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PLAYS, &c. contained in each VOLUME.


Head of Shakespeare, from an Engraving by Martin
Dreefhout, before the Folio 1623.

Preface by Johnson,

Advertisement by Steevens.

Extract from the Gul's Hornbook, by Decker, concern-
ing our ancient theatres, &c.

The Globe Theatre, from the Long Antwerp View of
London in the Pepysian Library.

Catalogue of the earlieft Tranflations from Greek and
Roman Clafficks."

Appendix to Colman's Terence, relative to the Learning
of Shakespeare.

Dedication by Heminge and Condell to the Folio, 1623.
Preface by the fame.
by Pope.

by Theobald.

by Hanmer.

by Warburton.

Advertisement prefix'd to Steevens's Twenty Plays, &c.
Rowe's Life of Shakespeare.

Mf. in the Herald's Office.

Licences to Shakespeare, &c. from Rymer's Fœdera,
and his Mff.

Head of Shakespeare from that by Marshall, prefixed to
the Poems 1640.

Fac-Simile of Shakespeare's Hand-writing.

Anecdotes of Shakespeare, from Oldys's Mff. &c.

Farmer's Account of a Pamphlet falfely imputed to Shake-
fpeare; together with Remarks on a paffage in Warton's
Life of Dr. Bathurst.

Obfervations on Paffages in the Preface to the French
Tranflation of Shakespeare.


Registers of the Shakespeare Family.

Grainger's Catalogue of the Portraits of Shakespeare. Ancient and Modern Commendatory Verfes on Shakefpeare, with Notes, &c.

Lift of Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, both ancient and modern;―of Plays alter'd from him;-of detach'd Pieces of Criticism, &c.

Entries of Shakespeare's Plays on the Books of the Stationers' Company.

An Attempt to afcertain the Order in which the Plays attributed to Shakespeare were written, by Edmond Malone, Efq.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Supplemental Note on Hamlet, p. 263, and 420. [The rugged Pyrrhus &c.]



Prefaces, &c.

276. Note line 5. for 1689, read, 1589.

278. Line 22. for 1580, read, 1589.

300. Since all our other fheets were printed off, it has been difcover-
ed, that the entry at Stationers' Hall, 66
Prefaces, p. 257) was Haywarde's Hiftory of K. Henry IV. and
Jan 9. 1598," (fee
not our author's play with the fame title. Part of the argu-
ment therefore founded by Mr. Malone on the latter fuppofi-
tion (p. 300) must be confidered as erroneous, whilst I alone
remain anfwerable for his mistake, which happily does not af-
fect the date allotted by him to the piece in question.


325. In the first line of Steevens's note on Macbeth, dele the full point, and fubftitute a comma.


4. At the end of Note 1. for act III. read a&t IV.

23. Note 5. and five lines from the bottom, for loft, read laft.
57. Note 7. for Ital. Gaverdina, read, Gabardina, Spanish. BARETTI.

239. Note 1. line 4. for fee froth, read, fee thee froth.

281. At the end of Note 9. add, STEEVENS.

288. Note 4. line 1. for fee the foin, read, fee thee foin. 305. In Dr. Johnson's note, line 3. for text, read, jeft.


84. Note 3. line 5. dele first old.

123. Note 9. at bottom, for deed charity, read, deed of charity. 250. Note. For the great majority, read, a great majority. 313. Note 6. line 2. for the regular, read, a regular.

498. At the end of Note 7. add, STEEVENS.


38. In Mr. Tyrwhitt's note, for It, read, I.

44. Note 4. for Sigifmunda, read Gifmunda.

83. Note 3. line 4. from the bottom, for, informs as, read, informs us. 236. Note 9. line 19. for, latter, read, former.

245. Note 2. for, full duplicity, read, full of duplicity.

322. In Mr. Tollet's continuation of Note 3. for,—But can Atalanta's &c. read,-But cannot Atalanta's &c.

339. In Mr. Tyrwhitt's note, 1. 4. for feem to be preserved, read, has as yet been produced.

416. In Mr. Tyrwhitt's note, l.'10. after Shakespeare, infert, elsewhere. 448. At the end of Note 8. add, STEEVENS.

462. In Mr. Malone's continuation of Note 4. for, inflead of new, read, inflead of new?


184. In Mr. Malone's continuation of Note 1. for, unexpressing, read,

352. In the text, line 13. for, drop, read, dropp'd.


421. Text, line 2. for, earge, read, charge.

430. Text, line 12. for, woult ft, read, would ft.

506. For, Gray's Inn Journal N°. 17. read, Gray's Inn Journal No. 590. Note 7. iine 1. for, as, read, was.

[ocr errors]



205. In Note 6. line 3. dele to, after with.

446. Note 4. inftead of "Percy's dea," and, "thine ey," read, "Percy's dead," and, "thine eye."

316. End of Note 3. instead of, which plain language, read, which in plain language.


61. At the end of Note 1. for, fc. i. read, fc. ii.


36. In Mr. Walpole's Note,

inftead of, reduce, read, deduce,

66. Note 8. for camer regia, read, camera regia.

418. Line 1. Dele-Be gone.

2. read, Men. Be gone.

3. Dele-Men.

This error is entirely mine: I meant to have followed Mr. Tyrwhitt's divifion of the speech. STEEVENS.

425. Text, line 4. from the bottom, for, roated, read, roted. 452. Text, line 2. for, whoop'd out Rome, read, whoop'd out of Rome. VOL. VIII.

81. Text, line 1. for, have no will, read, I have no will. 182. Note 6. for, you shall come, read, you should come.


73. Line 13. for, Pan, read, Par.

353. Note 7. for, Alexander Menfrie, read, William Alexander of Menfrie.

284. Text, line 19. After, That's all I reck, instead of a comma, a full point.

286. Stage direction, line 16. for, bearing her his arms, read, bearing her in his arms.

304. At the end of Note 5. add, STEEVENS.

398. Note 6. for, a little is the reading, read, a little is the common


431. Text, line 1. for, contenst, read, contents.

439. In Mr. Tyrwhitt's note, a comma after neceffaries.

481. At the end of Note 3. add. STEEVENS.


53. Line 1. Note. For, t moift, read, the moift; and in line 2. ibid. for, hi, read, his.

218. Note 9. line 9. for, voss, read, vornuamos.
522. Note 8. line 18. Terra in antiquum fit reditura chaos.]

This line of Muretus is here quoted from an incorrect edition. The falfe quantity in it, however, was fufficiently obvious; but as fuch mistakes in profody are fometimes to be met with among modern writers of Latin verse, (especially the Poeta Italorum,) I paffed over the prefent imperfection, without pointing it out to the public. Yet perhaps we should read, with an older copy of this author, printed at Paris in his lifetime:

Tetras in antiquum &c,

i. e. quaternio elementorum, the four elements out of which the univerfe was made. MALONE.

614. at the end of Note 4. add, STEEVENS.


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