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The commercial intercourse between Norway and the United Kingdom, according to the Board of Trade Returns, is shown in the subjoined table, in each of the five years 1884 to 1888:

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Exports to Great Britain 3,016,049 2,833,069 2,758,705 2,784,738 3,061,532
Imports of British produce 1,504,828 1,331,166 1,204,240 1,137,460 1,370,849

In 1888 the exports of timber amounted to 1,336,8667.; fish, 390,2567.; rags, 39,4751. The minor exports to Great Britain comprise ice, butter and margarine, and small quantities of bar iron and copper ore. Iron, wrought and unwrought, of the value of 202,3617.; cotton manufactures and yarn of the value of 189,7757.; coals, of the value of 259,3331.; and woollens, of the value of 125,3097., formed the chief British imports into Norway in the year 1888.

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Norwegian 6,495 1,507,033 6,160 1,486,881 6,387



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820,801 5,049 829,397 4,662 6,550 1,597,745 6,2181,536,464 6,408 1,524,003 7,087 1,683,601 4,927 817,141 5,060 839,597 5,503 854,146 6,039 892,983

1,506,770 7,219 1,712,278 852,830 5,096 884,615

Vessels entered and cleared in 1887 at the following ports (with cargoes and in ballast):—

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Internal Communications.

The total length of high roads in Norway is 5,270 miles, of local roads 9,474 miles.

The total length of State railways in 1889 was 973 miles; that of one railway worked by a company (Kristiania to Mjösen) 42 miles; total 1,015 miles.

Total receipts 1887-88, State railways 6,192,902 kroner; companies 1,351,981 kroner. Total expenses 1887-88, State railways 4,666,952 kroner; companies 608,326 kroner. Goods carried 1887-88, State railways 828,699 tons (of 1,000 kilogs.); companies 372,108. Passengers carried 1887-88, State railways 2,998,135; companies 321,056. The State railways have been constructed partly by subscription in the districts interested, and partly at the expense of Government. The following are the postal statistics :-

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Length of telegraph lines and wires in January 1889:-
Belonging to the State

4,653 miles of line, 8,708 miles of wires.

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The number of messages in the year 1888 was on the State lines 1,245,522, on the railway lines 69,061; total, 1,314,583, of which 841,269 (on the lines of the railways, 69,061) were internal, 215,680 sent abroad, 257,384 received from abroad, and 250 in transit. The number of telegraph offices in 1888 was:-149 belonging to the State, 179 to the railways, total 328. Receipts: State telegraphs 52,1281., railways 2,6657., total 54,7931 Expenses: State telegraphs 58,3007., railways 7,1567., total 65,4567.

Money and Credit.

The total coinage of the States of the Scandinavian monetary union was at the end of 1887 :

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There exists no Government paper money.

The value of income and property assessed for taxes in 1888 was :

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There are two State banks, the Norges Bank' (Bank of Norway) and 'Kongeriget Norges Hypothekbank.'

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The Norges Bank' is a joint-stock bank, of which, however, a considerable part is owned by the State. The bank is, besides, governed by laws enacted by the State, and its directors are elected by the Storthing. There is a head office at Trondhjem, and 12 branch offices. It is the only bank in Norway that is authorised to issue bank notes for circulation. The balance sheets of the bank for 1888 show the following figures:-Assets at the end of the year-bullion, 44,862,853 kroner; outstanding capital, mortgaged estates, foreign bills, &c., 26,657,093 kroner; total, 71,519,946 kroner. Liabilities-notes in circulation, 43,587,663: the issue of notes allowed was 63,647,201 kroner; deposits, cheques, unclaimed dividends, unsettled leases, &c., 9,818,662 kroner (of which the deposits amounted to 8,864,768 kroner); dividends payable for the year, 564,466 kroner; total, 53,970,791; balance, 17,549,155.

The Kongeriget Norges Hypothek bank' was established in 1852 by the State to meet the demand for loans on mortgage. The capital of the bank is furnished by the State, and amounted to 10,500,000 kroner in 1888. The bank has besides a reserve fund amounting in 1888 to 500,000 kroner. At the end of 1888 the total amount of bonds issued was 79,024,800 kroner. The loans on mortgage amounted to 84,942,277 kroner.

There were, at the end of 1888, 19 private joint-stock banks, with a collective subscribed capital of 34,079,950 kroner, and a paid-up capital of 14,404,490. The reserve funds amounted to 3,470,822. The deposits and withdrawals in the course of the year amounted to 286,362,149 kroner and 282,335,601 kroner respectively. Deposits at the end of the year 104,806,985 kroner, of which 7,581,401 kroner deposits on demand, and 97,225,584 kroner on other accounts.

All savings-banks must be chartered by royal permission. Their operations are regulated, to a considerable extent, by the law, and controlled by the Ministry of Finance. They have frequently close connections with the municipal authorities.

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Money, Weights, and Measures.

The money, weights, and measures of Sweden and Norway, and the British equivalents, are as follows:


The Swedish Krona = 100 ôre—approximate value 18. 11⁄2d., or about 18 to the pound sterling.

The Norwegian Krone 100 ôre-the same value as the Swedish Krona. By a treaty signed May 27, 1873, with additional treaty of October 16, 1875, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark adopted the same monetary system.

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The metric system of weights and measures was introduced n 1879, and became obligatory in 1889. In Norway the metric system became obligatory on July 1, 1882.

Diplomatic Representatives.


Envoy and Minister.-Count Edward Piper, accredited July 6, 1877. Secretary.-Baron de Wedel Jarlsberg.

Consul-General in London.-Carl Juhlin Dannfelt.

There are Consular representatives at the following places :----Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Cork, Dublin, Dundee, Glasgow, Hull, Leith, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Southampton. Also at Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Bombay, Brisbane, Calcutta, Cape Town, Fiji, Hobart, Quebec, Rangoon, Singapore, Wellington (N.Z.)


Envoy and Minister.-Hon. Sir Francis R. Plunkett, appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Sweden and Norway, June 6, 1888.

Secretary.-Hon. Hugh Gough.

Consul at Stockholm.-A. Drummond-Hay.

There are also Consular representatives at Gothenburg, Kristiania, Bergen, Trondhjem, Hammerfest, Vardö.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning
Sweden and Norway.


Bidrag till Sveriges officiela statistik: A. Befolknings-statistik. B. Rättsväsendet. C. Bergshandtering. D. Fabriker och manufakturer. E. Inrikes handel och sjöfart. F. Utrikes handel och sjöfart. G. Fångvården. H. K. Majestäts befallningshafvandes femårsberättelser. I. Telegrafväsendet. K. Helso- och sjukvården. L. Statens jernvägstrafik. M. Postverket. N. Jordbruk och boskapsskötsel. O. Landtmäteriet. P. Folkundervisningen. Q. Skogsväsendet. R. Valstatistik. S. Allmänna arbeten. T. Lotsoch fyrväsendet. U. Kommunernas fattigvård och finanser. V. Bränvins tillverkning och försäljning. X. Aflönings- och pensionsstatistik. 4. Stockholm, 1857-1889. Norges officielle Statistik: Arbeidslönninger; Bergværksdrift; Den almindelige Brandforsikringsindretning; Civilretsstatistik; Distrikts-Fængsler; Faste Eiendomme; Fattigstatistik; Femaarsberetninger om Amternes ökonomiske Tilstand; Statskassens Finantser; Fiskerier; Folkemængdens Bevogelse, Folketælling; Handel; Industrielle Forhold; De offentlige Jernbaner; Jordbrug; Kommunale Finantser; Uddrag af Aarsberetninger fra de forer de Rigers Konsuler; Kriminalstatistik; Sundhedstilstanden og Medicinalforholdene; Postvæsen; Rekruteringsstatistik; Sindssygeasylerne; Skibsfart; Skolevæsen; Sparebanker; Spedalske; Strafarbeidsanstalter; Statstelegrafen. 4, fra 1881-8. Kristiania, 1870-89. Sveriges statskalender för år 1890. Utgifven efter kongl. Majestäts nådigste förordnande af dess Vetenskaps Akademi. 8. Stockholm, 1889.

Sveriges officiela statistik i sammandrag, 1889. Stockholm, 1889.
Sveriges officiela statistik i sammandrag. 20 vols. 8. Stockholm, 1870-89.
Statistisk Aarbog for Kongeriget Norge. (Annuaire statistique de la Norvège.)
Aargang, 1887. Udgivet af det Statistiske Centralbureau. Kristiania, 1889.


Norges Statskalender for Aaret 1890. Efter offentlig Foranstaltning redigeret af N. R. Bull. 8. Kristiania, 1889.

Statistisk tidskrift, utgifven af Kongl. Statistiska Central-Byrån. Stockholm, 1889. Oversigt over Kongeriget Norges geistlige, civile og judicielle Inddeling. Udgivet af det Statistiske Centralbureau. 8. Kristiania, 1883.

Med lelelser fra det Statistiske Centralbureau. I.-VI. 8. Kristiania, 1883–89. Norges Land og Folk. Udgivet efter offentlig Foranstaltning. I. Smaalenenes Amt. Kristiania, 1885. XI. Stavanger Amt. Kristiania, 1888.

Sidenbladh (Dr. Elis), Royaume de Suède: exposé statistique. 8. Stockholm, 1878. Report by Mr. R. G. Watson on Swedish Industries, dated Stockholm, Aug. 12, 1878; in Reports by H.M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' Part IV. 1878. 8. London, 1878. Report on the Trade of Gothenburg, in No. 324; Trade of Stockholm, in No. 368 of Diplomatic and Consular Reports,' 1888.

Trade of the United Kingdom with Sweden and Norway; in Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions in the Year 1889. Imp. 4. London, 1889.


Agardh (C. A.), och Ljungberg (C. E.), Försök till an statsekonomisk statistik öfver Sverige. 8. Carlstad, Stockholm, 1852-63.

Broch (Dr. O. J.), Le royaume de Norvège et le peuple norvégien. Rapport à l'Exposition universelle de 1878. 8. Kristiania, 1878.

Broch (Dr. O. J.), Kongeriget Norge og det Norske Folk. 8. Kristiania, 1876.
Carlson (F. F.), Geschichte Schweden's. 8 vols. 8. Gotha, 1832-75.

Du Chaillu (P. B.), The Land of the Midnight Sun. 2 vols. London, 1881.

Geelmuyden (J.), Kortfattet statistisk Haandbog over Konigeriget Norges Inddelinger i administrativ, retslig og geistlig henseende m. m., efter officielle Kilder udarbeidet. 8. Bergen, 1870.

Hammar (A.), Historiskt, geografiskt och statistiskt lexicon öfver Sverige. 8 vols. 8. Stockholm, 1859-70.

Höter (M.), Konungariket Sverige, en topografisk-statistisk beskrifning med historiska anmärkningar. 8. Stockholm, 1875-83.

Kiar (A. N.), Statistisk Haandbog for Kongeriget Norge. 8. Kristiania, 1871.

Nielsen (Dr. Yngvar), Handbook for Travellers in Norway. With Maps. 8. Kristiania, 1888.

Rosenberg (C. M.), Geografiskt-statistiskt handlexikon öfver Sverige. 8. Stockholm, 1883. Rosenberg (O. M.), Ny reshandbok öfver Sverige. 8. Stockholm, 1887.

Rudbeck (J. G.), Beskrifning öfver Sveriges städer i historiskt, topographiskt, och statistiskt Hänseende. 3 vols. 8. Stockholm, 1855-61.

Tünsberg (Chr.), Illustreret Norge. Haandbog for Reisende. Ny Udgave. 8. Kristiania,


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