several wealthy and warm-hearted friends, and one theory suggested was the building of a church in another part of the Wynds. One princely Christian man, rejoicing in the progress already made, offered a thousand pounds towards this object, soon after adding eight hundred, and finally subscribing six hundred more. Several others freely and generously entered into the scheme; and on July 4th, 1859, five years after the opening of the first new Wynd church, the foundation-stone of a second was laid in the "Briggate." The prosperity of this work in the Wynds gave new heart and hope to those who were labouring in similar fields elsewhere. "The story of the Briggate church, as it became known, gave a mighty impulse to mission work. Our Church Building Society was able to complete two churches that had long been proposed, in addition to four previously built or bought. The effect upon the Wynd work was of course very great. Not only were the people encouraged, but we were able to launch upon the rising tide several schemes that had been for some time upon the stocks. A colporteur had already been employed. A Bible-woman was now engaged, and a clothing fund instituted." 66 Mr. The ninth chapter of the volume before us contains an account of a glorious revival of religion, which, while beginning in the Wynds, extended outside. The promised "power from on high" came down in more than ordinary measure; and "the word of the truth of the Gospel" became, on a wondrous scale, a living message of convic tion and salvation. Some of the most careless and hardened were pricked to the heart;" and, under the transforming energy of the Spirit of grace, became new creatures in Christ Jesus. At one com. munion-service a hundred and sixty new members were admitted. Out of several deeply interesting details we can select only one case. Maccoll thus relates it :-" One Saturday morning a young man called on me. 'I have been at your meeting several times,' he said. 'Three of us commenced a prayer-meeting in our establishment, and had forty present. There is, however, one young man, over a department, possessed of fine gifts, who is a ringleader in wickedness. If we could get him converted, we could do anything. I have spoken to him frequently on religious subjects, but have been obliged to give it up. Latterly I have taken to prayer, and for three weeks I have continued seeking grace for his soul. At the end of that time he came to me, to speak of these things, of his own accord. I have had him one night at the Wynd meeting. I shall have a walk with him this afternoon, and would like to bring him in to see you, if I can manage it. Will you let us come?' 'Surely,' I replied. Often during the day I telegraphed the case heavenward. In the evening they both entered. There had been a hard battle. It had lasted nearly an hour at my door, as I afterwards learned. We were soon upon the great subject. Have you been long concerned?' I asked. 'I have been two or three times at your meeting, but I can hardly say I am concerned; my heart is hardened.' 'How did you feel the first time you were there?' 'I felt it was a reality.' 'Have you been accustomed to attend church?' 'My father is an elder; but I have rarely attended church for the last six years.' 'And have been going into all sorts of wickedness ?' 'Yes. And so we entered on the great question of sin, and reasoned of righteousness and judgment to come. Then we knelt; and as we rose, I observed he had been weeping. Next morning, the Sabbath, as I entered for the early prayer-meeting, I saw him there." That day and the day following there was a sharp struggle, and then the following note told Mr. Maccoll the glad tidings of deliverance :-" Praise be to God! I have been enabled to cast all my care upon Christ. I could not sleep last night for a long time, so exquisite was the joy I felt....... Pray that I may be instrumental in turning many from darkness to light." Very prominent in the work in the Wynds we recognise the element of prayer. "The prayer-meeting had, from the first, been the centre of our work. Here our motive power was largely generated. Every wheel in our machinery was attached to some part of the gearing that was moved here. The great driving-belt, however far it travelled, always passed back again here... ...In the midst of these services, I placed a carefully-studied, brief, practical, and, if possible, stirring exposition from some book of the Bible. Once a month I gave news of mission work, gathered from all available sources; and we prayed for places, persons, churches, and stations that thus interested us.' Not a little instructive is it to observe in the latter portions of this volume how, as the blessed work prospered and spread, new and altogether unexpected opportunities and agencies of usefulness opened up; one enterprise leading on to another, and successive conquests making the way for still further triumphs over the kingdom of evil. While we gladly commend this unpretending record of earnest and successful evangelizing to our readers, let us also ask their thoughtful attention to those notices of our own Home-Mission work which appear from time to time in this Magazine, HORE BIBLICÆ. No. XCV.-"THE HARSH COMMAND." "It came to pass that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him,...... Take now thy son, thine only son Is iac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains, which I will tell thee of." (Genesis xxii. 1, 2.) How shall we account for so strange a command as this? We have often heard and read of heathen parents, offering up their sons and daughters in sacrifice to their grim idols; a custom which the Christian religion justly censures as detestable, and which, by the Law of Moses, the Israelites were taught to abhor. But that the true God should have commanded a father to offer up his beloved son, as a burnt sacrifice, is what could never have been expected by any who were acquainted with His character and perfections. That such a command was given, we know; and our familiarity with the narrative serves to allay our wonder at the fact, and our faith in God suffices to * See "Wesleyan-Methodist lymn-Book,” hymn 286, verse 1. satisfy us of its propriety; for, as Abraham said on another occasion, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" The command, nevertheless, remains to be accounted for; and this is what we propose to attempt. I. The immediate purpose of the command is expressed in the commencement of the narrative: "It came to pass that God did tempt Abraham." The word in the original is, which signifies to try, prove, assay; and is never used, we believe, in the sense of endeavour. ing to persuade or induce another to commit sin.* In this latter sense," God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man." (James i. 13.) But the Hebrew verb, and even the English word tempt, in the sense of trial, proof, or experiment, are often employed, when the Divine Being is the object or the actor. "Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God, as ye tempted Him in Massah." (Deut. vi. 16.) "Examine me, O Lord, and prove me, (?) try my reins and my heart.” (Psalm xxvi. 2.) It is in this sense, according to the inspired historian, that "God did tempt Abraham;" He put the patriarch's faith and obedience to the severest test. It is difficult to conceive a sharper trial than that which Abraham was now called to endure. For Isaac was the child of promise, the son of his old age, whose birth had been an object of intense desire, and who, according to the Divine declaration, was to have become the father of an innumerable posterity. If God had required the son in the ordinary course of his Providence, by accident or disease, or any other method which did not involve the father's agency or participation, and which left him no choice; even then it would have been a severe dispensation. In such a case, however, acquiescence in the Divine will would not have been a distinction, since it is what many a believer, under the Old and the New Testament, has been called to exercise. But for a father to be commanded to offer up his son, and be himself the priest who slays and burns the sacrifice; this was such a trial that, in the history of the true religion, there had never before been anything like it, nor could any such test ever occur again. It is impossible to do justice to the narrative under consideration, unless we take into account the difference of the circumstances, and of the age in which Abraham lived, when contrasted with our own. The idea of a father sacrificing his son to God, was probably not new to Abraham. In after times we know it was but too common in that very country where he resided. In the time of Moses the Canaanites It is used in a more limited sense than the Greek word weipásw, and the Latin word tento, which are employed in both the above senses. The English words to tempt and temptation are most frequently used in the sense of allurement or persuasion to evil, but not invariably so. Their primary signification, to try, and trial, is seen in such passages as these:-" Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life." (James i. 12.) "Who shall tempt with wandering feet The dark, unbottom'd, infinite abyss, And through the palpable obscure find out His uncouth way ?"-" Paradise Lost," book ii., ll. 44-47. offered human sacrifices. Even their sons and their daughters they burnt in the fire to their gods." (Deut. xii. 31.) But this was four hundred years after the age of Abraham, when "the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full.” (Gen. xv. 16.) Still, it is probable that in those ages which lie beyond the reach of our knowledge, the idea had begun to be entertained, that the life of a son, and especially of the eldest, the only, or the most beloved one, as it was the most valuable and precious offering they could present, so it must needs be the most meritorious, and the most acceptable to the gods they worshipped. There was a time when the only material offerings required of man were the flowers and fruits of the earth. But this was in Paradise, before our first parents fell. There was a time when the law of animal sacrifice was instituted, and when the command was new which required the blood and life of an innocent lamb or kid to be presented on God's altar. If human sacrifices had not begun to be practised in Abraham's time, how could he know, when he received the command to offer up his son, but that this was to be an addition to the existing ritual, and a permanent though new institution? The truths of Christianity, so familiar to us, were unknown to him; and he lived long before the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. He knew the original promise that "the Seed of the woman should, though at the cost of His own suffering, wreak vengeance on the head of the old serpent. How could he know but that Isaac was that promised seed, and that his was to be the real, and not a figurative, sacrifice? But if the practice of human sacrifice had then already commenced among the Canaanites, the command to sacrifice a son would appear the less strange: and Abraham would understand, that as the heathen around him showed their zeal for their false gods by this highest sacri. fice, the same was required of him, as a test of his zeal and a proof of his regard for the true God. We must also remember, that the offering up of Isaac by his father, even if it had actually and literally been accomplished, would have been regarded by Abraham's neighbours, not with blame or condemnation, as such an act at present would among us, but as an act of the greatest merit and highest piety. The command, therefore, at the time it was given, and in the circumstances of Abraham, was a fair and proper, though severe, trial of his faith, which has, in fact, served to render it illustrious in all succeeding ages. It was also a test of his love and obedience, and served to show that, as a worshipper of the true God, he was not less ready to offer to Him his best and dearest, than the idolatrous Canaanites were to offer theirs to their false gods. The trial was unique: it could never be repeated, but was made once for all. If Abraham had known the result, as we know it, it would have been to him no trial at all. The certain anticipation of a like result would render a similar command in all after times ineffectual for the purpose of such a "tempting;" and therefore its repetition must needs become impossible. But, unparalleled as the trial was, the faith of Abraham successfully endured it; and this was foreknown by Him who suffers not His people to be tempted above what they are able to bear. In giving the command, God knew that He had to do with an Abraham; and in obeying that command, Abraham knew that he had to do with God. Such was his faith in the power and promise, in the faithfulness and boundless resources, of the Almighty, that he believed God would restore Isaac to life after he was sacrificed; although no example had yet occurred of a resurrection from the dead. "By faith Abraham -as far as it depended on him"offered up Isaac; and he that had received the promises offered up his only-begotten son." "He staggered not through unbelief," either at the promise or the command; "but was strong in faith, giving glory to God." II. A second and not less important purpose may have been intended, and was actually answered by the command, when taken in connexion with its result; namely, to discountenance the inhuman rites of paganism, especially that of human sacrifices. Animal sacrifices had been instituted and enjoined, soon after the fall, by the command of God Himself. This we may infer from the acceptance of Abel's offering; (Gen. iv. 4;) and they continued to be practised by the patriarchs. These sacrifices were intended as a means of impressing on the minds of men a lively ser se of that forfeiture of life which had been incurred by transgression; as an acknowledgment, on the part of the offerer, of his guilt and demerit; and as an expression of faith in that great sacrifice which they symbolized and prefigured. Human sacrifices were the perversion and abuse of this early institution, and they came at length to be regarded as the most solemn and meritorious of religious acts; as much more sacred and important, as human life is of more value than that of an inferior animal. The custom prevailed among most of the pagan nations of antiquity, not excepting those of the greatest eminence. The Phoenicians, the earliest navigators, offered up children in sacrifice to Saturn, and carried the custom with them into all their colonies. The practice of human sacrifice was found among the ancient Greeks and Romans, in India and Africa, where it is not yet extinct. It existed among the Germans, Gauls, and Britons; and was found in America, and in the South-Sea Islands, at the time of their discovery. How shall we account for a custom so prevalent and wide-spread, and for its existence among nations who had no knowledge of, or intercourse with, each other for so many ages? The depravity of human nature, the perverted sentiment of religion, the terrors of a guilty conscience, and the fear of Divine wrath, may serve to account for it. They who so far deviated from the purity of primeval faith and wor ship, as to represent the Divinity under human and bestial forms, bowing down to wood and stone, the work of their own hands, and offering sacrifice to demons, would by a similar perversion of the reasoning faculty infer, from the institution of animal sacrifices,-a prescribed and acceptable form of religious service, that an offering still more valuable, precious, and beloved, would be still more acceptable in the sight of heaven, and the most effectual of all to expiate sin, and propitiate the Divine anger. Thus, according to Eschylus and Euripides, when che Greek fleet lay becalmed in the Bay of Aulis, it was announced by the oracle that nothing but the blood of a virgin, and that virgin the daughter of Agamemnon, the commander of the fleet, would appease |