but that he would come in in the end with a But, and drive in a nail to his disadvantage. †278. There was a lady of the west country, that gave great entertainment at her house to most of the gallant gentlemen thereabout; and amongst others, Sir Walter Ralegh was one. This lady, though otherwise a stately dame, was a notable good housewife; and in the morning betimes she called to one of her maids that looked to the swine, and asked; Is the piggy served? Sir Walter Ralegh's chamber was fast by the lady's, so as he heard her. A little before dinner, the lady came down in great state into the great chamber, which was full of gentlemen: And as soon as Sir Walter Ralegh set eye upon her; Madam, (saith he) is the piggy serv'd? The lady answered, You know best whether you have had your breakfast. 279. (237.) There was a gentleman fell very sick, and a friend of his said to him; Surely, you are in danger; 1 pray send for a physician. But the sick man answered; It is no matter, for if I die, I will die at leisure. 280. (193.) There was an Epicurean vaunted, that divers of other sects of philosophers did after turn Epicureans, but there was never any Epicurean that turned to any other sect. Whereupon a philosopher that was of another sect, said; The reason was plain, for that cocks may be made capons, but capons could never be made cocks. 166 APOPHTHEGMS CONTAINED IN THE SECOND EDITION OF THE RESUSCITATIO (1661), and not IN THE ORIGINAL COLLECTION.' 3. His Majesty James the First, King of Great Britain, having made unto his Parliament an excellent and large declaration, concluded thus: I have now given you a clear mirror of my mind; use it therefore like a mirror; and take heed how you let it fall, or how you soil it with your breath. 5. His Majesty said to his Parliament at another time, finding there were some causeless jealousies sown amongst them; That the King and his people, (whereof the Parliament is the representative body,) were as husband and wife; and therefore that of all other things jealousy was between them most pernicious. 6. His Majesty, when he thought his counsel mought note in him some variety in businesses, though indeed he remained constant, would say; That the sun many times shineth watery; but it is not the sun which causeth it, but some cloud rising betwixt us and the sun: and when that is scattered, the sun is as it was, and comes to his former brightness. 7. His Majesty, in his answer to the book of the Cardinal of Evereux, (who had in a grave argument of divinity sprinkled many witty ornaments of poesy and humanity) saith; That these flowers were like blue and yellow and red flowers in the corn, which make a pleasant shew to those that look on, but they hurt the corn. 8. Sir Edward Cook, being vehement against the two Provincial Councils, of Wales and the North, said to the King; There was nothing there but a kind of confusion and hotch-potch of justice: one while they were a Star-Chamber; another while a Kings-bench; another, a Common-place; another, a Commission of Oyer and Terminer. His Majesty answered; Why, Sir Edward Cook, they be like houses in progress, where I have not, nor can Sce Preface, pp. 114. 118. have, such distinct rooms of state, as I have here at Whitehall, or at Hampton-court. 9. The Commissioners of the Treasure moved the King, for the relief of his estate, to disafforest some forests of his; explaining themselves of such forests as lay out of the way, not near any of the King's houses, nor in the course of his progress; whereof he should never have use nor pleasure. Why, (saith the King) do you think that Salomon had use and pleasure of all his three hundred concubines? 10. His Majesty, when the committees of both Houses of Parliament presented unto him the instrument of Union of England and Scotland, was merry with them; and amongst other pleasant speeches, shewed unto them the laird of Lawreston, a Scotchman, who was the tallest and greatest man that was to be seen; and said; Well, now we are all one, yet none of you will say, but here is one Scotchman greater than any Englishman; which was an ambiguous speech; but it was thought he meant it of himself. 11. His Majesty would say to the lords of his counsel, when they sat upon any great matter, and came from counsel in to him; Well, you have sit, but what have you hatched? 13. Queen Elizabeth was importuned much by my Lord of Essex, to supply divers great offices that had been long void; the Queen answered nothing, to the matter; but rose up on the sudden, and said; I am sure my office will not be long void. And yet at that time there was much speech of troubles and divisions about the crown, to be after her decease; but they all vanished; and King James came in, in a profound peace. 17. King Henry the fourth of France was so punctual of his word, after it was once passed, that they called him The King of the Faith.1 18. The said King Henry the fourth was moved by his Parliament to a war against the Protestants: he answered; Yes, I mean it; I will make every one of you captains; you shall have companies assigned you. The Parliament observing whereunto his speech tended, gave over, and deserted the motion.2 21. A great officer at court, when my Lord of Essex was first in trouble; and that he and those that dealt for him would talk much of my Lord's friends and of his enemies; answered to Lamb. MS. p. 18. (see above, p.119.) 2 Id. ibid. (without the last sentence) one of them; I will tell you, I know but one friend and one enemy my Lord hath; and that one friend is the Queen, and that one enemy is himself. 27. The Lord Keeper, Sir Nicholas Bacon, was asked his opinion, by my lord of Leicester, concerning two persons whom the Queen seemed to think well of: By my troth, my Lord, (said he) the one is a grave counsellor; the other is a proper young man; and so he will be as long as he lives. 28. My Lord of Leicester, favourite to queen Elizabeth, was making a large chase about Cornbury-Park; meaning to inclose it with posts and rails; and one day was casting up his charge, what it would come to. Mr. Goldingham, a free spoken man, stood by, and said to my Lord, Methinks your Lordship goeth not the cheapest way to work. Why, Goldingham? said my Lord. Marry, my Lord, said Goldingham, count you but upon the posts, for the country will find you railing. 36. There were fishermen drawing the river at Chelsea: Mr. Bacon came thither by chance in the afternoon, and offered to buy their draught: they were willing. He asked them what they would take? They asked thirty shillings. Mr. Bacon offered them ten. They refused it. Why then, saith Mr. Bacon, I will be only a looker on. They drew, and catched nothing. Saith Mr. Bacon; Are not you mad fellows now, that might have had an angel in your purse, to have made merry withal, and to have warmed you thoroughly, and now you must go home with nothing. Ay but (said the fishermen) we had hope then to make a better gain of it. Saith Mr. Bacon; Well, my masters, then I'll tell you, hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.1 36. A lady walking with Mr. Bacon in Gray's Inn walks, asked him, Whose that piece of ground lying next under the walls was? He answered, Theirs. Then she asked him, if those fields beyond the walks were theirs too? He answered, Yes, Madam, those are ours, as you are ours, to look on, and no more.2 37. His Lordship, when he was newly made Lord Keeper, was in Gray's Inn walks with Sir Walter Raleigh. One came and told him, that the Earl of Exeter was above. He continued upon occasion still walking a good while. At last when he came up, my Lord of Exeter met him, and said; My Lord, I See Lamb. MS. p. 1. where the story is set down almost exactly in the same words. * Id. p. 1. (told more compactly). The number 36 is repeated in R. have made a great venture, to come up so high stairs, being a gouty man. His Lordship answered; Pardon me, my lord, I have made the greatest venture of all; for I have ventured upon your patience. 38. When Sir Francis Bacon was made the King's Attorney, Sir Edward Cooke was put up from being Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to be Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench; which is a place of greater honour, but of less profit; and withal was made Privy Counsellor. After a few days, the Lord Cooke meeting with the King's Attorney, said unto him; Mr. Attorney, this is all your doing: It is you that have made this great stir. Mr. Attorney answered; Ah my Lord! your Lordship all this while hath grown in breadth; you must needs now grow in height, or else you would be a monster.2 39. One day Queen Elizabeth told Mr. Bacon, that my Lord of Essex, after great protestation of penitence and affection, fell in the end but upon the suit of renewing his farm of sweet wines. He answered; I read that in nature there be two kinds of motions or appetites in sympathy; the one as of iron to the adamant, for perfection; the other as of the vine to the stake, for sustentation; that her Majesty was the one, and his suit the other.3 40. Mr. Bacon, after he had been vehement in Parliament against depopulation and inclosures; and that soon after the Queen told him that she had referred the hearing of Mr. Mill's cause to certain counsellors and judges; and asked him how he liked of it? answered, Oh, madam! my mind is known; I am against all inclosures, and especially against inclosed justice.1 41. When Sir Nicholas Bacon the Lord Keeper lived, every room in Gorhambury was served with a pipe of water from the ponds, distant about a mile off. In the lifetime of Mr. Anthony Bacon, the water ceased. After whose death, his Lordship coming to the inheritance, could not recover the water without infinite charge. When he was Lord Chancellor, he built Verulam House, close by the pond-yard, for a place of privacy when he was called upon to dispatch any urgent business. And being asked, why he built that house there; his Lordship answered, That since he could not carry the water to his house, he would carry his house to the water.5 1 the greater venture. Lamb. MS. ♦ Id. p. 8. 2 Lamb. MS. 8 Id. p. 8. 5 Id. p. 9. (told more shortly). |