GKnolle Gro Firtue Sculp? 1713 Effigies Iohannis Locke Ex Archetypo, quod in Museo Alexandri Geckie Chirurgi adservatur expressa. THE WORKS OF JOHN LOCKE Efq; In Three Volumes. The CONTENTS of which follow in the next Leaf. : With ALPHABETICAL TABLES. VOL. I. The Second Edition. LONDON, Printed for A. CHURCHILL, and A. MANSHIP, and fold 1722 The Contents of the Three Volumes. A VOL. I. N Eflay concerning Human Understanding. In Four A Letter to the Right Reverend Edward Lord Bishop of Wor- Mr. Locke's Reply to the Bishop of Worcester's Answer to his Second Letter. VOL. II. OME Confiderations of the Consequences of the lowering of Interest, and raising the Value of Money. In a Letter sent to a Member of Parliament. 1691. Short Obfervations on a Printed Paper, entitled, For encouraging the coining Silver Money in England, and after, for keeping it here. Further Obfervations concerning raising the Value of Money. Wherein Mr. Lowndes's Arguments for it, in his late Report concerning An Effay for the Amendment of the Silver Coin, are particularly examin'd. Two Treatises of Government. In the Former, the false Principles and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his Followers, are detected and overthrown: The Latter, is an Effay concerning the true Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government. |