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Published as the Act directs Aug.1.1798 by HD. Symonds Paternoster Row.



JULY, 1798.


As long as the paffior

S long as the paffions and vices of men render so long muft it be necessary to procure able and gallant leaders of the contest, in order to enfure success. A furvey of history, joined with the dictates of common sense, shews the propriety of this observation. But in various ages, and in different nations, the qualities of a leader vary with the circumstances in which he may be placed. It is, how. ever, on all hands, agreed that there are certain qualifications in the general of an army, or in the commander of a fleet, which are deemed indispensible. A found and vigorous understanding, an humane and generous attention to those committed to his subjection, a profound knowledge either of military or of nautical affairs, together with an ardent defire to promote the interests of his country, are traits of character requifite to so exalted a station. We may, indeed, behold individuals of this class in whom these qualities are not centered. But the truly eminent man, he, to whom his country will } look up with expectation, nor look in vain, must rise above the ordinary herd of mortals. Beloved and refpected, HE will atchieve deeds of high renown. His ability and inclination will go hand in hand. In a fituation where others would probably do nothing, his exer

tions would be the greateft, and thus he himself encirVOL, IV. cling


cling his own brow with laurels, would hand down his name to distant generations.

To these reflections we were led by the subject of the present memoir, which though scanty will, we trust, afford some just idea of this illustrious character. In this our Mifcellany, we are anxious to bring forward a sketch of the hero whose portrait decorates our present Number. His name has been long known to Britions. His actions will endear him to pofterity. Of the justice or injustice of the war in which we are engaged, we say nothing. But it must be acknowledged by every candid man, that whilft hoftilities continue to last, the law of felf-prefervation dictates strenuous exertion against the foe. This exertion Lord Duncan has effected, and to our best thanks is he entitled for his eminent services.

We have endeavoured to procure the particulars of this great man's life, but we have not been to fuccefsful as we could have wished. No account hath been laid before the Public from which ample materials might have been derived. One short sketch respecting him, was given in a print of refpectability at the time of his Jate victory over the Dutch on the coaft of Holland. It has all the marks of authenticity, and may be depended upon for the truth of its facts. We accordingly present it to our readers, assured that it will give them a degree of fatisfaction.

"Lord Viscount Duncan is a younger son of the very ancient and respectable family of Lundie, in the county of Perth, in Scotland. By the death of his elder bro. ther, the late Colonel Duncan, of Lundie, about 15 months ago, the gallant Admiral became possessed of the family eftate, worth about one thousand per annum. He married a paternal fister of the present Lord Advocate of Scotland, and niece to Mr. Secretary Dundas, by whom he has a family of several children. His eldest fon is a promising young man, of an amiable difpofition, and at present a student at the University; Miss Jane Duncan is very young, and beginning to make


make her appearance in the gay circles. The beauty and elegance of her person will undoubtedly give her a diftinguished place in the fashionable world, unless that sweetness of temper and gentleness of manners which the poffeffes, shall induce her to prefer the innocent happiness of private life to the splendour of a court, and the admiration of a ball-room.


"The Admiral is fixty four years of age; his countenance is agreeable and commanding, he is above fix feet high, and his perfon is well proportioned. His manners are fimple, easy, and obliging, equally from affectation and roughness, the natural expreffion of unfeigned goodness of heart. His life has been spent in the service of his country, and on every occafion he has maintained the character of a British officer. When a captain, and at that time reckoned the handsomest officer in the navy, his afsistance was required by the civil power to quell some insurrection at Portf mouth. The brave Commander, at the head of his crew, with his sword in his hand, convinced the mob that he had spirit and firmness to enforce obedience if they were determined to refift. His frankness and generofity spared that alternative, he joked them into good hu mour, and they separated in peace.

"The unpleasant station which has fallen to his lot during this war, certainly pointed him out as a peculiar object of royal favour. When the alarming mutiny at the Nore deprived him of the greater part of his fleet, and he had hardly a ship left that he could trust, to except his own, the gallant Admiral caused the Venerable to be put close in with the Texel, and two frigates to be placed in the Offing to make signals. By this means he manœuvred the Dutch till he got a reinforcement. They would not venture out, thinking he was come to reconnoitre, and that the frigates were stationed to communicate between him and his fleet; but in every instance he has discovered great difcernment and profeffional knowledge.


« After

"After having provoked the Dutch to give him battle, till he was tired and disgusted, he conceived they had some other object in view, and that his keeping his ftation would prevent the very thing he most ardently defired. He gave out that he was under the neceffity of returning home to refit. Some of his fleet did certainly stand in need of repairs, and the probability of this circumstance, after having been so long at fea, gave that credibility to the report which was necessary to induce the wary Dutch to commence their intended expedition. His feint of coming into port to refit, was so thoroughly believed to be real, that several of his officers and men who had gone on shore, were left behind when he failed, after having received intelligence of the Dutch fleet being at sea. The determined courage of the Dutch in the scene of action, called forth all the bravery of the British seamen, and it was certainly the best difputed grand engagement that has been fought during the war."

Such are the merits of Lord Duncan, that the Emperor of Ruffia hath noticed and rewarded them. The following letter was sent him by that potentate, and is expreffive of the regard he entertained for his services :


" In confideration of the talents which you have displayed during your military career; the honourable and diftinguished manner in which you acquitted yourself in the command which you had over my squadron, destined to combat, conjointly with yours, the enemies of your country, and the zeal which you have manifested for the well being of my fubjects, as well officers as seamen, I have created you Chevalier of my Imperial Order of St. Alexander Newsky, the Infignia of which accompany this for your investiture. I flatter myself that the justice which I now render you will be received by you as a striking proof of my high confideration and good wishes. I pray God to have you in his holy and particular keeping.

Peterhoff, July 19, -1797.





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