Kosegarten: The Turbulent Life & Times of a Northern German PoetP. Lang, 2004 - 254 sider The poet, preacher, and university professor Ludwig Gotthard (Theobul) Kosegarten (1758-1818) lived most of his life in a region on the Baltic Sea known as Swedish Pomerania. This popular writer participated actively in German culture, interacting with Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang Goethe, as well as other literary figures and intellectuals, including Ernst Moritz Arndt and Friedrich Schleiermacher. Kosegarten helped to shape the aesthetic attitudes of German Romantic art, and his poetry was set to music by three dozen composers, including Franz Schubert. During the French occupation, when German national feelings were running high, Kosegarten shocked his contemporaries by speaking out courageously against patriotic excess. He welcomed the social reforms that were beginning to free serfs and to establish equality under the law. In 1817, German nationalists burned his books and tarred his reputation. This book, which is based on a close reading of his works, is the first detailed biography of Kosegarten to be published in English. |
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Kosegarten: The Turbulent Life & Times of a Northern German Poet Lewis Holmes Begrænset visning - 2004 |
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Allwina Altenkirchen appointment Arkona Arndt arrived Baier beautiful became become Berlin Buske Buske and Bock Caspar David Friedrich century Chapter Christian church Coblenz dedicated describes edition of Kosegarten Ernst Moritz Arndt father fatherland feudal Franck French occupation Friedrich garten Goethe Götemitz Gottfried Gotthard Greifswald University Grevesmühlen Gustav Hartmann Heyden Hiddensee Ida von Plessen island Jahn Johann Karoline Katharina king Kose Kosegarten 1788 Kosegarten 1791b Kosegarten 1816 Kosegarten wrote land Lappe later Leipzig letter lived married Mecklenburg Napoleon nationalists nature Nernst parish parishioners pastor Patriotic Hymns Petrich Philipp Otto Runge Pietism poems poet poetry political position preached preacher professor Prussia published pupils Quistorp religion religious Roman Rostock Rügen Runge schoolmaster Schulz sermons Shore soldiers songs speech spirit Stralsund student Sweden Swedish Pomerania teacher theology translated village Vitt volume Wartburg festival Wittow Wolffradt Wolgast writes young Ziel