our to thofe illustrious Foreigners in Point of Solidity, Acuteness, Penetration and Delicacy: Such as the Lord Bacon, Mr. Cowley, Sir Roger L'Estrange, Sir VValter Raleigh, Sir VVilliam Temple, Mr. Dryden, Mr. VVycherley, Mr. Brown, and some others, whofe Names not occurring to my memory, I cannot acknowledge my Obligation to them, for enriching this Collection. The Thoughts of English Growth are distinguish'd by an Asterism; (thus *) and because there are not a few Original Reflections, I have mark'd them with inverted Comma's (thus « ) in the Margin. To these, I believe, no Man bas a better Title than my self; but bowever, if any Person will claim a Right to any of them, be is heartily welcome. THE 1 |