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But soon we found we fail'd of our account,

For when our minds some freedom did obtain, Straightways the memory of Sion Mount

Did cause afresh our wounds to bleed again;

So that with present griefs, and future fears,
Our eyes burst forth into a stream of tears.

As for our harps, since sorrow struck them dumb,
We hang'd them on the willow-trees were near;
Yet did our cruel masters to us come,
Asking of us some Hebrew songs to hear:
Taunting us rather in our misery,
Than much delighting in our melody.

Alas (said we) who can once force or frame
His grieved and oppressed heart to sing
The praises of Jehovah's glorious name,
In banishment, under a foreign king?

In Sion is his seat and dwelling place,

Thence doth he shew the brightness of his face.

Hierusalem, where God his throne hath set,
Shall any hour absent thee from my mind?
Then let my right hand quite her skill forget,
Then let my voice and words no passage find;
Nay, if I do not thee prefer in all,

That in the compass of my thoughts can fall.

Remember thou, O Lord, the cruel cry

Of Edom's children, which did ring and sound, Inciting the Chaldean's cruelty,

"Down with it, down with it, even unto the ground.” In that good day repay it unto them, When thou shalt visit thy Hierusalem.

And thou, O Babylon, shalt have thy turn
By just revenge, and happy shall he be,

That thy proud walls and tow'rs shall waste and burn,
And as thou didst by us, so do by thee.

Yea, happy he, that takes thy children's bones,
And dasheth them against the pavement stones.


O SING a new song to our God above;

Avoid profane ones, 'tis for holy quire: Let Israel sing songs of holy love

To him that made them, with their hearts on fire: Let Sion's sons lift up their voice, and sing Carols and anthems to their heavenly King.

Let not your voice alone his praise forth tell,
But move withal and praise him in the dance;
Cymbals and harps let them be tuned well:
'Tis he that doth the poor's estate advance :
Do this not only on the solemn days,
But on your secret beds your spirits raisc.

O let the saints bear in their mouth his praise;
And a two-edged sword drawn in their hand;
Therewith for to revenge the former days
Upon all nations that their zeal withstand;

To bind their kings in chains of iron strong,
And manacle their nobles for their wrong.

Expect the time, for 'tis decreed in Heaven,
Such honour shall unto his saints be given.





THE Character of a believing Christian in paradoxes and seem ing contradictions is said to have appeared first in 1643, as a separate pamphlet, under Bacon's name '; and in 1648 it was inserted in the Remains; upon the authority no doubt of that pamphlet; which is therefore the sole authority on which it is ascribed to Bacon, and amounts in effect to no more than thisthat within seven years after his death somebody had either thought it was his, or thought that it might be plausibly attributed to him, and that his name on the titlepage would help the sale.

Rawley says nothing of it: and as he can hardly be supposed to have overlooked it in the collection, his silence must be understood as equivalent to a statement that it was one of the many "pamphlets put forth under his lordship's name," which "are not to be owned for his." Tenison says nothing about it. No traces of it, or of any part of it, or of anything at all resembling it, are to be found among the innumerable Baconian manuscripts, fair and foul, fragments, rough notes, discarded beginnings, loose leaves, which may still be seen at Lambeth, in the British Museum, and in other repositories. So far as I know, if the publisher of the edition of 1643 had not put Bacon's name upon the titlepage, there would have been no reason at all for thinking that he had anything to do with it; and as it is, the reason is so slight, that if the probabilities were otherwise balanced, it would hardly turn the scale. The name on the titlepage of such a publication is enough to suggest and justify the inquiry whether there be any evidence, internal or external, to confirm

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1 Rémusat, p. 150. note. VOL. VII.


Resuscitatio, at the end.

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