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" What art thou afraid of ? Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou forever pip and whimper, and go cowering and trembling ? Despicable biped ! what is the sumtotal of the worst that lies before thee? Death? "
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. In Three Books - Side 134
af Thomas Carlyle - 1831 - 308 sider
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Sartor Resartus; the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. In Three Books

Thomas Carlyle - 1838 - 338 sider
...sultry Dogday, after much perambulation, toiling ' along the dirty little Rue Saint Thomas de 1'Enfer, ' among civic rubbish enough, in a close atmosphere,...asked ' myself: " What art thou afraid of? Wherefore, ike € a coward, dost thou for ever pip and whimper, and 'go cowering and trembling? Despicable biped!...
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On Heroes, Hero-worship, & the Heroic in History: Six Lectures ; Reported ...

Thomas Carlyle - 1846 - 492 sider
...Dogday, ' after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Rue ' Saint- Thomas de I'Enfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close ' atmosphere,...thou afraid of ? Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou ' for ever pip and whimper, and go cowering and trembling ? ' Despicable biped ! what is the snm-total...
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Past and Present: Chartism, and Sartor Resartus

Thomas Carlyle - 1848 - 654 sider
...sultry Dogday, • after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little EM, Saint-Thomas de PEnfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close, ' atmosphere, and over pavements hot as Nebuchadnezzar's Fur ' nace ; whereby doubtless my spirits were little cheered ; when, ' all at once, there rose a Thought...
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Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh : in Three Books

Thomas Carlyle - 1866 - 138 sider
...sultry Dogday, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Rue Saint Thomas de PEnfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close atmosphere,...in me, and I asked myself: ' What art thou afraid ofl Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou for ever pip and whimper, and go cowering and trembling 1 Despicable...
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The Philosophy of Life and Death

John Brookes (F.G.S.) - 1868 - 70 sider
...thou die ? The sense of death is most in apprehension." In Sartor Resartus is this fine passage — " I asked myself : What art thou afraid of? Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou for ever pip and whimper, ;uid go cowering and trembling ? Despicable biped ! what is the sum-total...
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Sartor resartus.-v.2-4 French revolution. -v.5. Life of Friedrich Schiller ...

Thomas Carlyle - 1870 - 326 sider
...sultry ' Dogday, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty ' little Rue Saint-Thomas de VEnfer, among civic rubbish ' enough, in a close atmosphere,...Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou forever pip and whim' per, and go cowering and trembling 1 Despicable biped ! ' what is the sum-total of the worst...
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The Congregational Review, Bind 11

1871 - 614 sider
...sultry dogday, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Hue Saint Thomas de 1'Enfer, among civic rubbish enough in a close atmosphere,...cheered ; when, all at once there rose a Thought in me, arid I asked myself — " "What art thou afraid of? "Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou forever pipe...
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Demonology and Devil-lore, Bind 2

Moncure Daniel Conway - 1879 - 512 sider
...sultry Dogday, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Rue Sainte Thomas de I'Enfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close atmosphere,...thou afraid of? Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou for ever pip and whimper, and go cowering and trembling ? Despicable biped ! what is the sum-total...
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Lessons from My Masters, Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin

Peter Bayne - 1879 - 464 sider
...sultry dog-day, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Rue Saint Thomas de VEnfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close atmosphere,...Nebuchadnezzar's furnace; whereby, doubtless, my spirits were but little cheered ; when, all at once, there rose a thought in me, and I asked myself : " What art...
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PETER BAYNE, M.A., LL.D - 1879 - 564 sider
...sultry dog-day, after much perambulation, toiling along the dirty little Rue Saint Thomas de VEnfer, among civic rubbish enough, in a close atmosphere,...Nebuchadnezzar's furnace; whereby, doubtless, my spirits were but little cheered; when, all at once, there rose a thought in me, and I asked myself: "What art thou...
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