this hall the articles exhibited were systematically and tastefully arranged, in a manner to produce an agreeable effect upon the eye, and, at the same time, to secure a convenient access to each article exhibited. A few of the heavier articles, such as specimens of ornamental work in granite, church bells, &c., were exhibited in an enclosure, outside of the hall. The number of contributors to the exhibition was eleven hundred and ninety-six, of whom a large proportion presented not merely many articles, but a great number and variety of kinds of articles. For example, from the same manufactory were exhibited a large assortment of implements of hardware, or of cutlery, a large assortment and variety of printed and unprinted cotton goods, a variety of cloths, &c., so that the number of exhibitors affords no clue to the number and variety of articles exhibited. In several instances, the same individual exhibited a number of different inventions, for entirely distinct objects. The exhibition remained open for twelve days, from the 5th to the 23d of September, during which period it was visited by about seventy thousand persons. In this number were included the contributors to the exhibition, the members of the Mechanic Association, with the members of their respective families, and sixty thousand purchasers of tickets, at twenty-five cents each. The receipts from the sale of tickets amounted to $ 15,000. The obvious effect of the exhibition on the minds of a great portion of the visiters, was gratification, and often surprise, at the excellence and beauty of the specimens presented, of the various produc tions of industry and art. The pamphlet published by the Association, consists of the reports of the judges upon the comparative merits of the articles exhibited, and their claims to notice, and to the premiums offered. Upon the recommendations of the judges, twenty-five gold medals were awarded, one hundred and thirty-three silver medals, and two hundred and fifty-four diplomas. It would occupy much more space than we can devote to the subject, to describe, or even to enumerate, the articles in this vast collection, which were deserving of particular no |