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or to watch the glittering sails approaching or receding from us. Thus we would gaze, till our own souls became calm and bright as the bosom of the sunny ocean; then, with renewed strength we resumed our walk, endeavoring to impart to others a portion of that happiness, which a gracious Redeemer had vouchsafed to ourselves. Many a tract distributed; many a cheerful and serious remark, (qualities, which both my brother and sister well knew how to blend,) were addressed to the fisherman or sailor who happened to cross our way; and many an engaging word was dropped to the little children whom we met, wandering on the smooth sand, in search of "shinies," as they called the amber, cornelian, and other colored stones, left by the receding tide. Of my beloved relatives it may truly be said, they never went forth without bearing precious seed; and I doubt not, it will spring up in many instances which they will never hear of, till the day when they shall come again with rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them.

But to return; most precious to myself was this season of unrestrained intercourse, in which two minds so supérior were at perfect leisure to answer my youthful enquiries, and to spread before me mental and spiritual riches. Without effort or design they did so, for their conversation seemed but the natural result of enlarged information, refined feeling, correct judgment, and above all, of Christian sentiments. Continually would one valuable remark and another fix in my mind, which, had they been given in the way of formal instruction, would probably have been forgotten. Thus it was, one lovely moonlight evening, when, as we sat in the balcony, watching the soft stream of light upon the waters, I gained a clearer view of woman's duties, value, and true dignity, than ever I possessed before. A simple question, in itself of small importance, led to this result. Some young friends of mine had accompanied us the preceding day, to the beautiful ruins of Cove-hithe. Thence, after lingering long amidst its grass-grown aisles, marking each ivy-wreath gracefully entwined with the window's broken tracery, and casting many a backward glance on those rich evening rays, which, through the crumbling arches of the former pile, fell on the new church erected in the centre, we proceeded on our homeward way. For a while, we occupied the time in collecting flowers and grasses,

and then finished our walk with enigmas and charades. Now, as my judgment was very immature, I could not exactly tell what opinion to form of our evening, and therefore gladly took advantage of the quiet hour I have already named, to introduce the subject.

"Will you tell me, Catherine," I enquired, "whether you think that guessing riddles is a suitable amusement for young people, or a waste of time?"

"Quite suitable, at proper times and places, I consider," replied Catherine; "what say you, Henry?"

"I think so too," said my brother; "perhaps, in due measure it may be useful; quickening perception, and proving a desirable exercise for ingenuity. But if you will not deem me very particular, Anna, I should like to make one observation. Even with respect to these mere trifles, we should take care that no false impression is conveyed by them. Of course, no one thinks of forming his opinion from an enigma; yet, believe me, dear, nothing whatever passes through the mind, without leaving a portion of its coloring there. On this account, I could not help quarrelling with one of your charades, written in such a sprightly amusing style, as very naturally to entertain you all. I remember but two lines,

'Beatrice, with her soft blue eyes,

Was teaching her poodle to catch flies.'

"And then this same Beatrice, of whose qualities we hear nothing more, is held forth as a remarkably engaging person. Now, what figure of a woman can be more contemptible? And while a laughing imagination pictures it, what tint does the young mind imperceptibly receive? It is this, that the term 'agreeable' may be applied to a woman, who considers herself sent into the world, merely to trifle away her own time, and be a plaything for others; and moreover, that the formation of an eye, with which she had nothing to do, as a thing of more importance, than that formation of character, which ought to be her daily study. Now, if a girl imbibe such notions, what will be the consequence? No sooner does she really enter upon life, than she is roughly undeceived; compelled to learn a bitter and mortifying lesson. For what women, in point of fact, are

truly loved and valued?-those who quickly, diligently, and sensibly execute their share of family duty; finding their own happiness in promoting that of others. Depend upon it, Anna, woman is looked to, as the mainspring of domestic order and comfort; and if she fail here, her influence is lost. She must regulate all, and then carry out her plans, by direction or assistance, according to the station in which providence has placed her. To mark the bold outline of life belongs to man, but to fill in the shades of its hourly aspect, is the work of woman. In a great measure, she holds the continual present in her hand. How important, then, that she should use that delicacy of perception, and tenderness of heart, which God has given her, in discovering what is most acceptable to those around her, and then with cheerful grace performing it. Nor need she imagine her sphere insignificant; its constant influence ensures importance. To be ever casting the oil of gentleness on the troubled waves of life, invests her with the character of a ministering spirit. And if in seasons of prosperity her soothing power is felt, how doubly valuable is the smile of unchanged love, and patient endurance, with which she can cheer the gloom attendant upon losses, perplexities, sickness, or sorrow. For 1 there is a moral dignity in the woman of well-regulated mind and Christian heart, which is beyond the power of words to describe. Far be it from me to confine her skill to the domestic routine; high and holy are her mental and spiritual duties. Every generation as it rises, reflects the female character of the preceding one; since they who have been blessed with a Lois and Eunice to conduct their training, will feel the benefit through life. Well then may we say with Solomon, when speaking of a woman that feareth the Lord, "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.' Nor are her husband and children the only witnesses. Her best smiles, indeed, are given to home, and she bestows only those she has to spare, on others.' Yet these are neither few nor heartless. 'The friends whom she loves and serves; the poor whom she relieves; the children whom she instructs, unite their grateful testimony. Her youth is joyfully devoted to her Saviour's service, and, maturity attained, she becomes a mother in Israel. Such is the privilege of woman while journeying along the path

of life; and, oh, in its last closing scene, how most invaluable are her tender offices.

[blocks in formation]

My brother ceased; then turning to Catherine, he said, “have I not given a faithful portrait of woman? Thanks to a gracious providence, I draw from nature, or rather, I should say, nature changed by grace. For who maketh thee to differ from another; or what hast thou, that thou didst not receive?"

One more remembrance of that happy month, and I have done; for I will not attempt to describe the grandeur of two awful storms which occurred during our stay. I will only say respecting them, "They who go down to the sea in ships, and transact business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep." But I cannot help recalling one interesting day, on which we visited the ruins of Dunwich, that ancient city of the East Anglians, which, in the sunshine of its prosperity rose beside the waters, reflecting on their bosom, according to tradition, no less than fifty churches! There it was, that the zealous Felix the Burgundian, more than twelve hundred years ago, preached Christianity to the rude inhabitants, then falling from the faith. We stood upon the cliff, and thought on the departed glories of this once fair city, now all engulphed in the overwhelming wave. My beloved relatives dwelt on the instability and evanescence of earthly things; but it was not with feelings of unmixed melancholy; for the subject seemed naturally to transport their minds to that city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

"Does not a scene like this," exclaimed Catherine, "powerfully enforce the apostle's injunction, 'Let your moderation be known unto all men.' They, who, centuries ago, dwelt in this spot, were as much exercised with joy, sorrow, and anxiety about their passing trifles, as we in the present day. And now, of

what consequence is all that interested them, excepting so far as it bore upon eternity? Even of the possessions themselves, not a vestige is left. Soon it will be the same with respect to us. The Lord is at hand; the earth, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up. Seeing then, that we look for such things, what manner of persons ought we to be, in all holy conversation and godliness?"

My brother cordially assented; and for a while we continued each occupied in silent thought; not unmixed, I believe, with prayer, till Henry, drawing a little volume from his pocket, read to us the following lines: with them I will close the present paper.

"And here time's mightiest, heaviest hand has been,
How marr'd the splendour, and how chang'd the scene!
He call'd his deadliest fiends-in wrath they came,
The fiercest tempest, and the wasting flame,
The raging whirlwind, and the gorging sea;
They came, old Donewic, and they spared not thee!
Thou sea-worn city! In the times of old,
Ere winds and waves had torn thee from thy hold,
Then was the day-spring of thy glory bright;
When thy brave king diffus'd the heavenly light
Of sacred learning, o'er this happy realm;
Man's weal his compass, truth divine his helm.
Then thy good bishop, noble Felix came,
To swell thy glory, to exalt thy fame.

Yes; in thy holy temple here, were taught

Those wondrous truths, above the power of thought,
That o'er East Anglia's joyful bound, spread wide

The glorious light; to comfort and to guide

The soul-benighted mortal on his way,

Thro' shades of death, to everlasting day."-Bird's Dunwich.

S. S. S.


THE following accounts of some peculiarites connected with the eclipse of the sun, which occurred on the 8th July last, are by eye-witnesses eminent for scientific attainments, and may consequently be fully relied on.

"I was viewing the sun most carefully with the dark glass upon

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