apparent indifference to those, whose safety it ought to guard, whose lives it ought to protect, - till it causes the supreme power of the land to legislate, wisely and efficiently, for one of the most important interests of the people, and to do, not something, but every thing requisite, to check an evil that cries aloud for redress. "The destruction of human life in the United States, during the last ten years, by accidents and disasters in the public conveyances, is, I had almost said, beyond computation. It is utterly unparalleled in the history of the world. It confirms, what all foreigners and travellers assert, that there is no country upon earth, where the proprietors, managers, and conductors of these public conveyances, are so little responsible, so slightly amenable to the law, so far beyond the reach of public rebuke or public punishment; and the fearful catastrophe of the past week, as well as many others that night be collected from the history of the past year, are sufficient evidence that the late act of Congress, as was anticipated, has proved utterly inadequate and inefficient, and that something more strong, peremptory, and binding is necessary, to protect the immense amount of life and property, daily and hourly exposed upon our highways and our waters. "I call upon you therefore, as merchants, who have large interests at stake in this matter, I call upon you as men and citizens, who cannot behold with indifference the sufferings of your fellow-men, to let your influence be felt; let your voice be heard in this thing, let it go forth to swell the power of that great sovereign, Public Opinion, till it demands and insists upon enactments, that shall meet the necessities of the case." - pp. 17-20. QUARTERLY LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. AGRICULTURE. The Culture of the Beet, and Manufacture of Beet-Sugar, by David Lee Child. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, & Co. 12mo. pp. 156. ANNUALS. The Boston Almanac, for the Year 1840. By S. N. Dickinson. Boston: Thomas Groom. 32mo. pp. 132. The American Medical Almanac for 1840; designed for the daily Use of Practising Physicians, Surgeons, Students, and Apothecaries. By J. V. C. Smith, M. D. Vol. II. Boston: Marsh, Capen, Lyon, & Webb. 18mo. pp. 152. BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. The Life of William H. 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