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" In the perfect identity between a present and a past impression, the past is recovered and fused with the present, instantaneously and surely. So quick and unfaltering is the process that we lose sight of it altogether ( ! ) ; we are scarcely made aware... "
The Senses and the Intellect - Side 462
af Alexander Bain - 1874 - 714 sider
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Mind, Bind 2

1893 - 578 sider
...MIND, xii. p. 162. 3 Sense* and Intellect, 2nd edn., p. 466. added its own effect to that total." l " When I look at the full moon, I am instantly impressed...my former impressions of her disc added together." There are pretty plain indications here of an entirely new conception of presentation, that, viz.,...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Bind 7

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1895 - 610 sider
...we lose sight of it altogether ( ! ) ; we are scarcely made aware of the existence of a reproductive link of similarity in the chain of sequence. When...all my former impressions of her disc added together " (" Senses and Intellect," 4th ed., 489). Dewey adds his testimony ("Psych.," p. 180): "In perception...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Bind 7

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1896 - 618 sider
...we lose sight of it altogether ( ! ) ; we are scarcely made aware of the existence of a reproductive link of similarity in the chain of sequence. When...all my former impressions of her disc added together " (" Senses and Intellect," 4th ed., 489). Dewey adds his testimony ("Psych.," p. 180): "In perception...
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Ueber das Grundprincip der Association

Arthur Allin - 1895 - 96 sider
...made a ware of the existence of a reproductive link of similarity in the chain of sequence. "VVhen I look at the full moon, I am instantly impressed...my former impressions of her disc added together" (Senses and Intellect, 1894. 5. tH9). Warum nicht? In dieser Theorie hat das Unbewusste unbeschränkte...
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The Psychology of Reasoning: Based on Experimental Researches in Hypnotism

Alfred Binet - 1899 - 208 sider
...of perfect identity *Spencer, Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, p. 164. \0f. cil., Vol. I, p. 167. between a present and a past impression, the past...my former impressions of her disc added together."* The description refers to a case which we shall consider presently: the fusion of a sensation with...
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Das wesen der anschauung: Ein beitrag zur psychologischen terminologie ...

Eugénie Dutoit, Georg Alfred Tienes, Lazarus Schweiger, Mme. Dorothée Pasmanik, Ulrich Diem - 1899 - 524 sider
...that we loose sight of it altogether; we are scarcely made aware of the existence of a reproductive link of similarity in the chain of sequence. When...my former impressions of her disc added together." ') Man hat versucht, den Standpunkt Wahrnehmung sei ein Urteilsvorgang, auch mit der Auslegung des...
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Psychological Principles

James Ward - 1919 - 510 sider
...discussion, let us first ascertain these points of agreement. " When I look at the full moon," said Bain, " I am instantly impressed with the state arising from all my former impressions of her disc added together4." This we may symbolize in the usual fashion as A + «„... + ai + at + at. Now, it will...
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Psychological Principles

James Ward - 1933 - 504 sider
...discussion, let us first ascertain these points of agreement. " When I look at the full moon," said Bain, " I am instantly impressed with the state arising from...my former impressions of her disc added together'." This we may symbolize in the usual fashion as A +an... + a, + a, + a1. Now, it will be granted (1)...
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