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Address to Christians on observing the
Monthly Concert

of Jer. Evarts Esq. at the 10th
annual meeting

to Christians on prayer for Col-


Agencies for raising funds
Agency of Rev. W. T. Hamilton
Anniversaries, Conn. Branch 15; Fem.

Ed. Soc. Providence 57; Maine
Branch 15, 112; N. H. Branch 33,
140; North Western Branch 140;
Parent Society 111; West. Ed.
Soc. 111, 141, 241; Presb. Branch
111; Young Men's Ed. Soc. Bos-
ton 58; New York 57; Newburyport
Bangor Theol. Sem. change in course
of study


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Facts Miscellaneous

100, 101

showing the need of minis-



137, 142

General notices

16, 35


Generous Proposal of an individual in




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Beneficiaries, fruits of the labors of
happy influence of



Benevolent Effort. Early history of

117; new impulse to
Clergymen, Baxter's advice to



Clothing, demand for 15, 33; received 244

Conn. Branch of Am. Ed. Soc.


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Hebrew, Rev. Prof. Stuart on the study


Intelligence general 58, 142, 189, 190, 242
Lowell, resolutions of a church in 82
Maryville The. Sem. cheap boardingin 30
Ministry, President Porter on thorough

course of study for

Ministers, means of multiplying

-Rev. Dr Rice's Letter on Qual-
ifications of

Missionaries, pious sons of
Money refunded
New Haven Reports, Review of
Notices Prof. Newman's address 7;
Dr Wisner's Sermon on the death
of Hon. W. Phillips 9; Eleventh
Ann. Report 11; Mr Cumming's
Sermon 20; Ninth Report West.
Ed. Soc. 21; Mr Hitchcock's Ser-
mon 124; Course of study in Un-
ion Theol. Sem. 126; Dr Payson's
Sermons 127; Pres. Wood's Inau-
gural Sermon 154; Dr Griffin's
Dedication Sermon 155; Map of
Palestine 155; Gazetteer of Mas-
sachusetts 155; Mr Perry's con-
templated Gazetteer 155; Second
Ann. Report N. H. Branch Am.
Ed. Soc. 156; Prof. Hodge's Lec-
ture at Princeton

Obituary, Mr Joseph Peck 28; Rev.
Pliny Fisk, 66; Dr Payson 67;
Mr Solomon Maxwell 135; Mr
Samuel Moseley









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EVERY institution which depends | the American Education Society, cal

upon public interest and confidence for support must maintain a free and uninterrupted intercourse with those whose patronage it seeks. For this purpose it often becomes necessary to establish a vehicle of its own, by means of which it may regularly make known its progress, and its wants, and be able to communicate any thing else which is important to its welfare. The Directors of the American Education Society have long felt the need of some such medium of communication, and at a recent meeting it was voted, to publish a sheet quarterly, to be devoted to the interests and objects of the Society. It is not intended, by taking this course, to supersede the aid which has been so long and so generously given to the Society by the Editors of religious newspapers, but rather to supply them with more frequent and copious materials from which to make extracts; and the hope is cherished that instead of publishing less hereafter in support of the object which the Society is aiming to accomplish, they will publish more.

The Quarterly Journal will contain, original communications, addresses, and occasional extracts, upon any subjects interesting to the friends of

culated to enlighten the public mind, and to secure general confidence and support. It will devote a few pages to miscellaneous matter, consisting chiefly of literary notices and of facts, intended to promote the cause of christian piety and of general benevolence. The department of intelligence will exhibit a detailed view of the operations of the Society and of the Board of Directors, including a complete quarterly list of donations, of every kind to the Society.

The following statement will furnish all the additional information, which is necessary to explain the object of the publication, and the manner in which it will be conducted.

1. The Quarterly Journal will be published regularly, by a Committee of the Board of Directors of the American Education Society in July, October, January, and April; and will be issued as soon after the quarterly meetings of the Board in those months as circumstances will permit.

2. It will be furnished gratuitously to individuals, or associations, paying not less than $5 a year into the Treasury of the Society.

3. The price to subscribers will be 50 cents a year; or $5 for every dozen copies taken by a responsible agent.

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