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" This Manner of determining the Relation between any two Ideas, by the Intervention of... "
The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein the First ... - Side 105
af Robert Dodsley - 1758
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - 1748 - 380 sider
...right-lined Figures, if we compare each of them with fome Square whofe Area is known, and find the one exa&Jy equal to it, and the other lefs by a Square-Inch,...immediately conclude, that the Area of the firft Figure is a Square- Inch greater than that of thefe-. cond. This manner of determining the Relation between any...
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Bind 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 sider
...Figures, if we compare each of them with fome Square whofe Area is known, and find the one exactly equal to it, and the other lefs by a Square-Inch,...fecond. This Manner of determining the Relation between aiy two Ideas, by the Intervention of fome third with which they may be compared, is that which we...
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The Elements of Logick ...

William Duncan - 1759 - 382 sider
...them with fome Square whofe Area is known, and find the one exa&Iy equal to it, ahd the Other !efs by a Square-Inch, we immediately conclude, that the Area of the firft Figure is a Squire-Inch greater than that of the fecond. This manner of determining the Relation between any two...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - 1770 - 380 sider
...exa£tly equal to it, and the other lefs by a Square* Inch, we immediately conclude, that the Areaof the firft Figure is a Square-Inch greater than that...determining the Relation between any two Ideas, by the Invention of fome third with which they may be compared, is that which we call Reafening, and indeed...
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Encyclopædia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Bind 10,Del 1

Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 422 sider
...fquare whofe arca is known, and find the one exaftly equal to it, and the other lefs by a fquare inch, we immediately conclude that the area of , the firft figure is a fquare inch greater than that of the fécond. This manner of determining the relation between any two...
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The Elements of Logic

William Duncan - 1802 - 254 sider
...find the one exactly equal to it, and the other less by a square-inch greater than that of the second. This manner of determining the relation between any two ideas, by the invention of some third •with which they may be compared, is that which we call reasoning, and indeed...
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The Elements of Logic: In Four Books ...

William Duncan - 1802 - 244 sider
...find the one exactly equal to it, and the other less by a square-inch greater than that of the second. This manner of determining the relation between any two ideas, by the invention of some third with which they may be compared, is that which we call reasoning, and indeed...
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Elements of general knowledge: introductory to useful books in the principal ...

Henry Kett - 1803 - 468 sider
...we fucceed, all difficulties vanifh, and the relation we are in fearch of may be traced with eafe. This manner of determining the relation between any two ideas by the intervention of a third, with which they may be compared, is what we call Reafoning, and is indeed the chief inftrument,...
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Elements of General Knowledge: Introductory to Useful Books in the ..., Bind 2

Henry Kett - 1805 - 340 sider
...if we succeed, all difficulties vanish and the relation we are in search of may be traced with ease. This manner of determining the relation between any two ideas by the intervention of a third, with which they may be compared, is what we call reasoning, and is indeed the chief instrument,...
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Elements of General Knowledge: Introductory to Useful Books in the ..., Bind 2

Henry Kett - 1805 - 338 sider
...if we succeed, all difficulties vanish and the relation we are in search of may be traced with ease. This manner of determining the relation between any two ideas by the intervention of a third, with which they may be compared, is what we call reasoning, and is indeed the chief instrument,...
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