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Moral and religious the same.

false insurance.

This man was a type of the élite of criminals, had received an intellectual training, and could not have been described by Lord Derby as ignorant or stupid.

§ 91. Pestalozzi then, much as he valued the development of the intellect, put first the moral and religious influence of education; and with him moral and religious were one and the same. He protested against the ordinary routine of elementary education, because "everywhere in it the flesh predominated over the spirit, everywhere the divine element was cast into the shade, everywhere selfishness and the passions were taken as the motives of action, everywhere mechanical habits usurped the place of intelligent spontaneity ” (R.'s G., 470). Education for the people must be different to this. "Man does not live by bread alone; every child needs a religious development; every child needs to know how to pray to God in all simplicity, but with faith and love" (R.'s G., 378). "If the religious element does not run through the whole of education, this element will have little influence on the life; it remains formal or isolated "* (Ib. 381). And Pestalozzi sums up the essentials of popular education in the words: "The child

* The disciple is not above his master, and if parents and teachers are without sympathy and religious feeling the children will also be without faith and love. This cannot be urged too strongly on those who have charge of the young. But there is no test by which we can ascertain that a master has these essential qualifications. As in the Christian ministry the unfit can be shut out only by their own consciences. But let no one think to understand education if he loses sight of what Joseph Payne has called "Pestalozzi's simple but profound discovery-the teacher must have a heart." "Soul is kindled only by soul," says Carlyle; "to teach religion the first thing needful and also the last and only thing is finding of a man who has religion. All else follows."

Second, intellectual development.

accustomed from his earliest years to pray, to think, and to work, is already more than half educated" (Ib. 381).

§ 92. Here we see the main requisites. First the child must pray with faith and love. Next he must think.

“The child must think!” exclaims the schoolmaster : “Must he not learn ?” To which Pestalozzi would have replied, “Most certainly he must.” Learning was not in Pestalozzi's estimation as in Locke's, the “last and least” thing, but learning was with him something very different from the learning imparted by the ordinary schoolmaster. Pestalozzi was very imperfectly acquainted with the thoughts and efforts of his predecessors, but the one book on education which he had studied had freed him from the “idols” of the schoolroom. This book was the Emile of Rousseau, and from it he came no less than Rousseau himself to despise the learning of the schoolmaster. But when he had to face the problem of organizing a course of education for the people, Pestalozzi did not agree with Rousseau that the first twelve years should be spent in "losing time." No, the children must learn, but they must learn in such a way as to develop all the powers of the mind. And so Pestalozzi was led to what he considered his great discovery, viz., that all instruction must be based on “Anschauung.”

§ 93. The Germans, who have devoted so much thought and care and effort to education, greatly honour Pestalozzi,* and as his disciples aim at making all elementary instruction

* In 1872, a Congress in which more than 10,000 German elementary teachers were represented, petitioned the Prussian Government for "the organization of training schools in accordance with the pedagogic principles of Pestalozzi, which formerly enjoyed so much favour in Prussia and so visibly contributed to the regeneration of the country."

Learning by "intuition."

"anschaulich." We English have troubled ourselves so little about Pestalozzi, or, I might say, about the theory of education, that we have not cared to get equivalent words for Anschauung and anschaulich. For Anschauung "senseimpression" has lately been tried; but this is in two ways defective; for (1) there may be "Anschauungen" beyond the range of the senses, and (2) there is in an "Anschauung" an active as well as a passive element, and this the word "impression" does not convey. The active part is brought out better by 'observation "-the word used by Joseph Payne and James MacAlister; but this seems hardly wide enough. Other writers of English borrow words straight from the French, and talk about "intuition" and "intuitive," words which were taken (first I believe by Kant) from the Latin intueri, "to look at with attention and reflection."

$94. I think we shall be wise in following these writers. On good authority I have heard of a German professor who when asked if he had read some large work recently published in the distressing type of his nation, replied that he had not; he was waiting for a French translation. If the Germans find that the French express their thoughts more clearly than they can themselves, we may think ourselves fortunate when the French will act as interpreters. I therefore gladly turn to M. Buisson and translate what he says about "intuition."

"Intuition is just the most natural and most spontaneous action of human intelligence, the action by which the mind seizes a reality without effort, hesitation, or go-between. It is a 'direct apperception,' made as it were. at a glance. If it has to do with some matter within the province of the senses, the senses perceive it at once. Here we have the simplest case of all, the most common, the

Buisson and Jullien on intuition.

most easily noted. If the thing concerned is an idea, a reality, that is, beyond the reach of the senses, we still say that we seize it by intuition when all that is necessary is that it present itself to the mind, and the mind at once grasps it and is satisfied with it without any need of proof or investigation. We advance by intuition whenever our mind, acting by the senses, or by the judgment, or by the conscience, knows things with the same amount of evidence and the same amount of speed that a distinct view of an object

affords the eye. So intuition is no separate faculty; it is nothing strange or new in the mind of man. It is just the mind itself intuitively' recognising what exists in it or around it" (Les Conferences Péd. faites aux Instituteurs, Delagrave, 1879, p. 331). So the "intuitive method" (to keep the French name for it) is of very wide application. "It appeals to this force sui generis, to this glance of the mind, to this spontaneous spring of the intelligence towards truth." It sets the pupil's mind to work in following his own intellectual instincts. If in our teaching we can use it, we shall have gained, as M. Buisson says, the best helper in the world, viz., the pupil. If he can be got to take an active part in the instruction all difficulty vanishes at once. Instead of having to drag him along, you will see him delighted to keep you company.

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§ 95. According to M. Buisson there are three kinds of intuition-sensuous, intellectual, and moral. Similarly M. Jullien (Esprit de Pestalozzi, 1812, vol. j, p. 152) says that there are" intuitions" of the "internal senses as well as of the external: the "internal senses are four in number: first, the sense for the true; second, the sense for the beautiful; third, the sense for the good; fourth, the sense for the infinite.

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Pestalozzi and Locke.

§ 96. Without settling whether this analysis is complete we shall have no difficulty in admitting that both body and mind have faculties by means of which we apprehend, lay hold of, what is true and right; and it is on the use of these faculties that Pestalozzi bases instruction. No Englishman may have found a good word to indicate Anschauung, but one Englishman at least had the idea of it long before Pestalozzi. More than a century earlier Locke had called knowledge "the internal perception of the mind." "Knowing is seeing," said he; "and if it be so, it is madness to persuade ourselves we do so by another man's eyes, let him use never so many words to tell us that what he asserts is very visible" (Supra p. 222).

§ 97. Thus in theory Pestalozzi was, however unconsciously, a follower of Locke. But in practice they went far asunder. Locke's thoughts were constantly occupied with philosophical investigations, and he seems to have made small account of the intellectual power of children, and to have supposed that they cannot "see" anything at all. Sɔ he cared little what was taught them, and till they reached the age of reason the tutor might give such lessons as would be useful to "young gentlemen," the avowed object being to "keep them from sauntering." His follower Rousseau preferred that the child's mind should not be filled with the traditional lore of the schoolroom, and that the instructor, when the youth reached the age of twelve, should find "an unfurnished apartment to let." Then came Pestalozzi, and he saw that at whatever age the instructor began to teach the child, he would not find an unfurnished apartment, seeing that every child learns continuously from the hour of its birth. And how does the child learn? Not by repeating words which express the thoughts, feelings, and

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