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* המונה בעל חרמון

THE first mentioned frequently, the Similitude: The fecond Judg. iii. 3. and 1 Chron. v. 23. 'Tis compounded of or, the burning Heat, or the Wrath, and the Similitude, that from whence we take the Idea: This expreffes the whole Matter in the three Conditions; fo 'tis the Lord of the Heat, of the Similitude. This Word might be formed by Believers, but after applied to Baal. All the Similitudes of God taken from this Syftem, befides conveying the Ideas, reclaim what had been attributed to these Names, in nearly the fame Words, 2 Sam. xxii. 9. Pfal. xviii. 9. There went up a Smoak out of his Noftrils; and a Fire out of his Mouth devoured: Coals were kindled by it. He bowed the Names alfo and came down; and Darkness was under his Feet. And he rode upon a Cherub, and did fly; and was feen upon the Wings of the Spirit. He made dark

Quere, If not from Claffes, or Species, and fame Root: And then


to diftribute into Sorts, and &c. be not the will be that Agent which

forms Things by their Species; the Variety of which is wonderful; as is the Prefervation of that Variety.

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his Circulators: Condensed Waters with denfe Grains of Air, his Coverings. Through the Brightness before him were Flabes of Fire kindled. Jehovah thundered from the Names; and the most High uttered his Voice. He fent out his Arrows and fcattered them, Lightning and difcomfited them. And the Channels of the Sea appeared; the Foundations of the Globe were discovered at the Rebuke of Jehovah, by the blowing of the Spirit of his Noftrils. Ibid. 1. 2. Out of Zion perfect in Beauty does the Aleim hine. Our Aleim shall come and not ftand ftill: A Fire fhall devour “Dh before him; and it shall be very tempeftuous in his Circuits. Ibid. xcvii. 1. Jehovah is King, let the Earth roll round; let the Multitude of the Ifles be glad. Clouds and Darkness are his Circuits; Righteousness and Judgment are the Habitation of his Throne. A Fire goes before him, and burns up his Enemies round about. His Lightnings enlighten the Globe; the Earth faw it and trembled. The Mountains were melted like Wax at the Prefence of Jehovah; at the Prefence of the Lord of the whole Earth. The Names declare his Righteousness, and all the People fee his Glory. All that


worship DD a graven Image fhall be confounded, non, (the Inftrument of Irradiation) that afcribe Glory to the Irradiators; worship him all ye Aleim. Ibid. civ. 1. Jehovah my Aleim, thou art very great, thou art cloathed with Honour and Majefty; covered with Light as with a Garment. Who ftretcheth out the Names as a Curtain; who built his Lofts in the Waters; who has made the Grains (of Air) his Drivers, who walketh upon the Wings of the Spirit. Who maketh his Agents the Winds; his Minifters the flaming Fire. He founded the Earth upon its Columns ; it shall never fail for ever. Thou covered it with the Abyss as with a Garment; the Waters ftood above the Mountains: At thy Rebuke they fled; at the Voice of thy Thunder they haftened away; the Mountains rife up, the Vallies fink down, unto the Place which thou didst found for them: Thou hast appointed Bounds they cannot pass nor return again to cover the Earth: He fendeth Fountains into the Vallies; they go among the Mountains, &c. Ifa. xxix. 6. Thou shall be vifited of Jehovah of Hofts with Thunder and with Earthquake and great Noife, with Storm and Tempeft, and the Flame of devouring Fire.


Fire. Ibid. lxvi. 15. For behold Jehovah will come with Fire; and his Chariots. are like a Whirlwind to render his Anger with Fury, and his Rebuke with Flames of Fire. For by Fire and his Sword will Jehovah plead with all Flesh; and the Slain of Jehovah fhall be many. Thofe that fanctify themfelves, and purify themfelves in Gardens, behind one Tree in the midft, &c. Jehovah the Aleim takes this Similitude in thefe and many other Places; and as the antient Heathens imagined there were three intelligent Beings in these Agents, takes the Similitudes of their fuppofed Perfons, and of their Powers, represents himself (not only to Believers in him, but to thofe he had the Contcft with for worshipping thofe Agents) as poffeffed of thefe Similitudes and all their Powers; not only by the apparent Similitudes and Powers in them, but by all the antient emblematical Reprefentations, and the Infignia of thefe imagined Perfons and Powers, and their Actions, and could not give us any of those Ideas otherwife. This Word rather reprefents a terrible Similitude: But the Scriptures exhibit him in one View to his Servants, and in another to his Enemies; as the Heathens thought thefe Powers exhibited

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their Pleasure or Difpleasure by the Appearances to them. In reprefenting his Appearance and Actions in the Redemption of Man, the Formation of, and the Government of this System, the Deliverance of his Servants out of Slavery, the Destruction of his Enemies, and putting his Servants in Poffeffion, the facred Writers make the Faces or Vifages plural, vefted with Grace, Glory and Power. Dan. ix. 17, Caufe thy Faces to shine upon thy Sanctuary. Pfal. xxvii. 8. Thy Faces, Jehovah, will I feek. Their Emblems, fupernaturally exhibited, or by Men, was the Bodies join'd in one, with three Heads and four Faces or Vifages crown'd with Irradiation and Glory, and poffefs'd of all the Emblems of Divinity. Then reprefent him girt about with Light, the Emblem of Chrift, as with a Garment. So were the emblematical Representations of these with irradiating Crowns, one Part reprefenting the Motion of the Light and Spirit, the other the Motion of the Orbs, with bright colour'd Robes, &c. and fo the Pricfts. They were reprefented upon a Throne, attended with Judgment and Juftice, the Place from whence Decrees and Pardons are iffued. In the Defcription of the Formation of this Syftem, he reprefents VOL. IV. S. himself

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