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Arrive at Kingston.-Sail for London.-The Thames.-The
Custom-house.-Osborne's hotel.-A banker's wife.-Sea-
ward and his wife dress a-la-mode.-A young Frenchwoman.
—Mr. Perry, the head of the banking firm.-A dinner party.
-Seaward engaged in his affairs.-Attempt to persuade Mrs.
Seaward to enter fashionable life.-Seaward and Sir Robert
Walpole. The Minister's secretary.-Extraordinary disclo-
sures. Seaward, disappointed, is about quitting London.-
Visit from a court lady induces him to delay.--Lady Sundon.




WE kept our eyes upon our island home, while any trace of it could be seen. As the vessel proceeded on her course, it became less and less apparent, gradually sinking in the wave; still something appeared like a small cloud on the horizon, when suddenly, and unperceived by us, the sun went down, and I saw the little speck no more. On the instant my Eliza and myself felt as when some dear friend passes away beneath your eye to the world of spirits. We took each other's hand in silence, and sat down upon the deck. Here my sweet partner was not slow to cheer me with blissful words, while the thoughts that gave them utterance warmed her own bosom. Thus cheered we arose, and as she talked I seemed to forget all but what I then heard and saw. It was a peerless night-the azure canopy, studded with a thousand stars, appeared in transcendant loveliness above us, while my own embodied angel leaned on my arm, discoursing of joys unsusceptible of alloy, whose fountain is higher than the heavens.

During the greater part of the night we walked the deck; and when we descended to our cabin, we left the captain in full expectation of being able to fetch the west end of Jamaica without making a tack, if the wind should continue steady.

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On the following day the breeze was not so favorable, but at the expiration of a week we made the highland above Bluefields. From hence we beat up to windward, taking advantage of the land-wind by night; and on the tenth day from taking our departure from the islands, the schooner dropped anchor at Kingston, as near as possible to Mr. Dickinson's wharf. I now took my pistols from my belt, being again within the circle of old England's protective rights. This was on Wednesday the 12th day of March.

I lost no time in writing a note to Mr. Dickinson, and despatched Purdy with it: he soon returned with a clerk of the store, who told me Mr. Dickinson was dead; but that his employer, Mr. Green, who now occupied the premises, had a good deal of Mr. Dickinson's business, and would be happy to do any thing for me I should wish. I answered him that I had some boxes of money to put in safe charge; and that I would thank him to take a house, or commodious lodgings for myself, my wife, and two servants, as near the water as possible, for the better accommodation of business. After receiving his promise to execute my wishes immediately, I added that I would remain on board until he had accomplished the object, when the schooner should haul to his employer's whart and land the money. I sent Purdy with him, and in about an hour they returned. He had taken lodgings for me in King street, not very far up, and if I pleased I might have all the house but one room, which the owner of the house, a brown lady, desired to reserve for herself. The schooner was now hauled to the wharf, and in about an hour all the boxes were landed. When done, I gave each of the crew a dollar, for which they were very thankful; and I told the captain to call on me before sun-set, and I would pay him his freight. The boxes with the treasure, as well as our trunks and cot, were removed from the vessel to our lodgings with my usual caution; and seeing ourselves, with our faithful little dog, and our heavy care, all together here in safety, we felt grateful to God for his continued protection.

The good woman of the house undertook to provide dinner and every thing else we might require, at a mode. rate charge; and as there were but three sleeping rooms besides her own, with a front and back dining-room or

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