-lawyers are pleading for them-physicians are prescribing for them-authors are writing for them -soldiers are fighting for them-but, that true philosophers alone are enjoying them. There is more jealousy between rival wits, than rival beauties, for vanity has no sex. But, in both cases, there must be pretensions, or there will be no jealousy. Elizabeth might have been merciful, had Mary neither been beautiful, nor a queen; and it is only when we ourselves have been admired by some, that we begin thoroughly to envy those who are admired by all. But the basis of this passion, must be the possibility of competition; for the rich are more envied by those who have a little, than by those who have nothing; and no monarch ever heard with indifference, that other monarchs were extending their dominions, except Theodore of Corsica-who had none! Those missionaries who embark for India, like some other reformers, begin at the wrong end. They ought first to convert to practical Christianity, those of their own countrymen who have crossed the Pacific, on a very different mission, to acquire money by every kind of rapine abroad, in order to squander it in every kind of revelry at home Example is more powerful than precept, and the poor Hindoo is not slow in discovering how very unlike, the Christians he sees, are to that Chris tianity of which he hears : • Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures, Quam quæ sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus.* The misfortune therefore is, that he understands the conduct of his master, much better than the creed of his missionary, and has a clearer knowledge of the depravity of the disciple, than of the preachings of the preceptor. These observations are strengthened by a remark of Dr. Buchanan, founded on his own experience. Conversion,' says he, 'goes on more prosperously in Tanjore and other provinces, where there are no Europeans, than in Tranquebar, where they are numerous: for we find,' he adds, 'that European example in the large towns, is the bane of Christian instruction.' When you have nothing to say, say nothing; a weak defence strengthens your opponent, and silence is less injurious than a bad reply. We know the effects of many things, but the causes of few; experience, therefore, is a surer guide than imagination, and inquiry than conjecture. But those physical difficulties which you cannot account for, be very slow to arraign, for he that would be wiser than nature, would be wiser than God. When punishments fall upon a villain froin some unknown quarter, he begins to consider within himself what hand may have inflicted them. He has injured many, this he knows, and judging from his own heart, he concludes that he is the most likely --* Truths which we hear will less affect us, than those which we see.-Puв. to have revenged himself, who has had the most power to do so. This conclusion, however, is osten a most erroneous one, although it has proved the frequent source of fatal mischiefs, which have only fallen the heavier, from having had nothing to support them. Forgiveness, that noblest of all self-denial, is a virtue, which he alone that can practise in himself, can willingly believe in another. Some men possess means that are great, but fritter them away, in the execution of conceptions that are little; and there are others who can form great conceptions, but who attempt to carry them into execution with little means. These two descriptions of men might succeed if united, but as they are usually kept asunder by jealousy, both fail. It is a rare thing to find a combination of great means, and of great conceptions in one mind. The Duke of Bridgewater was a splendid example of this union, and all his designs were so profoundly planned, that it is delightful to observe how effectually his vast means supported his measures, at one time, and how gratefully his measures repaid his means, at another. On the blameless and the bloodless basis of public utility, he founded his own individual aggrandizement; and his triumphal arches are those by which he subdued the earth, only to increase the comforts of those who possess it. I have heard my father say, that the duke was not considered a clever lad at Eton, which only strengthens an observation that I have often made, that vivacity, in youth, is often mistaken for genius, and solidity for dulness The farther we advance in knowledge, the more simplicity shall we discover in those primary rules that regulate all the apparently endless, complicated, and multiform operations of the Godhead. To Him, indeed, all time is but a moment, and all space but a point, and he fills both, but is bounded by neither. As merciful in his restrictions as in his bounties, he sees at one glance the whole relations of things, and has prescribed unto himself one eternal and immutable principle of action, that of producing the highest ultimate happiness, by the best possible means. But he is as great in minuteness, as in magnitude, since, even the legs of a fly have been fitted up and furnished with all the powers and all the properties of an air-pump, and this has been done by the self-same hand that created the suns of other systems, and placed them at so immense a distance from the earth, that light itself seems to lag on so immeasurable a journey, occupying many millions of years in arriving from those bodies unto us. In proof of the observation with which I set out, modern discoveries in chymistry have so simplified the laws by which the Deity acts in his great laboratory of nature, that Sir Humphrey Davy has felt himself authorized to affirm, that a very few elementary bodies indeed, and which may themselves be only different forms. of some one and the same primary material, constitute the sum total of our tangible universe of things. And as the grand harmony of the celestial bodies may be explained by the simple principles of gravity and impulse, so also in that more wonderful and complicated microcosm, the heart of man, all the phenomena of morals are perhaps resolvable into one single principle-the pursuit of apparent good; for although customs universally vary, yet man, in all climates and countries, is essentially the same. Hence, the old position of the Pyrrhonists, that the more we study, the less we know, is true, but not in the sense in which it has been usually received. It may be true that we know less, but that less is of the highest value; first, from its being a condensation of all that is certain; secondly, from its being a rejection of all that is doubtful; and such a treasure, like the pages of the Sybil, increases in value, even by its diminution. Knowledge is twofold, and consists not only in an affirmation of what is true, but in the negation of that which is false. It requires more magnanimity to give up what is wrong, than to maintain that which is right: for our pride is wounded by the one effort, and flattered by the other. The highest knowledge can be nothing more than the shortest and clearest road to truth; all the rest is pretension, not performance, mere verbiage and grandiloquence, from which we can learn nothing, but that it is the external sign of an internal deficiency. To revert to our former affirmation of the simplicity of those rules that regulate the universe, we might farther add, that any machine would be considered to be most ingenious, if it contained within itself principles for correcting its own imperfections. Now, a few simple but resistless laws, have effected all this so fully for the world we live in, that it contains within itself the seeds of its own eternity An Alexander could not add one atom to it, or a Napoleon take one away. A period, indeed, has been assigned unto it by reve |