TRAVELS IN SWITZERLAND, BY WILLIAM COXE, M.A. F.R.S. F.A.S. &c. AMONG the various scientific travellers that this country has produced, few rank higher in the public estimation, or have gained more extensive celebrity than Mr. Coxe. He who reads for amusement, and he who reads for information; the man of leisure, the man of business, and the politician, will all be in some degree gratified by an attentive perusal of his works. His travels in Switzerland, a country favourable for local description, and where freedom, independence, and competence are the lot of almost every rank, as they are certainly his most popular publication, so we have selected them to grace our volumes. But while we are anxious to present our readers with a fair view of their principal contents, it is a duty we owe the amiable author to confess, that we feel ourselves incapable, within the limits prescribed, to do justice to the multifarious matter they contain; and we are rather ambitious to excite curiosity to peruse the original, than to satisfy it by our present abridgment. would, indeed, be an ill compliment to one of the most perfect books of travels in the English language not to include it in our plan; and we are It |