here. I did so yesterday, and Shadrach has preached to-day. People are becoming Christian all round, and there is only here and there a town that is not lotu. We start early in the morn ing for Navosa. I anticipate no difficulty, except in this place. If they do not lotu, I believe they will not venture to kill me. I think much about you and our little ones, especially Alice. If Navosa should lotu, I will send another letter on by Nadroga, or any other way that may offer. I may be home by to-morrow week, July 27th. I have found the people very kind, so far. We hope to reach Navosa to-morrow, and, if they lotu, to spend Sunday there. There is no fighting anywhere now, so I feel the 'coast' is all clear. Kiss the children for me,—all of them, Bea, as I hope to meet her there. bless you all. "Your devoted husband," &c. 1 yard. Mr. Baker and the native mis- with him. Then the native mission ary, in accordance with Fijian custom, to show the travellers the road to Vuda. His reply to their expressed wish, that so favourable. He would not make any change, as he hated Christianity. inclined to lotu-become Christian he, Mr. Baker and party, would spend to do this, Mr. Baker asked to be conducted on his way that night: whereThese letters were received on Tues- slept here on his way across the land upon the chief said, "No, the consul day morning, the 23d of July; but the brave missionary had been taken away two days before that from his Master's work to his Master's side. from south to north, and so must you." At this place Mr. Baker got another party went at once to a house pointed now consisted one native missionary, two teachers, and six young men from At a late hour many of the natives of the place visited the strangers, and our Circuit Training Institution. Mr. made many inquiries about ChristianBaker and his companions were with- ity. Some said, "What is the Chris out arms. July 20th.-Early in the morning tianity you come to tell us about?" the chief of Namara, Dawarau, gave for ever? If it will, then we will be Mr. Baker two young men as guides, and the party left before breakfast for sionary and the native assistant misthe district of Navosa. The chiefs and sionary, in kind and pleasant words, miles with them, and then bidding "Where are presents to us; where are many of the townspeople went a few explained. Then, again, said others, them farewell, returned. Mr. Baker guns and powder and cloth, that we and his comrades then took breakfast. come Christian at once." The mis They continued their march; and by way conversation was kept up for some about two o'clock P.M. they saw in the time; but nothing unpleasant took may become Christian with?" In this distance the principal village, as the natives call it, of the Navosa tribe. After taking they walked up, and on entering the some refreshment place. 21st.-Early in the morning Mr. Baker conducted morning prayers with his people, and the party took house. The chief's name is Nakataka- Baker was seen looking through his town inquired at once for the chief's breakfast. One witness states that Mr. taimoso. When told of the arrival of the strangers, he came outside and sat down telescope from the low doorway, at places. Then he said, "Lads, let us be quick, or we shall be killed to-day." However this may be, it is certain that at about even o'clock A.M., and just while a little water was boiling to make the missionary a cup of coffee, the chief of the town came to the door, and said, "Come along; let us put you on your road at once. Messengers have come from the neighbouring villages to say that the people will soon be here, and if you stay much longer you will be sure to get killed." The missionary, without a moment's delay, said, "Who will conduct us out of the town?" And the chief said, "I will." Without waiting for coffee, or, as far as I can learn, taking notice of anything in the house, Mr. Baker followed his guide, and the whole party turned out and formed in single file, one behind the other, which is Fijian marching order. The two young men who had acted as guides on Saturday were detained in the house. The chief, as he promised to do, led the way. Mr. Baker followed, and behind him came a strong-looking native of the place, carrying a kind of battle-axe or long-helved tomahawk; then came Shadrach Seileka, the native assistant missionary, and after him two teachers and six young men belonging to our Circuit Training Institution. The last man but two in the line had on his right shoulder a small iron box. The party had not gone more than a hundred yards, when the last two young men looked behind, and saw the second chief of the town leading on a band of armed savages. They were coming on at a rapid pace, and without noise or confusion. This terrified the two young men, who ran forward into the middle of the party. The man with the iron box was now the last in the line. The chief leading the armed men, with a long club dealt him a blow on the head. As the box was a little tilted behind, it received the full force of the blow, and the man dropping the box, sprung out of the line to the left. The noise and the commotion behind caused Mr. Baker to turn round, and step a little out of the path, to see what had happened. The man with the long-helved hatchet passed on somewhat ahead, and then turned too, so as to be just behind Mr. Baker. The missionary at that moment, with his right hand raised, was in the act of speaking, when he was suddenly cut down by the man, who chopped him across the back, and a little to the right side of the neck. At this point the evidence of our best witnesses breaks off; for it is that given by two young men who escaped. One of these saw the hatchet raised, but did not see it fall, for he was gone into the reed-grass close by. This young man was one of the two who had a few moments before changed position by running into the middle of the line. The other, who was the man that carried the box, heard Mr. Baker say, "Don't! don't!" and he saw him struck with the hatchet, and fall over on his right side. This man concealed himself in the reed-grass till night, and then, finding the path the party had come by on Saturday, he succeeded by night-travelling in reaching Veria three days after this horrible deed was done. He was found by my messenger-sent in search of additional news to that brought by our teachers from the inland tribes—on Thursday, July 25th, and examined the same day by the Rev. F. Tait and myself. The deceased missionary was in the thirty-sixth year of his age, and the ninth of his ministry. A more hardworking man I have not known. He was not a hasty enthusiast, but a steady worker, who never flinched from duty, when it appeared clear to him that duty called him to action. He was for two years my colleague on Vanua-Levu, the island next to this in importance and extent in the group. For the last two years we have again been fellow-labourers. THE amount of Contributions and Remittances announced on the Cover of the Notices this month is £9,812 18s. 7d. 1. AN APPEAL FROM HYTHE SCHOOL OF MUSKETRY.-Trom a Stoff-Sergeant to the Rer. C. Prest.-I take the liberty of addressing you, in order to bring before you the case of the military at this station. We have a permanent staff of ten officers, and about fifty staff-sergeants and privates. Four parties of men from different corps, euch consisting of fifty officers and two bundred and fifty non-commissioned officers, are sent here in the year for instruction, so that two hundred officers and one thousard men pass through the school yearly. There are, of course, "declared" Wesleyans among them: from thirty to fifty are generally marched to our chapel. The ma-commissioned officers and men are selected for their educational advantages and character. They come from all parts of the kingdom; and if they could be influenced for good here, they would be widely useful. We need more efficient pastoral attention than can possibly be given to us by the ministers of the Circuit. Their attention is necessarily devoted to the numerous places under their care. We need a regular ministerial supply for the Sunday morning parade-services, so that the Wesleyans arriving here may be encouraged, and that others may be led to join our ranks. I know that you have the welfare of car soldiers at heart. Can you help us? Cu your Committee send us a zealous maister? If you can, a military friend here premises five pounds per annum, and I will give two pounds. I know also of cthers who would help. We hope our test may be met. 2. MAURITIUS.-The Rev. W. S. Caldett, who was zealously and successfully Freecating his labours among the Wesleyaas in the army stationed in this colony, and who paid exemplary attention to the ck and dying during the prevalence of the fever which was so widely fatal to the population, has himself been laid aside from active work. Repeated and severe attacks of fever placed his life, for a time, in danger, and left him in an enfelled condition. He was, consequently, forced to leave Port Louis, to try the efect of his native air and rest, in the Cape of Good Hope colony. Since he has been there he has had relapses; and we Pret to say that his health is now in a debtful state, arousing the anxiety of his friends and of the Committee. He purPoses returning to his post, should his strength be restored. Many of the military VOL. XIV.-FIFTH SERIES. have been sent home "invalided" through the epidemic. The sanitary condition of the Mauritius is still unsatisfactory to the authorities, and the 86th Regiment, which sailed some months since for that island, is still detained at the Cape of Good Hope. 3. Extract from a letter from a soldier at Dinapore, September 11th, 1867, to the Rev. A. S. White.-I have had many trials since you left India. I am now in Bengal, with the river Ganges just before my door. My wife and myself are earnestly striving to love and serve the Lord. There are no Wesleyan ministers in this place, so we go to the English church, where there is a good and useful minister. It is a sorrowful thing that no Wesleyan minister is here, as a large European congregation would be secured, if one were appointed. 4. EXTRACTS FROM SOLDIERS' LETTERS. -From Sergeant 83d Regiment, to the Rev. James Tobias.-Gibraltar, August 12th, 1867.-We have a good chapel, but the congregation is not so large as when the 32d Regiment was here. I feel happy in the love of God, through believing in His Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. My wife and I remain firm in our attachment to Methodism, and we are praying for more wisdom and grace. I am now reading Wesley's Sermons, and find great profit in doing so. From 83d Regiment, Gibraltar, to Rev. James Tobias.-May 15th, 1867. -We arrived here after a rough passage. I and at once joined a class; and on Sunday last my soul was greatly refreshed. I felt as thongh a river of pleasure was running through my heart. There is sweetness in godliness, in mortifying the flesh, in dying to the world, and in living in and to God. From -> Bullevant, to Rev. J. Tobias.-May 8th, 1867.-Our hearts were gladdened by receiving your kind and most welcome letter. We are starving here for want of spiritual food, though we are cheered by a brother belonging to the 62d Regiment. There is a Wesleyan minister at Mallow, but that is seven miles from us. He has preached occasionally in our barracks. God is with us. Our class-mecting is kept up, and we are blessed in it. We are thankful for the G trouble you have taken to get the Rev. Mr. Geddes, of Fermoy, to visit us. Ilis visit refreshed us much, as did the visit of an officer who prayed with us. We will take your pastoral and fatherly advice as to our companionship. From 4th Dragoon Guards, Curragh, to the Rev. James Tobias.February 20th, 1867.-I have counted the cost, and am determined to live for Christ. If I could be of service by standing in the street, and telling people the happiness they would enjoy by believing in Christ with penitent faith, I would gladly do so. I have just returned from one of our class-meetings, and truly God has blessed us. I occupy my leisure weeknights in attending public service and Bible and other classes. Our regiment is about to be removed to Scotland, and I shall sadly miss my kind friends here; I hope to meet with Methodists where we are going. Wherever I go, I find God is my portion and help. You, Sir, were the first that caused me to think of my soul's welfare. I am grateful, and I wish to hear from you. but HOME-MISSIONARY CORRESPONDENCE. 1. LONDON.-Chequer-Alley. From the Rev. James Yeames.-November 11th, 1867.-We are going on prosperously here. The public services are well attended by the population of the Alley. On Sunday evenings the place is filled. I have a night-school on Thursdays, with an attendance of about sixty young people, who work in the day-time. Our Sunday-school has increased, and its order has been much improved. There are, on the average, one hundred and eighty scholars, including two large classes for "big" beginners, and two select classes. There are one hundred and forty children in our day-school. We are encouraged by witnessing signs that good is being done. Miss M'Carthy's class has sixty-six members in it; and I am about to form another class. We hope to see the work of the Lord prosper in this needy locality. 2. LONDON.-Spitalfields.— From the Rev. J. S. Cooke.-November 9th, 1867. -We are now working Globe-road chapel with Spitalfields, preparatory to making a vigorous effort for Mile-End-road, with its numerous and destitute population. In both places we are favoured with signs of improvement. We have repaired and cleaned the Globe-road chapel, and have been enabled to defray the expense. Our school in Mile-End-road is prospering, and I hope to secure a preaching-place there, so as to keep our hold upon it. The scheme for raising £2,500, to place Spitalfields in a right position, is hopefully launched, and we are looking for good results. 3. GERMAN MISSION IN LONDON. November 27th, 1867.-The prospects of this Mission are still encouraging. The congregations are steadily improving, more especially at our new station in Whitechapel, where a Sunday-school of about eighty German children has becu gathered during the past six months. It will soon be necessary to take steps towards the erection of a chapel in this locality. The growing wants of the Mission cannot be adequately met by our present hired preaching-rooms. By the exertions of Mr. Quilter, of the Richmond Theological Institution, Fulham has been placed on our German Plan, at which place services are held for the benefit of the Germans employed in the gas and other works. 4. LONDON.-Great Queen-street Circuit. From the Rev. A. G. Ward.November 28th, 1867.-You will be glad to hear of the success which has attended the opening services of our Home-Mission school-chapel in the Prince of Wales'road, Haverstock-hill. The congregations were large, and the services of the ministers engaged were able, and calculated to produce a deep religious impression. The people who compose the congregations are, with few exceptions, of the working-class, from whom £90 was obtained at the opening. It was a cheering sight to see the chapel, on Sunday evening last, filled with working-men and their wives. Six persons were in great distress on account of their sins, and two of them found peace with God through faith in Christ. We hai these as the first fruits of what, we hope will be an abundant harvest, to be gathered in this thickly-peopled neighbourhood Our chapel will accommodate about six hundred persons. We have one hundred and fifty sittings in pews, of which we have already let a fair proportion, and expect to let them all before long. I believe that, with diligent culture, this will prove a sphere of successful Mission labour. We have commenced two new classes under highly encouraging circumstances. It is right to say, that our friends in the other parts of the Circuit have given us valuable assistance. We have built our school-chapel on part of a large site, secured for the erection, at a future, but we trust no distant period, of a first-class chapel. 5. WATFORD. The great want here is the speedy erection of a suitable chapel, towards which the few Methodists at Watford have made, and are making, laudable exertions. The Rev. Edward Day writes, November 26th, 1867 :-The London and North-Western Railway Company, by their system of grauting free passes to persons building houses above a certain rental, have so stimulated the laying out of estates for building purposes, that a very considerable population has been gathering here during the past few years. It has been almost entirely drawn from London. In fact, Watford and Bushey, are now, practically, suburbs of the metropolis. The loss which Methodism has sustained, partly for want of a more frequent ministerial supply in the pulpit, but chiefly for want of a better chapel, will never be known. I have reason to think that hundreds now live in Watford and Bushey who were trained in Methodism, and who were accustomed to attend the ministry of our church until they came to reside here. These, for the most part, go to the services of other denominations, and have become attached to those who provided for their whats when we were either unable, or neglerted, to do so. This process of alienation from us cannot be stopped till we get a new chapel built. The present one is both comfortless and in a wretched situation. Even if it were a good building and well situated, it is too small for our requirements. Among fourteen thousand people we Methodists provide for not more than two hundred and fifty hearers. The total church and chapel sittings here are estimated as being under three thousand! 6. CHERTSEY.—From the Rev. Newton R. Peany.-November 19th, 1867.-One great want in our Mission-work here has jast been supplied in the finishing of a separate building for our Sunday-school. Twelve months since we commenced preparations for the erection of these schools, at the contemplated cost of about £400. More than three-fourths of this amount has been realized, and we hope to pay the balance in a short time. The schools have been open only a few weeks, and they have already been hallowed by powerful visitations of the Holy Spirit. The cry has been heard in them, from some of the elder scholars, "What must we do to be saved?" On Sunday, November the 10th, three boys earnestly sought and found mercy through faith in Christ Jesus. One of the most refreshing parts of my Mission work is to meet in class nine youths who, during the past year, have yielded themselves to God. The more I become acquainted with the irreligious and immoral condition of this neighbourhood, the more I am convinced of the necessity of thorough Home-Missionary appliances. Formidable opposition exists in the deepseated and ignorant bigotry which obtains, to a large extent, among the people. An old woman refused a tract, because she "takes the sacrament at the church;" another refused a tract, because it was offered by a Methodist ! Such bigotry, however promoted and stimulated by ridiculous, though mischievous, High-Church pretensions, cannot hinder us, while it brings its promoters into contempt, and their system into danger. 7. LIVERPOOL.-Pitt-street.-From the Rev. J. Dixon.-November 11th, 1867. -It is a pleasure to me to say that the Mission at Pitt-street is prospering. The congregation has increased. Last Sunday the attendance was very cheering. The members of Society are becoming more earnest in their endeavours to save souls. We have arranged bands of prayer-leaders, and commenced holding cottage-services. There are now more than forty tractdistributers engaged every Sabbath. It is up-hill work; but we are doing what we and hoping to see still happier can, results. |