| William Duncan - 1748 - 380 sider
...together ourThoughts, Ana-ytnk^d ejther for our own Ufe, that the Difcofyntbetick. veries we have made may at all times lie open to the Review of the Mind ; or where we mean to communicate and unfold thefe Difcoveries to others, there are two Ways of proceeding equally within our Choice. For we may... | |
 | Preceptor - 1758 - 590 sider
...together our Thoughts, either for our d'ah'ic'aad own ^fe, tnat tne Difcoveries we have mac'e SjmJattic, may at all times lie open to the Review of the Mind...communicate and unfold the Difcoveries to others, ^here are two Ways of proceeding equally within our Choice. For we may fo propofe the Truths relating... | |
 | William Duncan - 1759 - 382 sider
...Mind ; or where we mean to communicate and unfold thefe Difcoveries to others, there are two Ways oT proceeding equally within our Choice. For we may fo...Truths relating to any Part of Knowledge, as they presented themfelves to the Mind in tht Manner of Inveftigation, carrying on the Series of Proofs in... | |
 | William Duncan - 1770 - 380 sider
...together our jnatytickmd Thoughts, either for our own Ufe, sy"l:et'ckthat the Difcoveries we have made may all Times lie open to the Review of the Mind ; or where we mean to communicate and unfold thefe Difcoveries to others, there are two Ways of proceeding equally within our Choice. For we may... | |
 | Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 422 sider
...difpoimg and putting together our thoughts, either for our own ufe, that the difcoveries we have made may at all times lie open to -the review of the mind, or where we mban to communicate and unfold the difcoveries to others, there are two ways of proceeding equally... | |
 | Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 436 sider
...felf-evident truth to other particular and fiiigular ones. In difpefmg and putting together our thoughts, there are two ways of proceeding equally within our choice : . for we may fo fuppofe the truths, relating to. any part of knowledge, as they prefented themfelves to the mind in... | |
 | John Andrews - 1801 - 144 sider
...may at all times he open to the review of our -minds j or for the communicating or unfolding of thefe difcoveries to others), there are two ways of proceeding,...relating to any part of knowledge, as they prefented themfelves to the mind in the manner of inveftigation ; carrying on the feries of proofs in a reverfe... | |
 | William Duncan - 1802 - 244 sider
...disposing and putting together our thoughts, either for our own use, that the discoveries we have made may at all times lie open to the review of the mind ; or, where we mean to com. Hiunicate and unfold these discoveries to others, there are two ways of proceeding, equally within... | |
 | William Duncan - 1802 - 254 sider
...the review of the mind ; or, where we mean to comr municate and unfold these discoveries toothers, there are two ways of proceeding, equally within our choice. For we may so propose the truths relating to any part of knowledge, as they presented themselves to the mind in... | |
 | William Duncan - 1802 - 256 sider
...t» the review of the mind ; or, where we mean to cominunirate and unfold these discoveries toothers, there are two ways of proceeding, equally within our choice. For we may so propose the truths relating to any part of 'knowledge, as they presented themselves to the mind... | |
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