of day, there is observed a rise in the pulsation and in the breathing, which is so far in favour of the general doctrine. Still we cannot contend, that the degree of augmented vital energy corresponds always with the degree of the pleasure. In short, the principle that served us so well in summing up most of the organic pleasures and pains, does not apparently hold in the five senses. Some additional mode of action. must be sought for, in order to give a complete theory of pleasure and pain. But before enquiring into this supplementary law, let us complete the survey of the facts bearing upon the one already announced, by viewing the accompaniments of feeling under another aspect. 19. Hitherto we have considered the physical agents of pleasure or pain, and have ascertained that in a number of cases, these are agents of bodily exaltation or depression. This does not exhaust the evidence. Another set of proofs is furnished by studying the manifestations under the opposing mental conditions, which will bring under review other pleasures and pains besides those arising from the Senses. What, then, is the universally observed expression of pleasure, no matter how originating? Can it be better described than in the synonyms of the word pleasure,such epithets as lively, animated, gay, cheerful, hilarious, applied to the movements and expression,-all tending to suggest that our energies are exalted for the time. In joyful moods, the features are dilated; the voice is full and strong; the gesticulation is abundant; the very thoughts are richer. In the gambols of the young, we see to advantage the coupling of the two facts-mental delight, and bodily energy. Introduce some acute misery into the mind at that moment, and all is collapse, as if one had struck a blow at the heart. (I leave out of account at present the one form of uproarious and convulsive grief.) A medical diagnosis would show, beyond question, that the heart and the lungs were lowered in their action just then; and there would be good grounds for inferring an enfeebled condition of the digestive organs. But we can be more particular in our delineation. The EXPRESSION OF THE FACE ANALYZED. 287 expression of the face has been completely analyzed by Sir Charles Bell. In pleasing emotions, the eyebrows are raised and the mouth dilated, the whole effect being to open up the countenance; in painful emotions, the corrugator of the eyebrow acts according to its name; the mouth is drawn together, and perhaps depressed at the angles, by the operation of the proper muscle. Now, in the cheerful expression, there is obviously a considerable amount of muscular energy put forth; a number of comparatively powerful muscles have been prompted to contract through their entire range. Here we have a confirmation of the general principle. It might seem hard to say, why nature selected those muscles for more especial stimulation when the bodily powers respond to a thrill of pleasure. These preferences are obviously a part of our constitution. So far the case accords with our view. But turn now to the painful expression, and what do we find? An apparently mixed effect. On the one hand, there is a relaxation of those parts that were made tense under a pleasurable wave, which is what we should expect. If this were all, the proof would be complete; the state of pain. would be accompanied with loss of muscular energy in the features of the face. But this is not all. It would appear that new muscles are brought into play, for example, the corrugator of the eyebrows, the orbicular of the mouth, and the depressor of the angle of the mouth. Thus, if energy has been withdrawn from one class, another class has been concurrently stimulated. It is not then loss, but transference, of power that we witness. It was from looking at the matter * In sorrow, a general languor pervades the whole countenance. The violence and tension of grief, the lamentations and the tumult, like all strong excitements, gradually exhaust the frame. Sadness and regret, with depression of spirits and fond recollections, succeed; and lassitude of the whole body, with dejection of the face and heaviness of the eyes, are the most striking characteristics. The lips are relaxed, and the lower jaw drops; the upper eyelid falls and half covers the pupil of the eye. The eye is frequently filled with tears, and the eyebrows take an inclination similar to that which the depressors of the angles of the lips give to the mouth.'-Anatomy of Expression, p. 151. in this light, that Müller declared the selection of some muscles to be acted on under pleasure, and others under pain, as inexplicable; and Sir C. Bell spoke of the depressor of the angle of the mouth as a specific muscle in the expression of pain. A closer investigation, however, will show that even this putting forth of energy under pain, which appears so inconsistent with the general principle above enunciated, is really in keeping with that principle. It is the play of certain muscles of small calibre, whose contraction makes the relaxation of the larger muscles more complete. By a very slight putting forth of power, we can impart such a pose to the active organs generally, as enables them more thoroughly to renounce all stimulation, to disengage vital energy for behoof of the other parts. Thus, by a slight exercise of the flexor muscles of the body and the limbs, we can carry the relaxation of the extensors (the really energetic muscles) much farther than would happen by suspending their own proper stimulus. So in the face. A certain slight exertion of the corrugator of the eyebrows, perfects the relaxation of the more powerful muscle that elevates the eyebrows; the occurrence of a small stream of energy in the orbicular of the mouth, and in the depressor of the angle, assists the zygomaties and buccinators in relaxing themselves to the full. By the employment of a small force, we may be supposed to release a still greater quantity; so that, after all, the positive exertion of those muscles that operate under pain, merely co-operates in the general direction of the discharge or renunciation of energy on the whole. I venture to say, that but for this effect, they would not be stimulated at all in depressing emotions; were it not that the outlay is more than repaid by a saving, they would continue unmoved in those circumstances. Why is it that a forced sadness of the countenance makes the heart better,-that the employment of a certain amount of muscular energy serves to compose the body and the limbs to rest after fatigue? Simply that the general mass of muscle may attain the maximum of relaxation; a result gained only by the contraction of some portions. The body being moved ENERGETIC OUTBURST FROM ACUTE PAIN. 289 at all points between opposing forces, we cannot relax every muscle of the body at once; the utmost we can do is to relax those that have borne the burden and heat of the day, and are the greatest in mass and energy; which necessitates the contraction of such as are opposed to them. I hold, therefore, that the tension of some members under pain does not invalidate, but rather confirms, the principle in question." Another exception is the energetic expression prompted by acute pains. No one can say in the case of a man starting from a violent scald, that there is a relaxation of muscular energy; there is most manifestly the contrary. This seems a flat contradiction to our doctrine. In truth, however, this is the operation of another law of the constitution submerging at the moment the main principle, but only to make it emerge in still stronger relief. Sudden and acute pain is a stimulant of the motor nerves of the system. These become all alive for the instant, and throw a violent current into the moving members, inspiring a temporary spasmodic energy. Nothing could be more emphatically opposed to the doctrine here maintained than the appearance thus presented. But look at the other side of the picture. In the first place, this spasmodic burst has drawn away the regular supply of nerve force from the organic functions; all which will be found to be seriously impaired on the occasion ; so that, at best, there is but a disturbance of the usually healthy direction of the vital power. And, in the next place, consider what happens at the end; how frightful the prostration that follows this painful stimulation. We shall then be convinced that, on the whole, power has been profusely sacrificed, although from the susceptibility of the nerves to an acute stimulus, there was for a time a manifestation of unusual energy.* 'In pain, the body is exerted to violent tension, and all the emotions and passions allied to pain, or having their origin and foundation in painful sensations, have this general distinction of character, that there is an energetic action or tremor, the effect of universal and great excitement. It must at the same time be remembered, that all the passions of this class, 20. The consideration of the two great convulsive outbursts-Laughter and Sobbing-belongs to this part of the subject. I shall say nothing at present as to the causes of laughter: enough that it is a joyful expression. The principal in the case is the Diaphragm, all else is subordinate and secondary. That large muscle, which is the principal agent in the act of inspiration, its contraction increasing the capacity of the chest, is convulsed in laughter; in other words, it is made to undergo a series of rapid and violent contractions. Some great accession of stimulus from the brain has reached it, and the consequence is that the person 'draws a full breath, and throws it out in interrupted, short, and audible cachinnations.' A charge of nervous power has been generated somewhere, and is here discharged into the great muscle of inspiration. The concurring or subsidiary actions also indicate an increase of power. When the laughter is audible, we know that the vocal chords have been made tense through a stimulus applied to the muscles of the larynx. The features also participate, and put on the expansive attitude at its fullest stretch. Whether, therefore, we look at the principal, or at the accessory, movements in laughter, they alike imply that new power has been evolved somewhere; and it is next to be seen, whether this is a real addition to the general vitality, or merely a transference from one part to another, impoverishing some organs, while violently stimulating others, as we have seen to be the case in the convulsions of pain. Now, except in excessive and immoderate laughter, or unusual depression of the system, it cannot be said that any vital function is starved, through the amount of force discharged in this violent manifestation. The testimony of mankind is in favour of the genial operation of laughter; but if digestion, perspiration, the exhalation from the lungs, or the action of the heart, were weakened to supply those con some more immediately, others more indirectly, produce in the second stage exhaustion, debility, and loss of tone from over-exertion.'—Anatomy of Expression, p. 154. |