THE MONTHLY VISITOR, AND POCKET COMPANION BY A SOCIETY OF GENTLEMEN. We shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. VOL. IV. LONDON: PRINTED FOR H. D. SYMONDS, NO. 20, PATER- NOSTER ROW. 1798. BOWATED BY THE NEW YORK CITY PREFACE. IT is ufual for the Editors of Periodical Publica tions to commence a new Volume with a short Addrefs to their Readers. That we shall now perform. We wish not to deviate from a custom which is attended with several advantages, and which the approbation of the Public hath fanctioned. We fincerely thank our numerous Subscribers for the ample countenance with which we have been honoured. We are flattered by their attention. In these times, a much greater degree of fuccefs could not have been reasonably expected. When long established works, of a fimilar nature, are becoming more confined in their circulation by the preffure of accumulated expences, we have great reafon to remain contented. Of the merit attached to our former volumes we fay nothing. It is needlefs. The Public, in whofe hands they now are, cannot but be deemed competent A 2 |