borough towards expences of erecting, providing, and maintaining the asylum to be fixed according to the comparative populations of such borough and county, by the Justices of the county, in the General or Quarter Sessions. (The old Act left this duty to the Committee. s. 4.) X. Boroughs neglecting to provide an asylum, or to contract as above for the care of their pauper lunatics, may, one year after the passing of this Act, on report of | Commissioners in Lunacy, be annexed by Secretary of State to the asylum for the county in which it is situate, with the consent of the Visitors of the asylum; and the Justices of the borough so annexed shall appoint two Justices of their number to be members of the Committee of Visitors. by Justices of a county at Quarter Sessions next after 20th of December, by Justices of borough at a special meeting within twenty days after 20th December, and by subscribers to hospital at a meeting in the month of January, in the numbers provided by the agreement, if the asylum is provided by a union. If asylum is for sole use of county or borough, Visitors are not to be less than seven. (Old Act, s. 12.) XXIII. Where a county or borough has more than one asylum, separate Committees must be appointed for each; but one of H. M. Secretaries of State can approve the same Committee to act for two or more asylums. (9 and 10 Vict., c. 84, s. 7.) XXIV. Committee of Visitors to meet within one month after their election, according to notice by two or more of them, or by the clerk, given to each personally, or left at abode of each, or sent by post seven days before; may, from time to time, adjourn; to XI. Powers of Committees may be enlarged and additional members appointed by Justices of county or borough. (9 and 10 Vict., c. 84, s. 3.) XII. Where Committees have ceased to exist, with-elect chairman; three members to be quorum. Quesout carrying into effect the purposes of this Act, new Committees to be appointed, in the same manner and with the same discretion and authority as the original Committee. (Ibid, s. 2.) XIII. Notice for the appointment of a Committee, given at a time subsequent to that required by this Act, and the appointment of such Committee, to be valid. (Ibid.) XIV. Committees uniting, to enter into agreement in the form of Schedule A, to be signed by major part of each Committee, and to specify the proportions of expenses of counties and boroughs, calculated on their respective populations; and also to fix the proportion paid by subscribers to a hospital. (s. 6, old Act.) XV. Additional stipulations and conditions may be inserted in agreement, but not so as to subject acts of Visitors to the control of General or Quarter Sessions. (10 and 11 Vict., c. 43, s. 10.) XVI. With consent of majority of Visitors of each county or borough, or subscribers to hospital, and of Secretary of State, stipulations or conditions of such agreement may be repealed. (Ibid, s. 11.) XVII. Proportions of expenses and of Visitors may be varied on any further union being effected. (10 and 11 Vict., c. 43, s. 4.) XVIII. Money paid towards prior expenses, or becoming repayable under agreement for further union, to be paid to Treasurer of county or borough in liquidation pro tanto of monies raised for purposes of Act. (Old Act, s. 9; 10 and 11 Vict., c. 43, s. 5.) XIX. Committees of Justices to report agreement to Quarter Sessions, and the original to be delivered to Clerk of the Peace of the county or borough in which the asylum is situate, and a copy to Clerk of the Peace of each other county or borough. (Old Act, s. 7.) XX. After agreement for uniting is reported, Visitors to be elected for carrying the same into effect, in proper quotas, by Justices of county at Quarter Sessions; by Justices of borough and subscribers to hospital at special meetings for that purpose. (9 and 10 Vict., c. 84, s. 5.) XXI. Committee authorized to superintend the erection of asylum, to be deemed Committee of Visitors until election of Committee of Visitors. (Ibid, s. 4.) XXII. Committee of Visitors to be elected annually tions to be decided by equality of votes; if these be equal, chairman to give casting vote. (Old Act, s. 14.) XXV. The clerk shall, on requisition of chairman, or of two visitors, or superintendent of asylum, or the chairman may, convene meetings by notice as aforesaid. (Old Act, s. 15.) XXVI. Visitors to appoint a clerk. (Old Act, s. 14.) XXVII. Committee of Visitors to continue until first meeting of new Committee; and, in default of election of new Committee, to continue as if re-elected. (Old Act, ss. 11 and 13.) XXVIII. Vacancies in Committee, caused by death, resignation, or incapability of any members, to be filled up at any Quarter Sessions, or at any special meeting of Justices of Borough, or body of subscribers, or by Recorder. Continuing members may act notwithstanding such vacancy. (s. 13 of Old Act extended.) XXIX. At the expiration of one year from the commencement of Act, Secretary of State may require any county or borough, not having an asylum, to provide one. (Old Act, s. 2, extended.) XXX. Where accommodation of existing asylum is inadequate, additional asylum to be provided, or existing asylum to be enlarged, by authority of Justices of county or borough. On report of Commissioners in Lunacy, Secretary of State may require Justices to build new asylum, or to enlarge or improve existing asylum, and may require additional accommodation to be provided for as many pauper lunatics as, on such report, he may think fit. These provisions to extend to enlargement of offices, outbuildings, courts, land, etc. (Old Act, s. 8, greatly extended.) XXXI. When an asylum, or additional asylum, or additional accommodation is required, the Visitors to procure and determine on plans and estimates, and to contract for the purchase of land and buildings, and for erecting, etc., the necessary buildings, and for providing the clothing for patients, and everything necessary for the opening of such asylum. Contractors are to give security, and contracts and orders to be entered in a book open to inspection of ratepayers; a copy to be kept at asylum. Visitors to report, from time to time, to sessions, on the plans, estimates, contracts, and expenses, which are to be subject to approbation of sessions, save where they do not exceed amount previously fixed upon. (Old Act, s. 17; 9 and 10 Vict., c. 84, periodically. s. 10, extended.) XXXII. Power of Visitors to purchase land or buildings, in consideration of rent reserved. (Old Act, s. 18.) XXXIII. Power of Visitors to take a lease of land or buildings, for term not less than sixty years, at annual rent (Old Act, s. 19); and to rent any land by the year for the purpose of employing patients. XXXIV. Asylum may be erected beyond limits of county or borough, and Justices of such county or borough may notwithstanding act therein. (Old Act, s. 39.) XXXV. Lands or buildings not to be assessed to any county, parochial, or other local rates, at higher value than before purchase. (In old Act, s. 25, the exemption was from rates, taxes and levies, and from window tax.) XXXVI. Certain provisions of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, incorporated and extended to authorize exchanges with parties having limited interests or prevented from treating, etc. XXXVII. When land purchased is vested in less than three trustees, three or more of Committee of Visitors may appoint new trustees. Such appointment to be deposited in records of county or borough. Interest to be vested in trustees so appointed without any conveyance or assignment for that purpose. (S. 37, empowering Visitors to take land compulsorily for enlarging asylum, removed in House of Commons.) Such contract not to be made for a period longer than five years, and not to exempt from obligation of erecting or enlarging an asylum under notice of Secretary of State to that effect. Money payable under such contract, beyond the sum charged for maintenance, etc., charged in asylum for county to which lunatics belong, to be paid by county or borough out of monies applicable for repairs, etc. of asylum. Any hospital or licensed house under such contract liable to visitation of the members of Committee. (Old Act, s. 29.) XLIII. When asylum can accommodate more than the lunatics of the county or borough, Visitors may advertize for and admit pauper lunatics of other counties or boroughs, or lunatics who are not paupers. Guardians or overseers, or persons signing order of admission for non-paupers, to sign undertaking for payment of maintenance or burial, or to remove within six days after notice. Lunatics so admitted, not being paupers, shall have the same accommodation in all respects as the pauper lunatics. XLIV. No Visitor to have any interest in contract or agreement, nor receive any benefit nor emolument from funds of asylum. This enactment not to extend to interest of Visitors in joint stock companies. (Old Act, s. 32.) XLV. Agreements, contracts, plans for building or enlarging, purchase of lands, etc., to be submitted to Secretary of State, and not carried into effect until approved under his hand. (Old Act, s. 28.) How Monies to be raised for providing Asylums. XLVI. Monies to be raised for the purposes of this XLVII. Justices of Counties and Councils of Boroughs to raise money on mortgage of the rates, at interest not exceeding five per cent. (Old limit of £500 minimum for each bond omitted.) Instrument Schedule B executed by chairman for county, by affix XXXVIII. Visitors to order all ordinary repairs, and any additions, alterations, and improvements, provided the expense of such additions, alterations, and | Act by county and borough rates. (Old Act, s. 33.) improvements do not exceed £400 in one year. Such expenses to be paid by order on Treasurer of county or borough, in same proportion as they have contributed to erection of asylum, and to be recoverable from Treasurer of county or borough by Treasurer or Clerk of asylum in H. M. Courts at Westminster. No ordering common seal for borough. Mortgages transferable, for payment, exceeding £100 (old Act, £400), to be made, unless due notice has been given of the meeting at which the same shall be ordered. (Old Act, s. 20.) Any such expense, otherwise than for ordinary repairs, to be reported at next Sessions. XXXIX. Power of Visitors, with consent of Secretary of State, to dissolve unions, to divide and allot lands and buildings, or take a fixed sum or yearly rent in lieu thereof. (Old Act, s. 30.) XL. Power of Visitors to sell lands or buildings, or give them in exchange for others. The money from sale to be applied in carrying into execution purposes of this Act, or paid to Treasurer of county or borough, as Justices in Session shall determine. (Old Act, s. 31.) XLI. Visitors may, with consent of Secretary of State, get released from contracts for purchase or exchange of lands, in consideration of a sum of money. XLII. A Committee of Visitors may contract with the Visitors of any asylum, the subscribers to a hospital, or the proprietor of a licensed house, for the reception of the whole or a portion of the pauper lunatics of a county or borough, or for the use, wholly or in part, of a hospital or licensed house, in consideration of a sum of money, either paid in gross or etc. (Old Act, s. 34, much altered in form.) XLVIII. Public Works' Loan Commissioners to lend money for purposes of this Act on security of such mortgages. (Old Act, s. 36.) XLIX. Interest on mortgages and not less than one thirtieth part of principal to be paid in each year, on one or more fixed days. Account to be kept of receipts and payments in books, to be adjusted and settled up and delivered annually to Court of Session, or to Council of Borough. (Old Act, s. 36.) L. Principal of money borrowed to be repaid and discharged within a limited time not exceeding thirty years. (Old Act, s. 37.) LI. Persons lending money on mortgage of rates not bound to give proof that provisions of Act have been duly complied with; and, if not, validity of rates and mortgages not therefore to be questioned. LII. Money may be raised to pay off sums already borrowed, with the consent of parties to whom it is owing. (Old Act, s. 38.) Regulation and Management of Asylum, and Appointment of Officers. LIII. Within twelve months of passing of Act, or of completion of asylum, Visitors to submit general rules for government of asylum to Secretary of State for approval. Alterations of rules to have same approval. Committee to make regulations and orders not inconsistent with such general rules; also to determine diet of patients. (Old Act, s. 40.) Also to direct any number of beds they may think fit to be reserved for certain cases. Asylum still to be deemed full, though these beds are vacant, but Visitors may fill reserved beds, if deemed expedient. Committee may exclude from asylum persons afflicted with any disease or malady deemed contagious, or persons coming from any district or place where such malady is prevalent. LIV. Visitors to fix weekly rate to be paid for maintenance of each lunatic, and a higher sum, if they think fit for lunatics not settled in parish of county or borough to which asylum belongs; but in no case to exceed 14s. per week. If 14s. be found insufficient, Justices in Quarter Sessions may increase it. (Old Act, ss. 40 and 41.) same. LV. Visitors to appoint a Chaplain in priest's orders; licensed by Bishop, and license revocable by the Service of Church to be celebrated every Sunday, Christmas day and Good Friday, and at such other times as Visitors direct. Patients, not of Established Church, allowed the visits of any minister of their own persuasion, with consent of Medical Officer. Visitors to appoint a resident Medical Officer, who shall not be the Clerk or Treasurer; also a Clerk and Treasurer, and such other officers and servants as they may think fit; and shall have power to remove officers and servants, and fill up vacancies; and, if they think fit, to appoint a Visiting Physician or Surgeon; and shall fix salaries and wages (old Act, s. 42); and shall appoint the Medical Officer, or one of them, if there be two, to be the Superintendent of the Asylum, who shall be resident in the asylum; but, with sanction of Secretary of State, may appoint any person other than Medical Officer to be Superintendent. Superintendents, not being Medical Officers on 10th February, 1853, may continue to be such. LVI. Clerk of asylum to transmit, within one week, to Commissioners in Lunacy, information of dismissal of attendants and cause thereof; under penalty of sum not exceeding ten pounds. LX. Visitors annually to audit accounts of Treasurer and Clerk before March, and report to next Sessions or to Council of Borough. LXI. Two Visitors at least to visit every two months at least every part of asylum, and see every patient, new orders of admission, and general books, and make remarks on condition and management of asylum and of lunatics in Visitors' book. (Old Act, s. 45 enacted, three Visitors to visit every three months.) LXII. Visitors to make annual report to Quarter Sessions. or Justices of Borough, on condition, management, and accommodation of asylum, and conduct of officers and servants; and, within twenty-one days, Clerk to Committee to transmit copy of report to Commissioners in Lunacy, under penalty for neglect not exceeding ten pounds. LXIII. Clerk of Asylum (Medical Officer, old Act) on 1st of January and 1st of July annually to prepare list of pauper patients in asylum, according to form Schedule C, No. 1, to lay before Visitors, and transmit copies to Clerks of Peace and Commissioners in Lunacy; and send lists of private patients to Commissioners in Lunacy, and to Clerk of Peace a certificate of number of private patients. (Old Act, s. 46.) LXIV. Clerks of Boards of Guardians, and Overseers where no Guardians, to make annual returns of pauper lunatics chargeable, in form Schedule D, and send a copy of list to Visitors of asylum, Clerk of Peace, Commissioners in Lunacy, and Poor Law Board, under penalty for neglect not exceeding twenty pounds. (Old Act, s. 47.) LXV. Medical persons appointed by Guardians and Overseers, and Guardians and Overseers empowered to visit pauper patients chargeable in unions or parishes. Medical Officer of asylum, being of opinion that such visit would be injurious to any patient, may refuse it, by giving reasons and statement in writing. (Old Act, s. 32.) Provisions concerning Visitation, Confinement, Discharge, and Removal of Lunatics. LXVI. Every pauper lunatic not in asylum, registered hospital, or licensed house, to be visited once every quarter by medical officer of parish or union district, in which such lunatic is resident. Medical LVII. Visitors of asylum may grant superannuations Officer to be paid 2s 6d for such visit to each pauper not to any officer or servant of any asylum not exceeding in workhouse, and to prepare quarterly lists in form, two-thirds of their salaries, on account of confirmed Schedule E., stating whether lunatics are properly sickness, age, or infirmity; or service of twenty years; taken care of, and may properly remain out of asylum. the recipient being not less than fifty years old. Super-Lists to be sent to Clerks of Guardians, and forms to annuations payable from rates applicable to building be supplied by Clerks of Guardians to Medical Offiand repairs of asylum, and not to be granted unless cers; Clerks to transmit the lists to Commissioners in due notice of meeting, and intention to determine such Lunacy, and a copy of the same to Visitors of asylum. superannuation thereat, have been given; nor unless Penalities for neglect, not above £20 nor under £2. three visitors concur and sign the order. (Old Act, (Old Act, s. 55, extended.) s. 43, left this power in the hands of Justices in Session, or Justices of Borough.) LVIII. Clerk of asylum to keep account of monies paid and received, and to send abstract (old Act, copy) thereof annually to Secretary of State and Commissioners in Lunacy; the latter to place the same before Houses of Parliament. (Old Act, s. 44.) | LXVII. Every Medical Officer of parish or union, having knowledge of pauper resident (Old Act chargeable) deemed to be lunatic, and a proper person to be sent to an asylum, to give notice thereof within three days to Relieving Officer or Overseer, who shall within three days give notice to a Justice, who shall order pauper to be brought before him within three days, having LIX. Treasurer to keep accounts of all monies re- called in assistance of medical man (former exclusion ceived and paid by him. of Union Medical Officers omitted), and Justice and LXXIII. Every person shall be guilty of a misdemeanour who receives a pauper into asylum, &c., without order, F., No. 1, together with such statement of particulars as is contained in the same schedule, and medical certificate E., No. 3, signed not more than seven clear days previous to reception. (Old Act, s. 15.) Medical Man shall sign certificate, and order Schedule but lunatics always to be sent to county asylum, if F., No. 1 and 3, for removal to asylum, and Relieving circumstances permit; if not, the deficiency of room, Officer shall immediately convey lunatic to asylum. or of other circumstances preventing, shall be stated, in Justice may examine lunatic at his own abode or else- order for reception into other asylum hospital, or where. If on account of health (query, ill health), or licensed house. (Old Act, s. 54.) other cause, lunatic cannot be examined by Justice, he may be examined and order of removal to asylum signed by officiating Clergyman of parish and Relieving Officer or Overseer. If medical man examining, certify that pauper is not in fit state to be removed, his removal shall be suspended until Medical Man shall certify he is in a fit state. If certificate, Schedule F., No. 3., be signed by Medical Officer of union, and also by another Medical Man, called to assistance of Justice, such joint certificate shall be received as conclusive evidence that pauper is lunatic, and a proper person to be detained under care and treatment, and order for removal to asylum shall be signed accordingly. (Old Act, s. 48, modified and extended.) LXVIII. Every Constable, Relieving Officer, or Overseer, shall apprehend and take before a Justice, any lunatic not a pauper, wandering at large; and any Justice on information on oath that any lunatic is wandering at large, shall order Constable, Relieving Officer, or Overseer, to apprehend and bring before him such lunatic. And any Constable, Relieving Officer, or Overseer, having knowledge that any lunatic, not a pauper, is not under proper care and control, or is cruelly treated or neglected by any relative or person having charge of him, shall within three days give information on oath to Justice, and Justice may either visit and examine such person, and make enquiries himself, or order medical man to do so and report. And Justice may then order such lunatic to be brought before two Justices, who having called assistance of medical man, who certifies to insanity, &c., in form Schedule F., No. 3, may order lunatic to be removed to asylum, hospital, or licensed house. Justices may suspend execution of order for removal for period not exceeding fourteen days; meantime making arrangements for proper care of lunatic. LXXIV. No person not a pauper to be received into asylum, except under provisions of this Act, without an order, F., No. 2, and two certificates of medical men, who have separately and personally examined the lunatic. But under special circumstances, preventing examination of two medical men, lunatic may be received on one certificate. In such case two other certificates to be signed by two other persons within three days of reception. Any person receiving lunatic into asylum without order and certificates, or allowing lunatic to remain beyond three days on one certificate, to be guilty of a misdemeanour. LXXV. Medical certificate to specify facts upon which opinon of insanity has been formed, distinguishing those observed by himself from those communicated by others. And no lunatic to be received on certificate purporting to be founded on facts only communicated by others. LXXVI. No Medical Man who, or whose father, brother, son, partner, or assistant, shall sign order for reception, shall sign certificate. And no patient be received into asylum under certificate of Medical Officer of asylum. LXXVII. Two Visitors of asylum being Justices may order removal of pauper lunatic to county or borough asylum, from other asylum, hospital, or licensed house, or from asylum to the latter, but not the last named removal without consent of two Commissioners in Lunacy, except to another asylum belonging to same county, or to county where lunatic is adjudged to be settled, or to asylum, hospital, or licensed house, under Removal may be suspended on certificate of exami-contract to receive such patients. ning medical man, that lunatic is not in fit state to be removed, until certificate can be given that he is in fit state. Relative or friend not to be prevented from taking care of lunatic, if Justices be satisfied that proper care will be given. (Old Act, s. 49, modified.) LXIX. Justices may make order on Guardians or Overseers for payment of fee to Medical Man for examination of lunatic, and for other expenses of examination, and removal to asylum. LXX. Medical Officers of unions, Relieving Officers, and Overseers, omitting to give notice, &c., as aforesaid: and Constables, and Relieving Officers, and Overseers, omitting to apprehend, &c., as aforesaid, shall forfeit any sum not exceeding £10. (Old Act, s. 50.) LXXI. Any Relieving Officer, Overseer, or Constable, refusing or neglecting to execute any order under this Act with reasonable expedition, shall forfeit any sum not exceeding £10. LXXII. Such orders of Justices, &c., may extend to authorize reception into hospitals or licensed houses, Justices ordering removal may direct Overseers or Relieving Officers to execute the same. Orders to be made in duplicate, such being sufficient authority for removal and for reception. No such removal to be made except Medical Officer of asylum, or medical men keeping licensed house, certify that lunatic is in fit condition of bodily health to be removed; such certificate, and also a certified copy of order and certificate under which lunatic had been detained, to be delivered free of charge to officer executing order of removal, to be delivered with copy of order by such Officer to superintendent of asylum or proprietor of licensed house, to which patient is removed. (Extended from old Act, ss. 54, 56, 71.) LXXVIII. Pauper lunatics not to be received into any asylum other than the county or borough asylum, belonging to place from which he is brought, without endorsement of order by a Visitor. And orders not compulsory on superintendents of hospitals and licensed houses, except in pursuance of any subsisting contract. (Old Act, s. 54.) LXXXIX. Clerk of asylum immediately on admission of lunatic to make entry thereof in register of patients, Schedule D., No. 1; and after the second and before the seventh day from admission to transmit to the Commissioners in Lunacy a copy of order, statement, and certificate, together with statement of medical officer of asylum, Schedule F., No. 4, under penalty for neglect of any sum not exceeding £20. (Old Act, s. 73.) LXXIX. Three Visitors of any asylum may order discharge of any person confined therein, whether recovered or not; and two (Old Act, three) Visitors, with advice of Medical Officer, may order discharge, or permit absence on trial, wholly or in part, for such period as they may think fit, and may to latter persons make allowance, not exceeding what would be charged for maintenance in asylum, and if person absent on trial do not return, or medical certificate that detention is no longer necessary be not sent, he may be retaken within fourteen days, as in case of escape. (Old Act, s. 71.) LXXX. When a lunatic is ordered to be discharged, the Clerk of Visitors shall send notice thereof to Overseers or Relieving Officer who shall cause the lunatic to be forthwith removed to parish or workhouse at cost of parish or common fund of union, as the case shall re-enter in the case book the mental state and bodily quire. And Overseers or Relieving Officers refusing or neglecting to remove within seven days after notice shall forfeit a sum not exceeding ten pounds. LXXXI. Visitors may discharge a lunatic on the undertaking of a relative or friend that he shall no longer be chargeable, and shall be properly taken care of, and be prevented from doing injury to himself or others. (Old, s. 65.) LXXII. Two of Commissioners in Lunacy may order removal of any lunatic from an asylum; order to be made in duplicate, one copy to be left with Superintendent of asylum to which patient goes, the other with Superintendent of asylum which patient leaves. (Old Act, s. 56, requires Visiting Justices to remove, present clause omits to direct by whom removal shall be executed.) LXXXIII. The person who signed the order for reception of a private patient may order his discharge or removal. (8 and 9 Vict., c. 100, s. 72.) LXXXIV. Where person who signed order for reception is dead or incapable of acting, person who made last payment or husband or wife or mother or nearest of kin may order discharge or removal. (Ibid. s. 73.) LXXXV. No patient to be discharged under last provisions if medical officer of asylum certifies him to be dangerous and unfit to be at large, unless two Visitors shall consent; but such dangerous patient may be transferred to another asylum under control of an attendant. (Ibid. s. 75.) LXXXVI. Persons having authority to order discharge of a private patient from asylums, &c., or of any single patient, shall make orders in duplicate: one to be left with person from whose charge patient is removed, and one with person to whose charge patient is entrusted. Copy of original order and certificate of reception to be supplied free of expense to person taking new charge of patient. LXXXVII. Orders or certificates incorrect or defective may be amended by the persons signing the same, within fourteen days after reception of patient into | asylum; provided such amendment receive the sanction of one of the Commissioners in Lunacy. XC. Medical Officer once a week to enter in Medical Journal, Schedule G. 3, the number of patients in asylum, the christian and surname of patients who have been in restraint or seclusion, or under medical treatment and for what bodily disorder, and every death, injury, or violence to patients, and shall also condition of every patient on admission, and the history of each case from time to time afterwards; such books to be regularly laid before Visitors for inspection and signature. Penalty for neglect not exceeding £20. (Old Act, s. 74.) XCI. Clerk of Asylum shall within three days of visit of Commissioners in Lunacy transmit to office of Commissioners a copy of their entries, remarks, or observations made in books of asylum, under penalty for neglect not exceeding £10. XCII. In case of death of any patient in asylum, name of patient, cause of death, and name of person present thereat, in form, Schedule F. 5, to be signed by clerk and medical officer, and copy to be sent within forty-eight hours of death to the district Registrar of Deaths, Commissioners in Lunacy, and Relieving Officer or Overseers, or if patient was not a pauper to person signing order for admission. Penalty for neglect not exceeding £20. (Old Act, s. 75.) XCIII. Clerk of asylum within three days of death, discharge, or removal of patient, to make entry thereof in registry of patients, and also in book for the purpose, Schedule G. 2, and also within three days after discharge, removal, escape, or recapture of patient, to transmit notice thereof to Commissioners in Lunacy. Penalty for neglect not exceeding £10. (Old Act, s, 76.) Wilful false entry of any particulars a misdemeanour. As to expenses of Maintenance and Removal, &c. of XCIV. If it appear to two Justices sending a lunatic to asylum, &c. that he hath an estate applicable to his maintenance, and more than sufficient to maintain his family, they may make application to relations of lunatic for payment of charges, and if not paid within one month may order Relieving Officer or Overseer to seize so much goods or chattels, take so much rents, profits, &c. as may be necessary to pay charges of examination, removal, maintenance, &c. of lunatic. And any Trustee or Governor or Company of Bank of England or other person or body having charge of lunatic's property, may pay over to Relieving Officer or Overseer the whole or part thereof to defray such charges, their receipt being a good discharge. Justices may meanwhile make order on Guardians or Over LXXXVIII. Persons received into asylums under orders, &c. as above, may be detained therein until removal or discharge, and in case of escape may be retaken within fourteen days by superintendent or per-seers, who shall be reimbursed from property of lunatic son authorized by him, and again detained. under order as aforesaid, unless previously repaid by |