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Where Moslem temples tell the bowers
Of error, woe, and death;
Where darkly mingle papal towers,
With superstition's breath:
Where thousands at an idol's shrine,
Lie prostrate in their guilt supine;
Where shadows rest upon the tomb,
There is the Missionary's home.

And think ye joyless is his lot?

His hours dark sorrow's own?
No; brightly are his moments fraught,
With happiness unknown!
For he hath blessings rich and high,
From Him who bade him thither hie,
And heavenly gifts where'er he roam,
Surround the Missionary's home!

Kingston, Jamaica.



THE Cross is my anchor, though wave follow wave, §
Though frail be my vessel, this anchor shall save!
Let faith in full confidence trust in the Lord,
'Midst dangers I rest on his life-giving word.

The Cross is my anchor, 'tis steady and sure,
Within the vail holding, all storms I endure, t
My Jesus has enter'd, a Priest on his throne,
I trust in his promise, and in him alone.

The Cross is my anchor, all storms soon shall cease,
And my vessel, though frail, reach the haven of peace;
No shipwreck, or storm need I evermore fear, ‡
When the danger's extreme, then my Saviour is near.

The Cross is my anchor, I now hear his voice, ||
"It is I," then I fear not, but trust and rejoice :
The last storm, with its louring may speedily come,
I'll trust in His Cross, and shall soon reach my home!

Psalm xlii. 7. ↑ Heb. vi. 19, 20. Psalm xlvi. | Matt. xiv. 27.

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Let favours past confirm my hope,
That thou hast greater things in store,
That love enjoy'd through Christ on earth,
Unchang'd shall last for evermore.

Far, far each faithless doubt begone;
Be Thou my portion, Thou alone!
While present blessings flow around,
In streams of mercy rich and free,
May present acts of duty shew
My heartfelt-gratitude to Thee.

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Since o'er my paths thy gifts are strown,
Be Thou my portion, Thou alone!

And should some needful cross be sent,
To bend and mould my stubborn will,
may that cross by love applied,
Through grace, its blessed end fulfil.
So shall my heart be all thy own;
And Thou my portion, Thou alone!
Thus while I live, my love for Thee,
Supreme o'er all my powers shall reign ;
Thus when I die, dread death itself,
Through faith in Christ shall be my gain.
--My gain the ransom'd sinner's crown,
My blissful portion, Thou alone..


Set out for heaven without delay,
Live unto God, each hour, each day;
Time flies, and death is on the way-
At once resolve.

THE man of wisdom will prepare at once,
Nor leave to fancied leisure that pursuit
Which should engage him now; for present time,
And only that, we justly call our own,
Not to be squandered, but redeemed, improved,
-Improved for God, his glory and his cause,
His pardon to obtain, through Christ his Son.
Rise, rise, my soul; now, now, set out for heaven,
The way is plain, the end eternal life!

T. H.

R. C.

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