TRAVELS OF FOUR YEARS AND A HALF IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; DURING 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, and 1802. DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO THOMAS JEFFERSON, Esq. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. BY JOHN DAVIS. Je ne connais sur la machine ronde Rien que deux peuples differens: Savoir les hommes bons, & les hommes mechants. BEAUMARCHAIS. LONDON: SOLD BY T. OSTELL, AVE-MARIA-LANE, AND T. HURST, DUBLIN ; AND H. CARITAT, NEW-YORK; FOR R. EDWARDS, PRINTER, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL. то THOMAS JEFFERSON, Esq. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS OBEDIENT, HUMBLE SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. SIR, BANKS OF THE OCCOQUAN, August 31, 1801. IN frequent journeyings through your country, I have made remarks on the character, the customs and manners of the people; these remarks I purpose to systematize into a Volume, and to you I should be happy to be allowed the honour of dedicating them. The object of my speculations has been Human Nature; spe. culations that will lead the reader to the contemplation of his own manners, and enable him to compare his condition with that of other men. In my uncertain peregrinations, I have entered with equal interest the mud-hut of the negro, and the log-house of the planter; I have alike communed with the slave who wields the hoe, and the task-master who imposes his labour. My motto has been invariably, Homo sum! humani nihil a me alienum puto; and after saying this, whatever I were to say more, would be idle declamation. I am, SIR, Your most obedient, most humble Servant, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Esq. President of the United States of America, Monticello, Virginia. JOHN DAVIS. |