DORIDER & SIDEBOTTOM Ladies' and Gents' Restaurant Fancy Bakery, Ice Cream Parlor, and Confectionery. 513 Church St. (near McKendree Church), Nashville, Tenn. Dry Goods Company IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Dry Goods and Notions Shoes, Cloaks, Carpets, Mailing Department a Specialty Samples Freely Sent on Application 618, 620 and 622 Church St., Cor. Seventh Ave. Nashville, Tennessee QUARTERLY HIS REVIEW has completed its fifteenth year and cel TH ebrated its anniversary. It is devoted to reviews of leading books and to papers on such topics of general literature as require fuller treatment than they receive in popular magazines and less technical treatment than they receive in specialist publications. In other words, the REVIEW conforms more nearly to the type of the English Reviews than is usual with American periodicals. Intending contributors and publishers desiring to have their important books reviewed will address as indicated below. Where the return of an article is desired, stamps should be inclosed. In all cases the full name of the contributor must be given. Each number consists of 128 large octavo pages, printed on heavy paper. The dates of issue are January, April, July, and October of each year. Subscription price, $2 a year in advance. Single numbers, 50 cents each. Suitable advertisements are inserted at the following rates: Composition and Presswork Done at The University Press of Sewanee Tennessee BANK OF SEWANEE SEWANEE, TENNESSEE Established March, 1907 I Depository for The University of the South Regular Correspondents: American National Bank of Nashville; We solicit any account, no matter how small, and B. LAWTON WIGGINS, President A. R. GRAY, Vice President H. A. GREGORY, Cashier |