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"And one day when the sun arose
All glorious from the sea,

I ascended high, to reach the sky,
And long'd a star to be.

"But soon the sun-beam shook me off,

Into a dark, dark cloud;

And I saw it part with the lightning's dart,

And heard the thunder loud.

"I thought surely now must die;
And dreadful was my fright;
All blacken'd o'er, I shone no more,→
I had lost my beauty bright.

"But softly then the cloud reposed

Upon a mountain-top;

Quite terrified, fast down its side

I ran, and did not stop.

"I hid me near a secret spring,—
Gone was ambition then;
Pride left behind, I felt resign'd,
Nor thought to rise again.

"How many virtues may be gain'd

In deep adversity!

While it sorely tries, it purifies,

And gives humility.

"When willing to remain unknown,

My penance soon was o'er;

From the depth profound, I rose above ground, To the cheerful light once more.

"And now I have told you whence I came,

Sweet little child, farewell:

I will hasten away to my sisters gay,

With them contented dwell."

The brilliant drop had scarcely ceased,

Had not yet sought her kin,

When the beautiful flower, FORGET-ME-NOT,

Open'd, and drew her in.

And now a star of heavenly blue,

Far from her place of birth,

She may still be seen on the mossy green,
The firmament of earth.

The child still listen'd, though no more

The liquid sounds were heard;

Then he sat awhile, with a placid smile,
Recalling every word.


SLEEP, gentle baby, sleep,

On earth's calm, quiet breast,

The storms that o'er this dark world sweep,

Will not disturb thy rest.

Brightly the sun may shine,

Thou canst not feel its power,

Nor mark the moon's pale silvery light,
Which cheers the evening hour.

Flow'rs may beside thee bloom,
The fairest flowers of spring;
Thou wilt not heed the rich perfume
Which widely round they fling.

Sleep, gentle baby, sleep,

Long will thy slumber be;

Yet, blessed child! I cannot weep,

I cannot mourn for thee.

For thou art sheltered now

From every chilling blast,

The waves of this sad troublous world,

Thou hast in safety past.

Thou art for ever free

From earth-born cares and woes;

Sorrow can never frown on thee,

Nor break thy sweet repose.

Yes! thou art happy now,

Then wherefore should I sigh?
No grief can shade thy seraph brow,
Or dim thy sparkling eye.

Not one dark thought of pain

Can mar thy holy bliss;

Oh! who would wish thee back again,
To such a world as this.

And when my trembling soul

Is filled with doubt and fear,
When clouds of deep affliction roll
Across my pathway here,

Then to thy peaceful grave,
My weary steps I bend,
And thoughts of purest happiness,
With my dark musings blend.

How calm thy deep repose!
How gentle is thy rest!

Oh! when shall all my wanderings close,
And I, like thee, be blest.

Bright is that land of love,

Where grief can never come;
Oh, for the pinions of a dove,
To bear me to my home.

Ah! it will not be long,

A few more stormy days,
Before I join the ransomed throng.
And tune my harp to praise.

This bright inspiring hope,

Comes with its magic power,
And gently cheers my drooping heart,
In sorrow's saddest hour.

Beside thy lowly bed,

Patience and strength are given;
Sweet, balmy peace is o'er me shed,

Peace which descends from heaven.



OH! when from friends beloved we part,

And breathe a sad farewell,

How often does the aching heart,

With deep emotion swell,

To think that in this world of pain,

Perhaps, we may not meet again.

H. M. W.

Yet, Christian! yield not to despair,
Though dark the prospect be,

Though clouds of sorrow, and of care,
Enshroud futurity;

Hope, like a rainbow bright appears,
And sweetly smiles away thy fears.

It points to realms of bliss above,
To mansions of the blest,
Where happy spirits dwell in love,
And with their Saviour rest;
Nor time, nor death, those ties dissever,
Their sweet communion lasts for ever.

It bids thee think of that bright day,
When thou shalt join them there;
Shalt from earth's dark scenes away,


Their happiness to share;

Shalt meet, where joys unfading grow,
Those whom you fondly loved below.

Then chase the sadness from thy brow,
Thy grief awhile restrain;
Though parted for a season now,

Oh! we shall meet again!

Faith whispers of our home on high,
And wipes the tear-drop from our eye.

Then, dearest friends, farewell; if we
Should meet on earth no more,

Oh! may we re-united be,

When life's short day is o'er,

Where separation cannot come,

Where love and friendship ever bloom.


H. M. W.


THOUGH thrones may shake, and crowns may fall,

And empires flourish, and decay;

And isles appear, then melt away;

When earthquakes rock and split this sublunary ball:

Though empty shall the wine-press be;
Though in the stall no oxen are;

And pestilence, and direful war,
Shall aid fell famine in the general misery:

Though stoutest hearts shall fail through fear;
Though Satan's arts and hosts engage
'Gainst feeble man their powers to wage,

And to no human sight deliverance draweth near:
Though Time itself shall be no more;
Though fire the world consume,

Hast'ning the fearful doom

Of sinners brought from every sea and every shore:

Thy promises are faithful still!

Thy word shall still endure!

Thy truth be still secure!

And all that thou hast spoken thou surely wilt fulfil!


"A band of men, whose hearts God had touched." 1 Sam. x. 26.


BELOVED Saviour, touch my heart,

Thy sacred influence impart ;
That I may boldly take my stand,
With thy devoted faithful band.

Touch Thou mine eyes that I may see
Thy gospel's glorious mystery;
O touch mine ears that I may hear
Thy word, and thy commands revere.

Then shall my spirit, freed from earth,
And joined with men of heavenly birth,
Pursue the straight and narrow way,
To regions of eternal day.

There with thine own redeemed band,
Before thy throne, O Lord, to stand,
And in celestial anthems sing

Unceasing praise to Zion's King.

R. C.

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