0 THE TWO VOICES POEMS OF THE MOUNTAINS SELECTED BY JOHN W. CHADWICK AUTHOR OF "A BOOK OF POEMS," "IN NAZARETH TOWN," ETC., ETC. Two Voices are there; one is of the Sea, -WORDSWORTH TROY, N. Y. 1886 AL 418.86,7 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF MRS. PARKER POTTER SEP 2 1939 COPYRIGHT, 1886, BY H. B. NIMS & COMPANY TROW'S PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY, WHY THESE ? The most because I long have loved them well, With pain, because I could not take them all In my small craft, lest some mischance befall. But why have kept some that so widely pleaseBest known of all? Because I loved them so That sink or swim I could not let them go. But some are here-perchance a graver sinWhose name and fame as yet are all to win ; And some because the friends who love me best Said, for our sakes, be thine among the rest. J. W. C. |