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with as much rapidity and as little expense, as seems consistent with certainty and impartiality in the administration of justice. Beyond this, there appears little else to be desired. We may be pardoned, however, for the passing remark, that the brief form of declaration, and the consolidation of the common counts, required by these rules, have been used in this country more than twenty years; and it may be retorted, also, that while, in England, increased care has been taken to guard against surprise, by requiring the matter in defence to be specially pleaded, American legislation has more widely opened the door to that mischief, by permitting the defendant to answer, in all cases, by a mere general denial. It is true, we require that a brief statement of the matter of defence should accompany the general plea; but, as this admits all sorts of defence, however multifarious, its utility remains to be tested by longer experi


This great legal reform, as might be expected, rendered all the old books of entries and precedents of little further use. It thus called forth the work of Mr. Chitty, which is a very neat and well-executed revision of the existing forms, adapted to the new rules of practice. The English edition was published in two parts; the first by Mr. Chitty, in the year 1836; and the second in the year 1838, after his decease, which took place in April of that year, by Henry Pearson and Tompson Chitty, Esquires. The American edition appears to be well executed; and though the forms are still rather more redundant than those in general use in this country, the work, we doubt not, will prove a valuable, we had almost said an indispensable, aid to the American lawyer.

7.- Principia Saxonica; or an Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Reading. By L. LANGLEY, F. L. S. London: 1839. 12mo. pp. 78.

To those who think with Horne Tooke, that the Anglo-Saxon and Gothic ought long ago to have made a part of the education of youth, the publication of this little book will not be unwelcome. It contains the Anglo-Saxon Homily of Archbishop Ælfric, on the Birth-day of Saint Gregory, with a Glossary, and a well-written "Essay on the Importance and Utility of the Anglo-Saxon Language." The object of the book is thus explained by Mr. Langley in his Preface. "In again presenting the Homily to the public, with the appendage of a copious Glossary, instead of a Translation, the sole object of the editor is to promote, in however subordinate a capacity, a cause in which he has long felt a deep and undiminished interest, - the cause of Saxon letters." It was his desire to produce, "that novelty in Saxon literature, a cheap book."

Consequently beginners have now within their reach a very good text-book, small in compass and in price. We commend it to their attention.

8.- The Analyst; a Collection of Miscellaneous Papers. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1840. 12mo. pp. 174.

THIS is a volume well worthy to be read. It gives proof of reflection, observation, and literary culture; and its style is always clear, sometimes forcible and terse, though not often elegant. It abounds with shrewd remarks, happy criticisms, and well-drawn traits of character. But it is not executed with equal felicity throughout. The author imitates largely in some parts of his book; he writes not from his own mind, and after his own fashion, but draws from others both matter and form. The series of papers, in which he attempts to delineate certain characters, are not, taken as a whole, very well done, though they contain many single touches of great merit. They constantly remind us of other writers and other times; they are Theophrastus and the French and English essayists remoulded. To paint faithfully a series of characters, to draw them from the life, requires the reflective powers of the philosopher, and the experience of the man of the world; a quick eye to perceive the real peculiarities of men, and a rapid power of combination; a style at once clear, graphic, and discriminating, and that force of imagination which breathes the breath of life into the conceptions of the mind.

It is not enough, therefore, to be familiar with the admired models of this species of writing, belonging to other ages and to different states of society. The characters of Theophrastus are drawn with consummate skill; they betray numberless delicate touches, which mark them as genuine pictures taken from living realities, that passed before the author's eye. The few specimens that Aristotle gave, are not quite so individual as those of Theophrastus; they rest more upon the universal principles of human nature, and upon transient traits; but still they are touched with the spirit of life and truth. Some of the French authors have been equally successful; and many characters drawn by the British essayists live in our memories with as distinct an individuality as the best known personages of history.

Now the author of these papers has taken more from these sources than from the observation of nature. He relies more upon imitation than experience. His characters do not rise before us like living beings, but are only faded copies of pictures that represent another age. He has not embodied the form and pressure of the times. His characters are like wooden images, dressed out in the costumes of our ancestors. They are cold and artificial combinations of certain qualities of human nature in general, with the oddities, extravagances, or peculiarities, not which lend a variety to the aspect of society now, but which figure in the literature that represents the aspect of society in days long since departed.

But the critical papers show much more ability. The "Thoughts on the Writings of Bulwer" contain more truth, in a short space, upon the works of that great mystagogue of modern frivolity and nonsense, than we have elsewhere seen. The paper on La Bruyère is excellent; that on the Old English Comedy, is just and discriminating, and does honor to the moral feeling as well as to the literary taste of the author. But the disquisition on the Scotch, German, French, and English philosophies, is simply absurd. It begins with the remark, that, "in order more clearly to elucidate the spirit of each, a few observations on the national characteristics of each people may not be irrelevant." This task he undertakes to accomplish. He despatches these four great schools of philosophy, preliminary remarks and all, in six pages. There is an air of pretension about this attempt to dash off such great subjects, which it is painful to see deforming the pages of a writer of so much merit; to say nothing of the false and sweeping generalities which make up the whole of this precious little morsel of philosophical disquisition. Among other bold and unfounded assertions, he says, that Stewart is only a "flimsy declaimer," - the elegant, learned, polished Stewart, - the master of the best philosophical style of this age; - whose periods, pregnant with thought, attuned to a beautiful melody, adorned with graceful poetical allusions, remind us of the magnificent eloquence of Cicero, more than any modern author, to be called by this essayist, or anybody else, a "flimsy declaimer"! The arrogance of literary conceit has rarely led to a more astounding absurdity.

Though we like this author's style very well, in general, we do not like the affected quaintnesses, into which it sometimes

runs. To write 'tis for it is, is merely attempting to put on the air of our great-grandfathers; to say doth and hath, answers no mortal purpose but to confound the peculiarities of different ages, and make an author's language a disagreeable patchwork of affected and incongruous archaisms.

9.-1. An Address, delivered before the Eumenian and Philanthropic Societies of Davidson College, North Carolina, July 31st, 1839. By the Rev. P. J. SPARROW, A. M., Professor of Languages in Davidson College. Raleigh: Turner & Hughes. 1839. 8vo. pp. 32.

2. Introductory Address, delivered before the Louisiana Institute for the Promotion of Education, December 16th, 1839, By Professor H. H. GIRD. New Orleans. 1839. 8vo. pp. 21.

3. An Address, delivered at Amherst before the Literary Societies of Amherst College, August 27th, 1839. By DANIEL D. BARNARD. Albany: Hoffman & White. 1839. 8vo. pp. 63.

4. Oration, delivered before the Biennial Convention of the Alpha Delta Phi Society, at New Haven, Conn., August 15th, 1839, on the Law and Means of Social Advancement. By SAMUEL EELLS, President of the Convention. Cincinnati: Kendall & Henry. 1839. 8vo. pp. 69.

MR. SPARROW is a clear, sensible, and tasteful writer. His subject is, the duty of the educated young men of this country; and he handles it ably. He points out the defects in American education, their causes and their remedies; then he discusses the duty of elevating the standard of professional character; and, lastly, he considers the duties of educated young men with respect to literature, to the cause of general education, and to the country as patriots. Under all these heads, the author presents considerations of great importance, in an impressive manner and an elegant style. The only thing we see to find fault with, is, his extravagant eulogy upon that absurd, pedantic, and bigoted poem, Pollok's

"Course of Time."

Mr. Gird's Address is rather carelessly written, but contains valuable suggestions to the citizens of Louisiana, upon the state of education there, the dangers to which the youth of VOL. L. NO. 107.


the State are exposed, the proper means to be taken 1 against them, and so on. He speaks with approbatic establishment of a Board of Education; and there is lar contrast between his judicious views upon this subj the recent report of the Committee on Education be Massachusetts legislature.

Mr. Barnard's Address discusses the importance o the truth to the people. He shows, that the leading all parties, have used fraud, deception, lies, by whi have been able to lead astray their dupes. He po the ruinous consequences of this state of things, an strongly on a reform. His discourse is marked by sou mon sense, and just and right feeling, rather than by eloquence. The influence of such opinions and view be other than good. The only fault of the oratio length.

The Oration of Mr. Eells is upon social progre ranges over the entire history of the world, and exhibit the successive forms of the political institutions an states, the hidden principles which led to their ov He illustrates his views by examples drawn from a tent of reading, and shows himself to be a very wellman. But he deals too largely in historical and ot mon-places; he undertakes to prove what nobody der wants compression, vigor, and logical order. His O spun out to an excessive length, filling sixty-nine larg If the really good things in it were brought into half th by striking out unnecessary words, and taking for what everybody knows, the oration would be excelle

10. - Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum F From the Nineteenth London Edition; carefully with an Original Preface and Notes, by the Boston: William D. Ticknor. 1840. 16mo.

WE notice this little work, not for the purpose o taking the superfluous task of commenting on its m merely to express our pleasure in seeing it reprint with the amusing preface and notes of the authors, in some a form. The good-humored wit of the imitat given a celebrity and a permanent value to this jeu

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