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reasons or arguments which prove this position | nearly of the same figure, since it is nearly on the should be clearly and familiarly illustrated. If they same level as the sea, no part of it rising more than a are near the sea-coast, they should be conducted to mile or two above this level, except the peaks of a few the margin of the sea, to observe how the hull of a lofty mountains. Where there is no convenient acship, leaving the shore, disappears, near the horizon, cess to the sea-coast, or the margin of a lake or river, before the sails, and the sails before the topmast; and the same fact may be illustrated by the appearance a telescope should be provided, that the observation of a person going over the top of a conical bill,-or may be made with perfect distinctness. They may any waving tract of ground may be selected, and a be informed, at the same time, that a ship disappears little boy directed to walk from the one extremity from the view, in the same manner, in all parts of to the other, over the highest point of it; when it will the ocean; and if so, the ocean must form a part of be perceived, after having passed this point, that the the surface of a sphere; and if the ocean, with its lower parts of his body will first disappear, and that numerous ramifications of seas, straits, and gulfs, be the top of his head will be the last part of him that of a spherical form, the surface of the land must be will be visible, as represented in the following figure.


The pupils may next be made to perceive, that if the earth be round like a globe, we might travel directly east or west, and, holding on in the same direction, without turning back, might arrive at the same point from which we set out; and then be informed, that the experiment has actually been made-that ships, at different periods, have sailed quite round the world, the course of which may afterwards be pointed out on the artificial globe. But, as these voyages have been made only in an easterly or westerly direction, they may be led to understand that, had we no other proofs of the earth's rotundity, this experiment would only prove that the earth is round in one direction, like a cylinder or a drum. The roundness of the earth, from north to south, might, at the same time, be explained from the fact, that when we travel a considerable distance from

N. to S. or from S. to N., a number of new stars successively appear in the heavens, in the quarter to which we are advancing, while many of those in the opposite quarter gradually disappear; which could not happen if the earth were a plane in that direction, like the longitudinal surface of a cylinder: for, in this case, we should see all the stars of the heavens, from the North pole to the South, on whatever portion of the cylindrical surface we were supposed to be placed. This might be illustrated by surrounding a terrestrial globe, or any other ball, with a large hoop or circle, about twice or thrice the diameter of the globe, on which some of the stars might be represented. This circle might be made either of wood or pasteboard, and the globe within it connected with a moveable plane to represent the horizon, as exhibited in the following figure.

[blocks in formation]

in that direction.

sight of all the stars situated between F and D, and | quisite to reduce the whole landscape to a perfect that the pole-star C, which, in his former position, level-the number of trees and shrubs of every kind was in his horizon, is now elevated 45 degrees contained within the range of their view-the alabove it. In a similar manner it might be shown most innumerable millions of flowers of every hue, that no such difference in the aspect of the starry stalks of corn, blades of grass, mosses almost invisiheavens could take place, in travelling from South ble to the naked eye, and vegetables of every deto North, or from North to South, were the earth of scription, which cover every portion of the landthe form of a cylinder; and consequently, that the scape-the cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, and other fact above stated proves the rotundity of the earth quadrupeds, and the multitudes of birds, worms, fly. ing and creeping insects, and microscopic animal. That the earth, considered as a whole, notwith- culæ, which no man can number, comprehended standing the irregularities caused by its mountains within the limits of their view-the number of houses and vales, is of the figure of a sphere, may be illus- and human beings in the towns, villages, and hamtrated from the phenomenon exhibited during the lets, which are scattered around, and the labors progress of an eclipse of the moon. An explanation in which they are employed-the mass of waters in of a lunar eclipse, accompanied with familiar illus- the rivers, and in that portion of the ocean which trations, will be requisite to be given, before the lies before them, (if such objects be in view,) and proof of the globular figure of the earth be deduced the numerous tribes of fishes which glide through from this phenomenon. Let the flame of a candle the watery element. Let them be directed to consi or gas-lamp represent the sun, and a wooden ball, der the time and exertions which would be requisite supported by a wire, represent the earth; and let a to travel to the most distant part of the landscape, to circle somewhat less than the diameter of the ball, go quite round it, and to cross it in forty or fifty di be drawn on a piece of pasteboard, and colored, to rections, so as to attain a more intimate inspection represent the moon. Let them be placed at a mo- of the multifarious scenes and objects of which it is derate distance from each other, and nearly in a composed. Let certain general calculations be straight line, and let the pupils mark the curve of made of the number and magnitude of such objects, the shadow of the ball on the circle representing the of the motion of the inanimate parts of nature, of moon, and that there is no body but one of the figure the activities of animated beings, and of the quanof a globe that can project a circular shadow in every tity of matter which appears on every hand. Hav direction; for, although a counter or a shilling willing impressed upon their minds, as clearly as possi cast a circular shadow in one direction, yet in every other direction it is either an oval or a straight line. Hence the conclusion is easily deduced, that, if the shadow of the earth falling on the moon is the cause of an eclipse of that orb, and if this shadow, so far as it is seen, is always a portion of a circle, the earth, as a whole, must be nearly of a globular figure. In order to render such explanations clear and impressive-when a visible eclipse of the moon takes place, young persons should be directed to observe such a phenomenon with attention to mark the figure of the earth's shadow when it first enters on the eastern margin of the moon-before it leave its western edge and during the whole of its progress along the disk, if it happen to be a partial eclipse of the moon; and, although they be not directly engaged in geographical studies at the time, yet such observations will afterwards prepare them for understanding such explanations as now suggested. Such minute illustrations, so far from being superfluous or unnecessary, are essentially requisite for producing in the minds of the young a rational conviction of the rotundity of the earth. I have known young ladies, and gentlemen too, who had passed through a scholastic course of geography, and yet could assign no other reason for their believing that the earth is globular, than this, "That their teacher told them so, and showed them a representation of it by the artificial globe." Besides, such specific explanations and illustrations tend to exercise the reasoning powers of the young, and to bring to their view a variety of incidental facts and circumstances connected with the subject, and thus their store of general information is gradually increased.

Having, by such methods as the above, produced a clear conviction of the spherical form of the earth, the next step might be to convey an impressive idea of its magnitude. For this purpose, let a class of young persons be conducted to an eminence, where they might have a distinct view of a landscape stretching about eight miles in every direction. Let their attention be particularly directed to the various objects which compose the scene before them; let them be directed to consider the vast mass of materials contained in the hills or mountains which form a portion of the view-the millions of laborers, and the number of years which it would be re

ble, such ideas of the magnitude and variety of the scene before them, let them be informed that the landscape they are contemplating is about 50 miles in circumference, and that its surface contains 200 square miles; but, that the whole surface of the earth contains more than 196 millions of square miles, and, consequently, is nine hundred and eighty thousand times larger than all the objects they behold around them; so that they must conceive 980,000 landscapes as large as the one before them, before they can form an adequate idea of the magnitude of the earth. To impress this idea more deeply, they may likewise be told that, were they to remain in the station they now occupy, ten hours every day, (the time usually allotted for daily labor,) and were a landscape of similar extent to that which they behold, to pass before their view every hour, till the whole extent and scenery of the terraqueous globe were brought under their observation, it would require more than two hundred and sixty-eight years before they could survey, even in this rapid and imperfect manner, the whole superficial dimensions and variegated scenery of the globe on which we dwell.

Their attention should likewise be directed to the

solidity of the earth--that it is not a mere superfiCies, but contains within its bowels an immense and or 8000 miles in every direction between the oppoindescribable mass of matter, extending nearly 7900 site portions of its circumference, amounting to more than 263 thousand millions of cubical miles. An idea of this enormous mass of materials may be communicated by such illustrations as the followthe largest insulated mountains on the globe, and ing-Suppose Mount Etna-which ranks among which contains around its sides 77 cities, towns, and villages, and 115,000 inhabitants-to be 120 miles in circumference near the top, and 2 miles in perpencircumference around the base, about 10 miles in dicular altitude, and considering its figure to be nearly that of the frustrum of a cone, it will contain about 833 cubical miles, which is only the 316,756,481 part of the solidity of the globe, reckoning it to contain 263,858,149,120 cubical miles; so that it would require more than three hundred millions of mountains, such as Etna, to form a mass equal to that of

and forwards in different directions by a kind of libratory motion, every 12 hours, producing the flux and reflux of the sea-that currents, such as the gulf stream, are found in different parts of the ocean, flowing uniformly in the same direction-that the land is divided into three principal portions or masses, the Eastern and Western continents, and the territory of New Holland, besides thousands of islands of every form and size, which diversify the surface of the ocean-that lofty ranges of mountains, some of them three or four miles in perpendicular height, run in different directions through these continents, some of them hundreds and even thousands of miles in extent-that hundreds of rivers, many of them above 2000 miles in length, have their rise in these elevated regions, and carry an immense body of waters into the ocean-that the ocean has been sounded with lines nearly a mile in length, when no bottom was found-that it is proba is diversified with mountains and vales like the surface of the dry land-that it contains a mass of water sufficient to cover the whole globe to the height of more than a mile and a half; and that, were its caverns drained, it would require more than 20,000

the terraqueous globe: and were these mountains | of solid ice; that the other portions move backwards placed side by side in a straight line, they would extend 12,100,097,574, or more than twelve thousand millions of miles; that is, more than six times the distance of Herschel, the remotest planet of our system. And were we to travel without intermission, till we reached the extremity of such a line of mountains, at the rate of 25 miles every hour, (the utmost speed which our steam-carriages have yet attained,) it would require fifty-five thousand, two hundred and fifty-one years, before the journey could be accomplished. And, were they arranged in circles, equal to the perimeter of the sun, they would go 4376 times round the circumference of that stupendous globe, and cover a great portion of its surface. Again, suppose that all the inhabitants of the earth were to be employed in removing a mass of materials equal to that of our globe; suppose all that are capable of laboring to be 200 millions, and that each person removes ten cubical yards in a day, it would require more than 1,970,956,164, or, one thousand nine hun-ble it is several miles in depth, and that its bottom dred and seventy millions, nine hundred and fiftysix thousand, one hundred and sixty-four years, before such an operation could be completed; which is more than 337,550 times the number of years which have elapsed since the Mosaic creation. It is of some importance that, by such illustra-years before they could be filled by all the rivers tions, we endeavor to convey to the minds of the young a luminous and impressive idea of the maguitude of the globe on which we dwell. For it is the only standard, or scale of magnitude, by which we are enabled to form a conception of the bulk of the sun, and some of the more magnificent globes of the solar system, and of the immensity of the universe. If we entertain imperfect and contracted conceptions of the size of our globe, we shall be led to entertain similar contracted views of the celestial orbs, and of the amplitudes of creation. No adequate conception of the magnitude of our world can be conveyed to the young, by merely telling them that it is 8000 miles in diameter, and 25,000 in circum ference, and showing them its figure and the diviSuch general views of the grand features of the sions on its surface by an artificial globe. For, in globe, when occasionally enlivened with particular the first place, few of them have an accurate con- details of what is curious and novel to the young, ception of the extent of one thousand miles, much cannot but arrest their attention, and excite their less of twenty-five thousand; and, in the next place, curiosity to acquire more minute information on the they are apt to fix their attention merely on the subject; while, at the same time, they have a tenlength of a line or a circle, without considering the dency to inspire them with sublime and reverential extent of surface contained in a globe of the above ideas of that Almighty Being who "laid the foundadimensions; and therefore, the number of square tions of the earth, who causeth the vapors to ascend, miles comprised in the superficies of the earth, who measureth the ocean in the hollow of his hand, amounting to nearly 200 millions, should always be who weigheth the mountains in scales, and taketh specified, as that which conveys the most correct up the isles as a very little thing." After describing idea of the amplitude of our globe-and, in the last such general views, the attention may be directed to place, unless an ample prospect be presented to their various other objects connected with the physical view, and their attention fixed upon its multifarious constitution of the globe, such as rocks and insulated objects, while such instructions are imparting, the mountains, promontories, isthmuses, caverns, iceillustrations of the magnitude of the earth will 'nei- bergs, forests, mines, and deserts-volcanic mounther be clear nor impressive. In a private apart-tains, and islands that have been raised from the botment, where the view is confined to the walls of the room, such instructions would lose a considerable part of their effect.

Having thus impressed on the understandings of the pupils clear conceptions of the figure and magnitude of the earth, its leading divisions and grand natural outlines should next be presented to view. An eighteen-inch terrestrial globe should be placed before them, on which they should be directed to mark the great divisions of land and water-that the regions inhabited by man, and other terrestrial animals, lie between two expansive masses of water more than ten thousand miles in length, and one of them nearly the same in breadth, which cover about three-fourths of the surface of the globe-that the northern and southern portions of this watery mass are, for the most part, compacted into a body

running into it at their present rate, although they pour into its abyss 13,600 cubical miles of water every year-that the atmosphere surrounds the whole of this terraqueous mass-that by means of this atmosphere and the solar heat, a portion of the waters of the ocean is carried up to the region of the rain to supply the sources of the rivers, and to water clouds in the form of vapor, and condensed into and fertilize the earth; and that by these, and similar arrangements of Infinite Wisdom, the lives and comforts of myriads of animated beings throughout the regions of the earth, air, and ocean, are preserved and perpetuated.

tom of the ocean by the force of subterraneous agents

lakes, mediterranean seas, fountains, springs, whirlpools, gulfs, and water-spouts-the peculiarities of the different zones-the climates, and the distribution of plants and animals in the different re gions of the earth-the atmospherical phenomena in different countries, thunder, lightning, aurora-borealis, the monsoons, trade-winds, sea and land breezes, hurricanes, and tornadoes-the distribution of temperature in different parts of the earth-the variety of seasons in the different zones, and the reasons why all the four seasons prevail at the same moment in different countries-the changes which have been produced on the surface of the globe by earthquakes, volcanoes, the action of water, the influence of the atmosphere, and the agency of manthe varieties of the human race, the population of the globe, and the number of individuals that are

daily ushered into existence, and of those who daily retire from the living world. To these views of natural scenery may next be added explanations of maps, and of the different circles on the artificial globe, of the nature of longitude and latitude, the division of the circle into degrees and minutes, the variety of days and nights, the reasons why the zones are bounded at particular degrees of latitude by the tropics and polar circles, and the mode by which the circumference of the earth and its other dimensions have been determined. The explanations of astronomical geography, such as the causes of the different seasons, the annual and diurnal motions of the earth, and the method of finding the latitudes and longitudes of places, may be postponed till the pupil proceeds to the study of astronomy.


rivers on the globe. This might, perhaps, be more distinctly exhibited by a number of rods of different lengths, gradually tapering to a point as the respective rivers diminish in breadth, from their mouths to their sources. Other delineations might represent their lengths, not in straight lines, but with all their curves and windings.-4. A chart or delineation of the comparative size of countries, lakes, and islands, so that the proportional spaces on the globe, occupied by such countries as Russia, China, Great Britain, the United States, &c. may be perceived at a glance. These spaces may be represented either by squares, parallelograms, or circles.-5. An Isothermal chart showing the climates and vegetable productions of the earth; in which the mean temperature of its different regions, the plants which flourish in them, the length of the longest days and nights, the diviIn describing such objects as the above, and other sions of the zones, and other particulars, may be dis departments of geography, illustrative maps and tinctly noted.-6. A chart of geographical zoology, delineations, such as the following, are requisite: showing the various tribes and species of animals 1. A stereographic projection of the globe on the with which the earth is peopled, and the several plane of the meridian, which divides it into the east- regions where the different species abound. ern and western hemispheres; and another projec- names of the animals might be engraved instead of tion on the plane of the equator, having the poles in the names of towns, and if the chart was on a large the centre, dividing the earth into the northern and scale, the figures of the most remarkable animals southern hemispheres. Without this last projection, might likewise be engraved.--7. A map of Africa which is seldom exhibited in books of geography, and America, and the Atlantic ocean lying between the relative positions of countries in Asia, North them, on the same sheet, for the purpose of exhibitAmerica, and other regions, cannot be distinctly ing, at one view, the whole Atlantic, with its islands, traced. On both these maps, the ranges of moun- and the relative positions of the coasts of Africa and tains which diversify the globe, and all the rivers South America. Also, another map, on the same which flow from them, should be particularly de- scale, representing the eastern parts of Asia and lineated, without any other objects or distinctions, New Holland on the one hand, and on the other, except the names of the countries, seas, oceans, the western coasts of America, with the Pacifie rivers, and mountain-chains, in order to present to ocean, and its numerous groups of islands which the young mind, at one view, this grand and dis- intervene, for the purpose of showing the nearest tinguishing feature of our globe. For want of such approach which the old and new continents make to maps on a large scale, accurately delineated, with each other, and the relative positions of the islands the mountains and rivers represented in their pro- and countries connected with the Pacific.-8. A portional magnitudes, no accurate nor comprehen- map or chart of Moral geography, exhibiting the sive ideas are generally entertained of this noble prevailing religion of the several countries, and the and interesting feature of the terrestrial surface.- moral state of their inhabitants, which might be disThree or four extensive chains of mountains may tinguished, either by different colors or by different be distinguished, from which flow numerous rami- shades in the engraving. In this map the countries fications, and which, with some interruptions from enlightened by Christianity, and those which are the sea, extend nearly round the globe. One of still shrouded in Pagan darkness, might be exhibitthese chains runs through Lapland, Finland, and ed at one view; for the purpose of showing to the Northern Russia, including the Ural mountains, young what an immense portion of the world is still sending forth branches in different directions. An- immersed in heathen ignorance and idolatry, and other runs along the southern parts of Europe in- what exertions are still requisite for enlightening cluding the Alps and Pyrenees-Hungary, Persia, the benighted nations; and for the purpose of stimuTibet, including the Himalaya, and, stretching in lating them to bear a part in those philanthropic different directions, pass through China, Japan, and movements which are now going forward for the the Kurile islands towards Kamtschatka, from which enlightening and renovation of the world.-9. Views another chain diverges, and establishes a connection of cities, public buildings, mountains, caves, grottos, with the grand chain of the American continent.- volcanoes, interesting landscapes, and whatever Another ridge runs along the southern hemisphere, scenes or objects are most striking on the surface through Africa, Paraguay, the islands of the Pacific, of the globe. Some of these views might be exhibitand New Holland; and another extensive chain ed by the optical diagonal machine formerly deruns from north to south, along the whole length scribed.-10. Sets of colored maps of the quarters of America, including the Andes, the Rocky and of the globe, and its different countries, delineated the Blue mountains. The pupils should be direct-in the usual way.-11. A projection of the globe on ed to trace these ranges, with all their different the horizon of the particular country where the pubranches, not only along the continents, but across pils reside, for the purpose of showing the bearings the oceans, where the tops of the higher ridges ap- and distances of places from the country in which pear in the form of islands, their average elevations they are placed.-12. Slate globes, on which the puremaining below the level of the sea.-2. Another pil may trace with a pencil the circles of the sphere, delineation should consist of an elementary map, the ranges of mountains, the course of rivers, the showing the various objects connected with geogra- outlines of continents and islands, and whatever else phy: such as continents, islands, peninsulas, isth- may tend to familiarize his mind to the general armuses, promontories, mountains and plains, wocds rangements of the earth. On such globes mistakes and forests-rivers, lakes, seas, gulfs, friths, straits, may be remedied and inaccuracies corrected by the and channels and the manner in which cities, application of the sponge; and, after the pupil has towns, forts, roads, shoals, sand-banks, soundings, been for some time accustomed to such delineations, sunken rocks, and the direction of the winds, are he will soon acquire a clear and comprehensive represented in maps.-3. Delineations showing the view of the outlines of the globe, and become faproportional length and breadth of the principal | miliar with the relative positions of its con inents,

seas, and islands.-13. Delineations of the compara-lations of war; and that scarcely a bright spot can tive heights of the principal mountains on the globe be perceived on the surface of the globe, and amidst -the mountains in the eastern and western hemis- the gloomy records of past generations, on which pheres being arranged in two separate groups. On the eye of benevolence can rest with urmingled dethe same sheet might likewise be delineated, com- light. Hence it has happened, that we have scarceparative views of the heights of different ranges, ly a history of the operations of pure philanthropy, arranging them into six or seven classes, beginning except in the instance of our Saviour and his aposwith views of such mountains as those of Scotland, tles. And now, when philanthropic plans have Wales, and Ireland, which do not much exceed been formed, and benevolent enterprises are carry4000 feet, and gradually proceeding to such as the ing on, our geographers and men of science, so long Cordilleras and the Himalaya, whose summits reach accustomed to blaze abroad the exploits of ambition an clevation of above 20,000 feet.-14. Models of and malignity, will scarcely condescend to notice particular countries might occasionally be made of or record the operations by which the moral world wax or other materials, particularly of mountainous is beginning to be enlightened and regenerated.regions, for the purpose of exhibiting an idea of the This is not what it ought to be, or what we ought scenery of a country, the windings of its rivers, and to expect from those who are engaged in the diffuthe comparative height of its mountains above the sion of knowledge. All knowledge should be digeneral level of its surface. No map can convey an rected so as to have a moral bearing, and to stimuidea of such particulars, or of the general appear-late the mental activities of the young to those beance and prominent features of any country, similar nevolent exertions by which the best interests of to that of a well-executed model. I have seen in their fellow-men, in every land, may be promoted. the Museum of the University of Edinburgh, seve- Geographical compendiums for the use of schools ral models of the kind to which I allude, of the vales should be clear and comprehensive in their details, and mountainous regions of Switzerland, in which and enlivened with occasional picturesque descripthe position of the towns, the course of the rivers, tions of human scenery and of natural and artificial the lakes, the lines of roads, the vales, the rocks, the objects, which may be illustrated with neat engravforests, and the comparative elevation of the moun- ings. They should also abound with questions and tains, are exhibited, as if one were looking down exercises of every description connected with the upon the country from the clouds. The only ob- subject, to afford scope for the industry of the pupil, jection to such models would be the difficulty of and for the exercise of his judgment and reasoning getting them executed, and the consequent expense powers. But, however excellent the plan and dewhich would be incurred. But, if one model were tails of any school-book may be, it ought by no accurately executed, others could easily be taken means to be considered as superseding the more fafrom it, on the same principle as phrenologists take miliar illustrations of the teacher, and the convercasts of the human skull. sational lectures alluded to above. No man can be By the assistance of such maps and delineations, a successful teacher of this science, but he who has and with the aid of a judicious text-book, compris- a familiar and comprehensive knowledge of all the ing a comprehensive view of the outlines of physi- subjects connected with it, and who can, at any cal, mathematical, civil, statistical, and historical time, illustrate its principles and facts by viva voce geography, an enlightened teacher will be enabled descriptions and elucidations, which always make a gradually to lead his pupils forward to luminous deeper impression on the young mind than can be views of this interesting subject. In describing the produced by the mere perusal of the best treatises. different countries, he should give a comprehensive In working the usual problems on the terrestrial outline of whatever is peculiar to each country, and globe, (some of which are of little practical imporselect, for particular description, whatever interest-tance,) due care should be taken, that the pupils be ing objects of nature or art may have a tendency to not guided merely by the rules given for the respecexcite the attention and gratify the curiosity of his tive problems, but that they understand the reasons pupils, referring them to their larger systems of why they turn the globe in this or that direction-elegeography for more minute details. In such descrip- vate the pole to a certain degree above the horizontions, the details of moral, statistical, and religious or set the horary circle to a given hour. In problems geography, should occupy a more prominent place which have a reference to the difference of time at than they generally do in our systems of geography different places, they may be taught to perform the and scholastic courses on this subject. The statis-operations by a mental calculation, and to ascertain, ties of our own country, of the various states of in the course of a few seconds, what nations have Europe, and particularly of the United States of noon, midnight, morning or evening, at a given America, which are very imperfectly known, and hour, or summer or winter, spring or autumn, on a respecting which there exist numerous misconcep- given day or month. In commencing the study of tions and unreasonable prejudices on this side of geography, a plan or map of the town or village in the Atlantic, should be particularly detailed. The which the pupils are taught, along with the adjacent moral and mental degradation of the heathen world; country, and some of its prominent objects, might the missionary stations which have been fixed in be laid before them, as introductory to the study different parts of it for counteracting the influence and explanation of maps. On this map, they might of barbarism and idolatry, and diffusing the light be directed to attend to the cardinal points of the of divine knowledge; the various success which compass, the boundaries of the town, the streamlets has accompanied such undertakings; and the phi- or rivers, ponds or hills, and the bearings of the lanthropic enterprises which are now going forward different streets, lanes, public buildings, and other in different countries for the moral renovation of objects, from each other; and various questions and mankind, should be depicted to the view of the exercises in reference to such objects might be proyoung with all the vividness and energy which the posed, which would excite a spirit of observation, and importance of such subjects demands, in order to al- prepare them for understanding maps of countries lure them to the consideration of such objects, and to on a larger scale. A map of the county, and then secure their endeavors in promoting them. It is a a map of the state or kingdom might next form the striking and melancholy feature in the records of subject of attention, which would prepare them for our race, that almost the whole of history and his- the study of the particular quarter of the globe in torical geography is occupied with details of the which they reside, and of all the other countries, miseries of mankind, produced by ambition, avarice, seas, and oceans, dispersed over the surface of the and injustice, the tyranny of despots, and the deso- earth. This plan is evidently in conformity to the

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