Parliamentary Papers, Bind 3


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Side 19 - Having heard the evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge? You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken down in writing, and may be given in evidence...
Side 43 - NO the Sum of each of good and lawful Money of Great Britain, to be made and levied of their several Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements respectively, to the Use of our said Lady the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors, if he the said AB fail in the Condition indorsed.
Side 12 - ... but if any such variance shall appear to the justice or justices present and acting at such hearing to be such that the party so apprehended under such warrant has been thereby deceived or misled, it shall be lawful for such justice or justices, upon such terms as he or they shall think fit, to adjourn the hearing of the case to some future day...
Side 12 - Provided always, that no objection shall be taken or allowed to any such summons or warrant for any alleged defect therein in substance or in form, or for any variance between it and the evidence adduced on the part of the prosecution before the justice or justices who shall take the examination of the witnesses in that behalf...
Side 31 - ... of an act passed in the fourth and fifth years of the reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for the amendment of the law and the better advancement of justice...
Side 4 - And be it enacted, that this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present session of parliament.
Side 16 - And be it further enacted, that if at the time when there shall be a tenant in tail of lands under a settlement, there shall be subsisting in the same lands, or any of them, under the same settlement, any estate for years determinable on the dropping of a life or lives, or any greater estate (not being an estate for years...
Side 10 - Part thereof, sold, stood settled or limited to, or such of them as shall be then subsisting or capable of taking effect; and until such Money can be so laid out it may, under such Order as aforesaid, be transferred or paid over to...
Side 6 - Warrant (B.) to apprehend such Person, and to cause him to be brought before such Justice or Justices...
Side 31 - These are therefore to command you, in Her Majesty's Name, forthwith to apprehend the said AB, and to bring him before [me], or some other of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said [County], to answer unto the said Charge, and to be further dealt with according to Law.

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