SEPTEMBER 17th, 1867-At Kirby-Moorside, John Allan, who was born at Cabon, in Lincolnshire, in the year 1799. His parents were connected with the Church of England. When nineteen years of age, he attended a Wesleyan service to ridicule and mock; but before leaving the house of prayer he was convinced of sin and converted to God. The reality of the change effected in him was evinced by a consistent Christian career of nearly half a century. Some time after removing into Yorkshire, he felt called to preach the Gospel. His labours as a Local preacher were successful, not only in the Helmsley and Pickering Circuits, where he resided, but also in adjoining towns and villages. As a classleader and visiter of the sick, he was beloved by those who were brought under his influence, and made a blessing to them. As a man of business he was remarkable for his firmness and uprightness. He was suddenly called to his reward, but left consolatory assurance to his friends that he was ready to depart and to be with Christ. February 11th, 1868.-At Londonthorpe-Mill, in the Grantham Circuit, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, aged seventy-four years. She was a native of Billingborough, and in carly life was converted to God, and joined the Wesleyan-Methodist Society. She resided for several years in the Wisbeach and Peterborough Circuits, but in 1845 removed to Londonthorpe-Mill, where she held fast her integrity, and continued a member of the Church of her youth to the day of her death. The Bible was her daily companion, and standard of appeal on all questions relating to doctrine and practice. Her last illness was long and painful, but she was strong in faith. The night before she died, when speaking of her prospect of heaven, she exclaimed, "Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, Laughs at impossibilities, And cries, It shall be done!'" Her end was peace. J. O. Mr. John For a long February 25th.-At Oldham, Chadwick, aged sixty-three years. period he was a partaker of Divine grace, and by integrity and uprightness in business-transactiona adorned the doctrine of God our Saviour. He held several offices in the Church, and by deeds and words sought to incite others to liberality in the cause of God. Although he had not been well for many months, his death was unexpected. But he knew whom he had believed, and peacefully heard the Master's call. Only three days afterwards, Mr. Chadwick's wife Elizabeth "fell asleep." When about eighteen years of age, at a cottage prayer-meeting, she received forgiveness of her sins through faith in Jesus, and from that time was a steadfast member of the Methodist Society. As the wife of Mr. James Tattersall, and afterwards of Mr. Chadwick, she performed her domestic duties with diligence, fidelity, and affection. In seasons of affliction she was resigned and cheerful, knowing that "all things work together for good to them that love God." As a class-leader she helped others in their Christian course, and in the use of her property did not forget the poor and the work of the Lord. Her attention to her husband was unremitting till the end of January last, when she also was prostrated by sickness. In all her conflicts she triumphed in Christ, and often repeated the lines, "In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling." Her last whisper was, "I am safe." C. P. March 12th.-At Canterbury, Mrs. Brown, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph Brown, and sister of the late Rev. Joseph Earnshaw. She was born of pious parents at Kirkburton, near Huddersfield, and received her first religious impressions at a revival-meeting among the Primitive Methodists, in a village at a distance from her home. On her return, two years after, to her native place, she connected herself with the Wesleyan-Methodist Society, of which several elder branches of the family were members, and continued warmly and conscientiously attached to it till the day of her death. She became a successful Sunday-school teacher, and subsequently a valued class-leader; and in each capacity did good service to those entrusted to her care. To the poor she was a kind and sympathizing friend, relieving their necessities, and directing their thoughts to the true riches. In her domestic relations she was exemplary. She was a faithful wife; a loving mother, watchful over the interests of her children; a true friend, who could be depended on in the time of need. Her last illness, which was protracted and painful, she bore with Christian fortitude. Severe and depressing temptation assailed her; but through a firm reliance upon the atonement of her Lord, and faith in God's promises, she finally triumphed, and calmly expired in the peace and hope of the Gospel. T. H. April 16th.-At Fisherton, in the Salisbury Circuit, Jane, the widow of the late Mr. Joseph Harding. Mrs. Harding was born at Amesbury, in Wiltshire, in 1786, and was trained in the teaching of the Established Church. When she was young the Methodists visited Amesbury, and held a preaching service in a bakehouse. At the close of that service, Mrs. Harding, who had now heard the Gospel preached in a way quite new to her, gave the first sixpence towards maintaining the Methodist cause in that place, in which it has flourished for sixty years. She was then seventeen years old. Deep conviction seized her soul, and for years she lived in the "spirit of bondage." At length, however, she cast her soul on Christ, and obtained a clear evidence of God's adopting love. For sixty-1've years Mrs. Harding was a member of the Methodist Society, and a most consistent Christian; and for forty years was the affectionate wife of a most useful Local preacher. She was also for many years a class-leader at Fisherton. Her disposition was gentle and retiring; and her piety steady, cheerful, and exemplary. In her Christian experience she seldom rose above the enjoyment of peace; but, just a week before she died, she told one of the Circuit ministers she had lately experienced much joy in the Holy Ghost." The death of her lamented husband, fourteen years ago, left many posts of usefulness vacant, and Mrs. Harding did her best to supply his place. She gave liberally to the cause of God, and to charitable institutions; visited the sick; and relieved the poor. Her death was that of the righteous, and her name will long be had in blessed remembrance. S. V. April 18th.-Rachel, daughter of Mr. William Storr, was born at Bassingham, near Lincoln, on the 21st of April, 1840. Her remains were interred in the same village, on her twentyeighth birthday. Trained in a Christian family, she was always truthful, affectionate, dutiful, and unassuming. Many might have deemed such characteristics sufficient, but she was led to feel the need of a change in her relation to God, and of a spiritual renewal. During her residence at the school of Mrs. Islip, at Kileworth, Leicestershire, she was awakened to a sense of her sinful state; and her friend and fellow-pupil, the accomplished writer of "Sermons from the Studio," was instrumental in leading her to accept Christ as her personal Saviour. From that time all her amiable qualities shone with additional brightness, while the love of God gave cheerfulness, and often joyousness, to a mind naturally inclined to gravity, if not to sad ness. One who lived in the same house, and met in the same class, describes her as 66 a joyous Christian." But her joy was not more marked than her simplicity, humility, and tender regard for the character and reputation of others. One of her class-leaders says, "Her views of the nature of faith were very clear, and her constant habit of simple, childlike trust in Jesus was a prominent feature in her religious character." After her conversion, her letters and conversation showed her solicitude for the salvation of her friends, while they evinced a peculiar aptitude in setting forth the way of salvation to a confused or doubting mind. In several instances she was instrumental in leading distressed souls to Christ. Her fidelity, too, is worthy of mention. She would not spare her own feelings, or retain a valued friendship, by conniving at a fault which, if unexposed, might become serious; but she would refer to it in the most loving manner. Her mind was of a superior order, delighting to dwell on the infinite perfections of God, and especially His condescension to sinners. With a pleasure in gaining and imparting knowledge, she combined a quick insight into character, and was well adapted to the sphere of life she selected, the instruction of young ladies. The school she established in Lincoln, eighteen months before her death, bade fair by its increasing prosperity, to reward the loving, unwearied care she bestowed upon it But her work was soon done. Though the nature of her disease tubercles on the brain-precluded the lucid testimony which she might otherwise have borne to the faithfulness and love of Christ in her last hour, she was ready, at the call of her Lord, to quit His service on earth for the uninterrupted joy of His presence above. After a few weeks of severe illness, her spirit escaped away. "They say she died; it seemed to me, That after hours of pain and strife, She slept one morning peacefully, And woke in everlasting life." M. R. April 21st.-At Whiteparish, in the Salisbury Circuit, John Smith. He came between forty and fifty years ago to reside at Whiteparish, and was then an ignorant and ungodly man, and a persecutor of the people of God While he was in this state, the Rev. Isaac Bradnack preached on Whiteparish Common. Amongst the villagers who heard him was Mr. Smith. Under this, the first Methodist sermon ever preached at Whiteparish, he was, with many others, convinced of sin, and found peace with God at a prayer-meeting shortly afterwards. From that time to his death Mr. Smith strove to adorn the doctrines of the Gospel, and in the midst of persecution steadily held on his way. Through the exertion of himself and his brethren, a small place of worship was soon opened, which is now replaced by a commodious chapel, which Mr. Smith rejoiced to see erected some years before his death. For thirty years he was a Local preacher and class-leader,-two offices in which he displayed considerable strength and firmness of mind, as well as great consistency and zeal. As a preacher his talent lay in setting forth the demands, and declaring the penalty, of God's law; but he never forgot the glorious Gospel of Christ. During the somewhat protracted illness which ended in his death, Mr. Smith beautifully illustrated God's sustaining grace. To all visiters he said, "I am soon to be with Christ," and entreated them to meet him in a world of holiness and rest. S. V. May 30th.-At Crag-View, Shipley, aged forty-seven years, Mr. Robert Southworth. He was brought to the saving knowledge of the truth under the ministry of the Rev. William Sugden, and a genuine conversion was followed by a career of great Christian activity and usefulness. His character furnished a beautiful illustration of the apostolic injunction, "Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." His friends were anticipating the prospect of extended spiritual influence, when his life was unexpectedly terminated by an affliction of great severity. During a period of acute suffering his mind was kept in perfect peace. Such utterances as extreme pain or complete prostration permitted, were full of assurance and hope; and the final victory was decisive. "The memory of the just is blessed." J. P. L. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICHOLS, 46, HOXTON SQUARE. WESLEYAN-METHODIST MAGAZINE. DECEMBER, 1868. MEMOIR OF THE LATE REV. ABEL DERNALEY: It is right and becoming that the memory of eminent servants of Christ and His Church should be preserved: that those who have laboured in the high places of the field, who have filled a large space in the the public eye, should have the place of honour in the roll of the departed. But brief notices of less prominent workers are often read with equal pleasure and profit. To this latter class belonged MR. and MRS. DERNALEY. Unobtrusive almost to a fault, they yet exercised a most blessed influence in the circle in which they moved. Christian people ever felt their society to be refreshing; and even those who were not themselves religious acknowledged the power and loveliness of their consistent lives. Like Zacharias and Elisabeth of old, "they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." MR. DERNALEY was the youngest but one of a large family, ten of whom lived until past middle age. He was born at Tintwistle Derbyshire, March 25th, 1797. His parents were members of the Church of England, but the church being at some distance from their residence, they frequently attended service at an Independent chapel. Heavy losses which his father sustained in business appear to have flung a sadness over his early years. Of an affectionate and deeply sensitive spirit, he felt intensely the trials through which his parents were called to pass. But as the earth is made soft with showers, and prepared for the seed of the husbandman, so sorrow seems, in his case, to have contributed to dispose his heart for the reception of the "truth as it is in Jesus." The good seed fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit abundantly. He rarely spoke of his youth. Some scanty references, extending over many years, found in his note-book, may be given in his own words. He thus describes his first leaving home, when in his fifteenth year : "I felt sad as I walked along, thinking much of my aged parents and their circumstances-they having just left the house where they had lived nearly thirty years. Never shall I forget my emotions. I felt that I needed more than human aid, but knew little about look. ing aright for help. God, however, saw me, and helped me. When VOL. XIV.-FIFTH SERIES. 3 Y |