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It is deeply to be regretted that the claims of education are so

frequently overlooked or disregarded by those who profess a

belief in the truths of Christianity

It is with ignorance, prejudice, and error, as existing amongst pro-
fessing Christians, that the friend of education has now chiefly to

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In revealing His will to man, God had to stoop down to his limited
capacity, and had to employ means that were suited to his cir-

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One of the chief arguments for the truth of Christianity is its
admirable adaptation to the wants and necessities of our nature 141
The very fact that we are to look for no farther revelation of a direct
kind must lead us to expect our future progress in Divine know-
ledge to result from the improvement of our understandings and
the extension of our natural knowledge.

The sacred Scriptures were originally communicated to a particular

people living at a particular time, and to those living in other

times and under other circumstances much of their original

beauty and force is lost; but on the other hand, with advanced

knowledge and more highly developed faculties, other beauties

of a higher and purer nature are revealed

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in the same way, then is the latter placed at an infinite disadvan-
tage, and the parallelism so frequently drawn in Scripture between
the two is shorn of its principal features

Such a view of original sin does not detract from its heinousness in

the sight of God, while it incalculably magnifies the Redeemer's


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Selfishness at the root of most of the sin and evil in the world
Vicarious suffering generally pervades humanity

Were these principles more generally recognised and acted upon, a
vast improvement would be effected in education.

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On the contrary, we believe that it has been very much to the
injury of religion that this is so generally the case
Division of labour is one of the main causes of our advance in the
arts, sciences, and civilization: men thus confining their attention
chiefly to certain branches, for which they are specially qualified
by natural aptitude or long study and practice
For the right teaching of religion special qualifications are required
in the teacher, and special modes of teaching

One of the evils resulting from the present state of things is that

the natural and proper religious educators of the young consider

that they acquit themselves of their duty by devolving it upon


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