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" I have mentioned mathematics as a way to settle in the mind a habit of reasoning closely and in train; not that I think it necessary that all men should be deep mathematicians, but that, having got the way of reasoning, which that study necessarily brings... "
The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein the First ... - Side 121
af Robert Dodsley - 1758
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Posthumous Works

John Locke - 1706 - 352 sider
...but that having got the way of Reafoning, which that ftudy neceffarily brings the Mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other parts of Knowledge...have occafion. For in all forts of Reafoning, every fmgle Argument mould be managed as a Mathematical Demonftration, the Connection and dependence of Ideas...
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An Essay Upon Study: Wherein Directins are Given for the Due Conduct Thereof ...

John Clarke - 1731 - 388 sider
...bnt that having got the Way of Reafoning, which that Study necefTarily brings the Mind to,they might be able to transfer it to other Parts of Knowledge, as they fhall have Occafion ; for in all Sorts of Reafoning, every Single Argument mould be managed as a Mathematical Demonftration. The Connection...
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Sir Isaac Newton's Two Treatises: Of the Quadrature of Curves, and Analysis ...

Isaac Newton - 1745 - 524 sider
...but that having got the way of reafoning, which that Study neceffarily brings the Mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other Parts of Knowledge, as they fhall have occafion. 1 think the Study of Mathematicks of infinite Ufe even to grown Men ; firft by experimentally convincing...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - 1748 - 380 sider
...Mathematicians, but " that, havi.ig got the Way of Reasoning which *' that Study neceflarily brings the Mind to, they " may be able to transfer it to...as they fhall have Occafion., For " in all forts of R«afoning, every fingle Argument «' fliould be managed as a Mathematical Demon^" flratioi) , the...
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Miscellanea Curiosa Mathematica: Or, The Literary Correspondence of ..., Bind 1

Francis Holliday - 1749 - 360 sider
...but that having got the way of reafoning, which diat ftudy neceflarily brings the mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other parts of knowledge, as they mall have occafion : for in all forts of reafoning, every fingle argument mould be managed as a mathematical...
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Bind 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 sider
...deep Mathematicians, but that, having got the K Way of Reafoning which that Study neceffarily biings the " Mind to, they may be able to transfer it to other Parts of " Knowledge, as they (hall have Occafion. For in all forts " of Reafoning, every fingte Argument (hould be managed as "...
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A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ...

Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 430 sider
...Mathematicians, but that, V having go* the Way of Reafoning, which that Study necefiarily " brings the Mind to, they may be able to transfer it to other U Parts qf Knowledge, as they iriall have Qccafion. For, in all forts «' of Reafoning, every fingle...
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The Elements of Logick ...

William Duncan - 1759 - 382 sider
...Mathematicians, but »« that, having got the Way of Reafoning which " that Study neceflarily brings the Mind to, they " may be able to transfer it to...fingle Argument " fhould be managed as a Mathematical Demon" ftration, the Connection and Dependence of " Ideas t o':i '* Ideas mould be followed, till the...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - 1770 - 380 sider
...Mathematicians,, but that, having got the " Way of Reafoning which that Study neceffari"• ly brings the Mind to, they may be able to «« transfer it to other Parts of Knowledge, as «< they fliall have Occafion. For in all forts ** of Reafoning, every fmgle Argument fhoulJ «* be managed...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Bind 2

John Locke - 1796 - 558 sider
...that, having got the way of reafoning, which that ftudy necelfarily brings the mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other parts of knowledge, as they (hall have occafion. For, in all forts of reafoning, every fmgle argument fliould be managed as a mathematical...
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