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" Angles ; adds by way of Corollary, that all the three Angles of any one Triangle... "
The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein the First ... - Side 101
af Robert Dodsley - 1758
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Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

Euclid, John Keill - 1723 - 436 sider
...gles; which was to be demonftrated. CorolL Coro//. i. All the three Angles of any one Triangle taken together, are equal to all the three Angles of any other Triangle taken together. Coroll. 2. If two Angles of any one Triangle, either feparately or taken together, be equal to two...
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Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

John Keill - 1733 - 446 sider
...;. which was to be-, demonftrated. Corall. Coroll. i. All the three Angles of any one Triangle taken together, are equal to all the three Angles of any other Triangle taken together. CoroU. 2. If two Angles of any one Triangle, either feparately or taken together, be equal to two Angles...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - 1748 - 380 sider
...two Right- Angles ; adds by way cf Corollary, that all the three Angles of any one ^Triangle taken together, are equal to all the three Angles of any...Cafes they are equal to two right ones, and Things equa4 to one and the fame thing, are equal to one another. XII. THE laft Tking I flull take g(Mif fefigf...
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The British Palladium: Or, Annual Miscellany of Literature and ..., Bind 5

1755 - 192 sider
...Predicates of the fame Subjeft, it will follow, Some Mm are Deceivers ; fimilar to the Axiom, that Things equal to one and the fame Thing, are equal to one another. V/e alfo fay, i. A -Afán is an Animal. ?.. A Horfeis an Animal. Whence 3. A Man is a Hurfc', would...
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The Young Arithmetician and Algebraist's Companion: In Two Parts. The First ...

Richard Carr (Arithmetician) - 1751 - 262 sider
...be equal. Fourth, If equal Things be divided by equal Things, their Quotients will be equal. Fifth, Things equal to one and the fame Thing, are equal to one another. ALGEBRA IS a fpecious Arithmetic, or an Arithmetic in Letters -, it confins of Addition, Subtraction,...
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Bind 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 sider
...to two Right- Angles ; adds by way of Corollary, that all the three Angles of any one Triangle taken together, are equal to all the three Angles of any...Cafes they are equal to two right ones, and Things ojual to one and the fame thing, are equal to one another, XII. THE laft Thing I (hall take notice...
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The Elements of Logick ...

William Duncan - 1759 - 382 sider
...way of Corollary, that all the three Angles of anyone Triangle takin together, art equal to all tht three Angles of any other Triangle taken together...one and the fame thing, are equal to one another. XII. THE laft Thing I fhall take Sc^nafrvt notice of in this Practice of the Mathc- '^P^ffc af Jfnnom*...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - 1770 - 380 sider
...Corollary, that all the three Angles of any one Triangle taken together, are equal to all tht three jingles of any other Triangle taken together : which is evident...one and the fame thing, are equal to one another. „ ... , XII. THE laft Thino- 1 {hall take Sctclia ftrve ° ftiPurpfa notice of in this Practice of...
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An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry ...

James Beattie - 1771 - 588 sider
...clouds. But who will pretend to prove a mathematical axiom, That a whole is greater than a part, or, That things equal to one and the fame thing are equal to one another ? Every proof mufl be clearer and more evident than the thing to be proved. Gan you then affume any...
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Arithmetic, Rational and Practical: Wherein the Properties of ..., Bind 3

John Mair - 1772 - 376 sider
...equidiftant means, means, will, by Theorem II. be equal to the double of the inferred middle term ; and things equal. to one and the fame thing are equal to one another. COROLLARIES. 1. Hence, to an extreme and two means given, the other extreme, or fourth proportional,...
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