July 31.1861 OUR SOCIAL BEES; OR, PICTURES OF TOWN & COUNTRY LIFE, AND OTHER PAPERS. BY ANDREW WYNTER, M. D. AUTHOR OF "CURIOSITIES OF CIVILIZATION," ETC. "Not in vain the distance beckons. TENNYSON. LONDON: ROBERT HARDWICKE, 192, PICCADILLY. Insects TO THE READER. 952 W991 ACLE THE public favour which attended the issue of "Curiosities of Civilization" has induced me to collect another series of my papers, and to publish them in an uniform volume. Some of the articles have already appeared in two little volumes long since out of print. The major portion, however, have been published from time to time in the pages of Once a Week, and others in Fraser's Magazine, the London Review, the Times, and other channels. The article on "Human Hair" originally appeared in the Quarterly, and the one on "Brain Difficulties," in the Edinburgh Review. COLEHERNE COURT, OLD BROMPTON. June 1st, 1861. M362725 |