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28. Volition what.

29. What determines the Will.

30. Will and Defire must not be con-


31. Uneafinefs determines the Will.

32. Defire is Uneafiness.

33. The Uneafinefs of Defire determines

the Will

34. This the Spring of Action.

35. The greatest pofitive Good deter-

mines not the Will, but Uneafiness.

36. Because the Removal of Uneafinefs

is the firft ftep to Happiness.

37. Because Uneafinefs alone is prefent.

38. Because all who allow the Joys of Hea-

ven poffible, purfue them not. But a

great Uneafinefs is never neglected.

39. Defire accompanies all Uneafinefs.

40. The most preffing Uneafinefs natu-

rally determines the will.

41. All defire Happiness.

42. Happiness what.

43. What Good is defir'd, what not.

44. Why the greatest Good is not always


45. Why not being defir'd, it moves not

the Will.

46. Due Confideration raifes Defire.

47. The Power to fufpend the Profecu-

tion of any Defire, makes way for


48. To be determin'd by our own Judg-

ment, is no Restraint to Liberty.

49. The freeft Agents are fo determinʼd.

50. A conftant Determination to a Pur-

fuit of Happiness, no Abridgment of


51. The Neceffity of pursuing true Hap-

pinefs, the Foundation of all Liberty.

52. The Reafon of it.

53. Government of our Paffions, the

right Improvement of Liberty.

54,55. How Men come to purfue different


56. How Men come to chufe ill.

$7. Fift, From bodily Pains. Second-

ly, From wrong Defires arifing from
wrong Judgment.

58,59. Our Judgment of prefent Good or

Evil, always right.

60. From a wrong Judgment of what

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9. Three forts of Ideas make our com-
plex ones of Subftances.

10,11. The now Secondary Qualities of Bo-

dies would difappear, if we could
difcover the primary ones of their mi-
nute Parts.

12. Our Faculties of Difcovery fuited
to our State.

13. Conjecture about Spirits.

14. Complex Ideas of Subftances.

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1. Real Ideas are conformable to their

2. Simple Ideas all real.

3. Complex Ideas are voluntary Com-

4. Mixed Modes made of confiftent
Ideas, are real.

5.Ideas of Subftances are real,when they
agree with the Existence of things.

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Of Words.

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tures of the Understanding. 12. Abstract Ideas are the Effences of the Genera and Species. 13. They are the Workmanship of the Understanding, but have their Foundation in the Similitude of things. 14. Each diftinct abftract Idea, is a diftinet Effence.

15. Real and nominal Effence. 16. Conftant Connection between the Name and nominal Effence. 17. Suppofition, that Species are diftinguilh'd by their real Effences, useless. 18. Real and nominal Effence, the fame in fimple Ideas and Modes, different in Substances.

19. Effences ingenerable and incorruptible.

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Of the Names of fimple Ideas. SECT.

1. Names of fimple Ideas, Modes, and Subftances, have each Jomething peculiar.

2. First, Names of fimple Ideas and Subftances, intimate real Exiftence. 3. Secondly, Names of fimple Ideas and Modes, fignify always both real and nominal Effence.

4. Thirdly Names of fimple Ideas undefinable.

5. If all were definable, 'twould be a Procefs in infinitum.

6. What a Definition is. 7. Simple Ideas, why undefinable. 8,9. Motion.

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12,13. The contrary fhew'd in complex I

deas, by Inftances of a Statue and Rainbow.

14. The Names of complex Ideas, when

to be made intelligible by Words. 15. Fourthly, Names of fimple Ideas leaft doubtful.

16. Fifthly, Simple Ideas have few Afcents in linea prædicamentali. 17. Sixthly, Names of fimple Ideas ftand for Ideas not at all arbitrary.


Of the Names of mixed Modes and Relations.


1. They ftand for abstract Ideas, as other general Names.

2. First, the Ideas they ftand for, are made by the Understanding.

3. Secondly, Made arbitrarily, and without Patterns.

4. How this is done.

5. Evidently arbitrary, in that the Idea
is often before the Existence.
6. Inftances, Murder, Incest, Stabbing.
7. But ftill fubfervient to the End of

8. Whereof the intranflatable Words of
divers Languages are a Proof.

9. This fhews Species to be made for Communication.

10,11. In mixed Modes, 'tis the Name

that ties the Combination together, and makes it a Species.

12. For the Originals of mix'd Modes,

we look no farther than the Mind, which alfo fhews them to be the Workmanship of the Understanding. 13. Their being made by the Underftanding without Patterns, fhews the reaJon why they are fo compounded. 14. Names of mix'd Modes ftand always for their real Effences. 15. Why their Names are ufually got before their Ideas.

16. Reason of my being fo large on this

Of the Names of Subftances.

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7,8. The nominal Effence bounds the Spe


9. Not the real Effence which we know


10. Not fubftantial Forms which we
know lefs.

II. That the nominal Effence is that
whereby we diftinguifh Species, far-
ther evident from Spirits.
12. Whereof there are probably num-
berless Species.

13. The nominal Effence that of the Species, prov'd from Water and Ice. 14-18. Difficulties against a certain Number of real Effences.

19. Our nominal Effences of Subftances, not perfect Collections of Properties. 21. But fuch a Collection as our Name ftands for.

22. Our abftract Ideas are to us the Measures of Species: Inftances in that of Man.

23. Species not diftinguish'd by Genera


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26. Therefore very various and uncertain. 27. But not fo arbitrarily as mix'd Modes.

28. Tho' very imperfect.

29. Which yet ferves for common Converfe.

30. But makes feveral Effences fignify'd by the fame Name.

31. The more general our Ideas are, the more incompleat and partial they are. 32. This all accommodated to the End of Speech.

33. Inftance in Caffuaries.

34. Men make the Species; inftance, Gold.

35. Tho' Nature make the Similitude. 36. And continues it in the Races of things.

37. Each abstract Idea is an Essence. 38. Genera and Species, in order to

naming; inftance, Watch. 39. Species of artificial things, lefs confufed than natural.

40. Artificial things of diftinct Species. 41. Subftances alone have proper Names. 42. Difficulty to treat of Words with

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