whereof the first two were infamous, and the last otherwise unworthy, would say; That they were not his seed, but some imposthumes that had broken from him. † 247. Cato said; The best way to keep good acts in memory, was to refresh them with new. 248. (183.) Pompey did consummate the war against Sertorius, when Metellus had brought the enemy somewhat low. He did also consummate the war against the fugitives, whom Crassus had before defeated in a great battle. So when Lucullus had had great and glorious victories against Mithridates and Tigranes, yet Pompey, by means his friends made, was sent to put an end to that war. Whereupon Lucullus, taking indignation, as a disgrace offered to himself, said; That Pompey was a carrion crow, that when others had strucken down bodies, he came to prey upon them.1 249. (186.) Diogenes, when mice came about him as he was eating, said; I see that even Diogenes nourisheth parasites. 250. (233.) Epictetus used to say; That one of the vulgar, in any ill that happens to him, blames others ; a novice in philosophy blames himself; and a philosopher blames neither the one nor the other. 251. (187.) Hiero visited by Pythagoras, asked him; Of what condition he was? Pythagoras answered; Sir, I know you have been at the Olympian games. Yes, saith Hiero. Thither (saith Pythagoras) come some to win the prizes. Some come to sell their merchandize, because it is a kind of mart of all Greece. Some come to meet their friends, and make merry, because of the great confluence of all sorts. Others come only to look on. am one of them that come to look on. Meaning it of philosophy, and the contemplative life. I 252. (107.) Mr. Bettenham 2 used to say; That riches were like much; when it lay upon an heap, it gave but a stench and ill odour; but when it was spread upon the ground, then it was cause of much fruit. 253. (96.) The same Mr. Bettenham said; That virtuous men were like some herbs and spices, that give not their sweet smell, till they be broken and crushed. 254. (98.) There was a painter became a physician. Where 1 then Pompey came and preyed upon them. R. 2 Reader of Gray's Inn. R. s give not out. R. upon one said to him; You have done well; for before the faults of your work were seen, but now they are unseen.1 255. (189.) One of the philosophers was asked; What a wise man differed from a fool? He answered; Send them both naked to those that know them not, and you shall perceive. 256. (234.) Cæsar in his book that he made against Cato (which is lost) did write, to shew the force of opinion and reverence of a man that had once obtained a popular reputation; That there were some that found Cato drunk, and they were ashamed instead of Cato. 257. (191.) Aristippus, sailing in a tempest, shewed signs of fear. One of the seamen said to him, in an insulting manner; We that are plebeians are not troubled; you, that are a philosopher, are afraid. Aristippus answered; There is not the like wager upon it, for me to perish and you.2 258. (192.) There was an orator that defended a cause of Aristippus, and prevailed. Afterwards he asked Aristippus; Now, in your distress, what did Socrates do you good? Aristippus answered; Thus; in making true that good which you said of me. 3 †259. Aristippus said; He took money of his friends, not so much to use it himself, as to teach them how to bestow their money. †260. A strumpet said to Aristippus; That she was with child by him. He answered; You know that no more, than if you went through a hedge of thorns, you could say, This thorn pricked me. 4 261. (15.) The lady Paget, that was very private with Queen Elizabeth, declared herself much against her match with Monsieur. After Monsieur's death, the Queen took extreme grief (at least as she made shew), and kept within her bedchamber and one antechamber for three weeks space, in token of mourning. At last she came forth into her privy chamber, and admitted her ladies to have access unto her; and amongst the rest my lady Paget presented herself, and came to her with a smiling countenance. The Queen bent her brows, and seemed to be highly displeased, and said to her; Madam, you ' Compare Melch. IV. 7. 5., where the remark is represented more gracefully as made by the painter himself. are not ignorant of my extreme grief, and do you come to me with a countenance of joy? My lady Paget answered; Alas, and it please your Majesty, it is impossible for me to be absent from you three weeks, but that when I see you I must look cheerfully. No, no, (said the Queen, not forgetting her former averseness from1 the match), you have some other conceit in it; tell me plainly. My lady answered; I must obey you. It is this. I was thinking how happy your Majesty was, in that you married not Monsieur; for seeing you take such thought for his death, being but your friend, if he had been your husband, sure it would have cost you your life. 262. (94.) Sir Edward Dyer, a grave and wise gentleman, did much believe in Kelley the alchymist; that he did indeed the work, and made gold: insomuch as he went himself into Germany, where Kelley then was, to inform himself fully thereof. After his return, he dined with my Lord of Canterbury, where at that time was at the table Dr. Browne, the physician. They fell in talk of Kelley. Sir Edward Dyer, turning to the Archbishop, said; I do assure your Grace, that that I shall tell you is truth. I am an eye-witness thereof, and if I had not seen it, 1 should not have believed it. I saw Master Kelley put of the base metal into the crucible, and after it was set a little upon the fire, and a very small quantity of the medicine put in, and stirred with a stick of wood, it came forth in great proportion perfect gold, to the touch, to the hammer, to the test. Said the Bishop2; You had need take heed what you say, Sir Edward Dyer, for here is an infidel at the board. Sir Edward Dyer said again pleasantly; I would have looked for an infidel sooner in any place than at your Grace's table. What say you, Dr. Browne? saith the Bishop.3 Dr. Browne answered, after his blunt and huddling manner, The gentleman hath spoken enough for me. Why (saith the Bishop1) what hath he said? Marry, (saith Dr. Browne) he said he would not have believed it except he had seen it; and no more will I. †263. Democritus said; That truth did lie in profound pits, and when it was got, it needed much refining. 264. (95.) Doctor Johnson said; That in sickness there were three things that were material; the physician, the disease, and the patient. And if any two of these joined, then they have the victory. For, Ne Hercules quidem contra duos. If the phy 5 i to. 2 My Lord Archbishop said. R. 3 said the Archbishop. R. 5 get. R. sician and the patient join, then down goes the disease; for the patient recovers. If the physician and the disease join, then down goes the patient; that is where the physician mistakes the cure.' If the patient and the disease join, then down goes the physician; for he is discredited. 265. (185.) Alexander visited Diogenes in his tub. And when he asked him; What he would desire of him? Diogenes answered; That you would stand a little aside, that the sun may come to me. † 266. Diogenes said of a young man that danced daintily, and was much commended; The better, the worse. 267. (236.) Diogenes called an ill musician, Cock. Why? (saith he.) Diogenes answered; Because when you crow men use to rise. 268. (188.) Heraclitus the Obscure said; The dry light was the best soul. Meaning, when the faculties intellectual are in vigour, not wet, nor 2, as it were, blooded by the affections. † 269. There was in Oxford a cowardly fellow that was a very good archer. He was abused grossly by another, and moaned himself to Walter Ralegh, then a scholar, and asked his advice; What he should do to repair the wrong had been offered him? Ralegh answered; Why, challenge him at a match of shooting. 270. (100.) Whitehead, a grave divine, was much esteemed by Queen Elizabeth, but not preferred, because he was against the government of Bishops. He was of a blunt stoical nature.3 He came one day to the Queen, and the Queen happened to say to him; I like thee the better, Whitehead, because thou livest unmarried. He answered again; In troth, Madam, I like you the worse for the same cause. †271. There was a nobleman that was lean of visage, but immediately after his marriage he grew pretty plump and fat. One said to him, Your lordship doth contrary to other married men; for they at the first wax lean, and you wax fat. Sir Walter Ralegh stood by and said; Why, there is no beast, that if you take him from the common and put him into the several, but he will wax fat. †272. Diogenes seeing one that was a bastard casting If the physician and the disease join, that is a strong disease; and the physician mistaking the cure, then, &c. R. 3 This sentence is omitted in R. 2 not drenched, or. R. stones among the people, bade him Take heed he hit not his father. 273. (97.) Dr. Laud' said; That some hypocrites and seeming mortified men, that held down their heads, were like little images that they place in the very bowing of the vaults of churches, that look as if they held up the church, but are but puppets.2 274. (104.) It was said among some of the grave prelates of the council of Trent, in which the school-divines bore the sway; That the school-men were like the astronomers; who to save the phenomena, framed to their conceit eccentrics and epicycles, and a wonderful engine of orbs, though no such things were so they, to save the practice of the church, had devised a number of strange positions. †275. It was also said by many, concerning the canons of that council; That we are beholding to Aristotle for many articles of our faith. 276. (35.) The Lo. Henry Howard, being Lord Privy Seal, was asked by the King openly at the table, (where commonly he entertained the King,) upon the sudden3; My lord, have you not a desire to see Rome? My lord Privy Seal answered, Yes, indeed, Sir. The King said, And why? My lord answered, Because, and it please your Majesty, it was once the seat of the greatest monarchy, and the seminary of the bravest men in the world, amongst the heathen: and then again, because after it was the see of so many holy Bishops in the primitive church, most of them martyrs. The King would not give it over, but said; And for nothing else? My lord answered; Yes, and it please your Majesty, for two things especially. The one, to see him, who they say hath such a power to forgive other men's sins, to confess his own sins upon his knees before a chaplain or priest; and the other is, to hear Antichrist say his creed. 277. (235.) There was a nobleman said of a great counsellor; That he would have made the worst farrier in the world, for he never shod horse but he cloyed him: so he never commended any man to the King for service, or upon occasion of suit, or otherwise, The Lord Archbishop Laud. R. 2 were like the little images in the vaults or roofs of churches, which look and bow down as if they held up the church, when as they bear no weight at all. R. The same Earl of Northampton, then Lord Privy Seal, was asked by King James openly at the table, where commonly he entertained the King with discourse; the King asked him upon the sudden. R. 4 secondly. R. for two things more. R. |