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interest and variety as well as weight and value to the book. At the same time, he would not be understood as accepting all the views that are given in the notes, some of them being intended rather to excite attention and to call forth thought, and, apart from their connection or bearing upon the subject in hand, it is believed that most of them will be found to embody great thoughts in clear and beautiful language. Hence it will be seen that those who confine their attention merely to the text will obtain but a very imperfect idea of the author's purpose and meaning; they will do better who give their attention to the notes; but only they who take the two together and read them in their connection will fully understand his object. In order to facilitate this, an Analytical Table of Contents has been placed at the beginning, which the reader will do well to consult in the first place.


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Many are thus led to attribute to supernatural agency, or the incor-
rigible depravity of human nature, much that is the result of
confirmed habits or defective educational training

Hence the desire for separating themselves from the world, and

giving themselves up to meditation and prayer

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The laws of the universe are established so that the effects produced
by sin become the means of its destruction, and of restoring
man to a higher state of being than that from which he fell

Labour a blessing more than a curse

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That the effects produced by sin should be the means of its destruc-
tion, and of raising man to a higher than his original state of
being, can only be regarded as a mark of the highest wisdom

Man's powers developed by opposition, his progress carried on by


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Men err chiefly from not acting according to conviction

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It is by action that the world is made better, that man is improved
and perfected; and the thought that tends to no action, or has
not action as its ultimate aim, is of little value
God is the governor of the world, and is working out His own pur-
poses with regard to it; and our bodies in His sight are not vile,
despicable, and polluted, as some would make out

Unless we regard this world as perfect, and everything around us

as designed for our benefit, unless we believe that all our powers

and faculties are intended to be cultivated, our ideas of education

will be very imperfect

This world is meant for a place of education, and everything in it

is adapted to that end

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One of the chief arguments for the truth of Christianity is its
admirable adaptation to the wants and necessities of our nature 141
The very fact that we are to look for no farther revelation of a direct
kind must lead us to expect our future progress in Divine know-
ledge to result from the improvement of our understandings and
the extension of our natural knowledge.

The sacred Scriptures were originally communicated to a particular

people living at a particular time, and to those living in other

times and under other circumstances much of their original

beauty and force is lost; but on the other hand, with advanced

knowledge and more highly developed faculties, other beauties

of a higher and purer nature are revealed

There is a deep-rooted objection in the minds of many persons
to the application of reason to matters of religion
But religion has more to fear from a dead formalism, or blind senti-
mentalism, than from any proper use of the reasoning powers

Our ideas and conceptions of Divine truth must of necessity partake

of the imperfection of our nature, and be subject to the like errors

and prejudices that characterise our judgments on other things 145

One has only to look at the history of Christianity for abundant

evidence of this in all ages

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