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distinctress of date. Omitting much, let us impart what follows:


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Horrible enough! A whole Marchfield strewed with shell'splinters, cannon shot, ruined tumbrils, and dead men and hor'ses; stragglers still remaining not so much as buried. And 'those red mould heaps: ay, there lie the Shells of Men, out of which all the Life and Virtue has been blown; and now are 'they swept together, and crammed down out of sight, like blown 'Egg-shells-Did Nature, when she bade the Donau bring ' down his mould cargoes from the Carinthian and Carpathian Heights, and spread them out here into the softest, richest level, intend thee, O Marchfield, for a corn-bearing Nursery, whereon her children might be nursed; or for a Cockpit, wherein they might the more commodiously be throttled and tattered? Were thy three broad highways, meeting here from the ends of Europe, made for Ammunition-wagons then? Were thy Wagrams and Stillfrieds but so many ready-built Casemates, wherein the house of Hapsburg might batter with artillery, and with artillery be battered? König Ottokar, amid yonder hillocks, dies under Rodolf's truncheon; here Kaiser Franz falls a-swoon under Napoleon's within which five centuries, to omit 'the others, how has thy breast, fair Plain, been defaced and defiled! The greensward is torn up and trampled down; man's 'fond care of it, his fruit-trees, hedge-rows, and pleasant dwellings, blown away with gunpowder; and the kind seedfield lies a desolate, hideous Place of Sculls.-Nevertheless, Nature is at work; neither shall these Powder-Devilkins with their utmost devilry gainsay her: but all that gore and carnage will be shrouded in, absorbed into manure; and next year the March'field will be green, nay, greener. Thrifty unwearied Nature, ever out of our great waste educing some little profit of thy ' own, how dost thou, from the very carcass of the Killer, bring Life for the Living.

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What, speaking in quite unofficial language, is the net pur'port and upshot of war? To my own knowledge, for example, 'there dwell and toil, in the British village of Dumdrudge, 'usually some five hundred souls. From these, by certain " Na'tural Enemies" of the French, there are successively selected,

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'during the French war, say thirty able-bodied men: Dur 'drudge, at her own expense, has suckled and nursed them; she has, not without difficulty and sorrow, fed them up to manhood ' and even trained them up to crafts, so that one can weave, are 'ther build, another hammer, and the weakest can stand under 'thirty stone avoirdupois. Nevertheless, amid much weeping 'and swearing, they are selected; all dressed in red; and 'shipped away, at the public charges, some two thousand miles. or say only to the south of Spain; and fed there till wanted 'And now to that same spot in the south of Spain, are thirty simi'lar French artisans, from a French Dumdrudge, in like manner 'wending till at length, after infinite effort, the two parties 'come into actual juxta-position; and Thirty stands fronting 'Thirty, each with a gun in his hand. Straightway the word ""Fire!" is given: and they blow the souls out of one another; 'and in place of sixty brisk useful craftsmen, the world has sixty 'dead carcasses, which it must bury, and anew shed tears for 'Had these men any quarrel? Busy as the Devil is, not the 'smallest! They lived far enough apart; were the entirest 'strangers; nay, in so wide a Universe, there was even, uncon'sciously, by Commerce, some mutual helpfulness between them 'How then? Simpleton! their Governors had fallen out; and, 'instead of shooting one another, had the cunning to make these 'poor blockheads shoot.-Alas, so is it in Deutchsland, and 'hitherto in all other lands; still as of old, "what devilry soever 'Kings do, the Greeks must pay the piper!"-In that fiction of the English Smollet, it is true, the final Cessation of War is 'perhaps prophetically shadowed forth; where the two Natural Enemies, in person, take each a Tobacco-pipe, filled with Brimstone; light the same, and smoke in one another's faces till the 'weaker gives in but from such predicted Peace-Era, what 'blood-filled trenches, and contentious centuries, may still di'vide us!'


Thus can the Professor, at least in lucid intervals, look away from his own sorrows, over the many-coloured world, and pertinently enough note what is passing there. We may remark, indeed, that for the matter of spiritual culture, if for nothing else, perhaps few periods of his life were richer than this. Internally,


there is the most momentous instructive Course of Practical Phi losophy, with Experiments, going on; towards the right comprohension of which his Peripatetic habits, favourable to Meditation, might help him rather than hinder. Externally, again, as he wanders to and fro, there are, if for the longing heart little substance, yet for the seeing eye sights enough: in these so boundless Travels of his, granting that the Satanic School was even partially kept down, what an incredible Knowledge of our Planet, and its Inhabitants and their Works, that is to say, of all knowable things, might not Teufelsdröckh acquire!

I have read in most Public Libraries,' says he, 'including those of Constantinople and Samarcand: in most Colleges, except the Chinese Mandarin ones, I have studied, or seen that there was no studying. Unknown Languages have I oftenest gathered from their natural repertory, the Air, by my organ of Hearing; Statistics, Geographies, Topographies came, through the Eye, almost of their own accord. The ways of Man, how he seeks food, and warmth, and protection for himself, in most ' regions, are ocularly known to me. Like the great Hadrian, I 'meted out much of the terraqueous Globe with a pair of Com'passes that belonged to myself only.

Of great Scenes, why speak? Three summer days, I lingered reflecting, and even composing (dichtete), by the Pine-chasms of Vaucluse; and in that clear Lakelet moistened my bread. I have sat under the palm-trees of Tadmor; smoked a pipe among the ruins of Babylon. The great Wall of China I have seen; and can testify that it is of grey brick, coped and covered with 'granite, and shews only second-rate masonry.-Great Events, also, have I not witnessed? Kings sweated down (ausgemergelt) 'into Berlin-and-Milan Customhouse-officers; the World well won, and the world well lost; oftener than once a hundred thousand individuals shot (by cach other) in one day. All kindreds and peoples and nations dashed together, and shifted and shovelled into heaps, that they might ferment there, and in 'time unite. The birth-pangs of Democracy, wherewith convulsed Europe was groaning in cries that reached Heaven, could not ' escape me.


For great Men I have ever had the warmest predilection:

and can perhaps boast that few such in this era have wholy escaped me. Great Men are the inspired (speaking and acting 'Texts of that divine BOOK OF REVELATIONS, whereof a Chapter 'is completed from epoch to epoch, and by some named HISTORY 'to which inspired Texts your numerous talented men, and your 'innumerable untalented men, are the better or worse exeget 'Commentaries, and wagonload of too-stupid, heretical or orthe 'dox, weekly Sermons. For my study, the inspired Texts them'selves! Thus did I not, in very early days, having disguised s 'as tavern-waiter, stand behind the field-chairs, under that shady 'Tree at Treisnitz by the Jena Highway; waiting upon the great 'Schiller and greater Goethe; and hearing what I have not for'gotten. For

But at this point the Editor recalls his principle of cantion, some time ago laid down, and must suppress much. Le not the sacredness of Laurelled, still more, of Crowned Heads, be tampered with. Should we, at a future day, find circumstances altered, and the time come for Publication, then may these glimpses into the privacy of the Illustrious be conceded; which for the present were little better than treacherous, perhaps traitorous Eavesdroppings. Of Lord Byron, therefore, of Pope Pius, Emperor Tarakwang, and the White Water-roses' (Chinese Carbonari) with their mysteries, no notice here! Of Napoleon himself we shall only, glancing from afar, remark that Teufelsdröckh's relation to him seems to have been of very varied character. At first we find our poor Professor on the point of being shot as a spy; then taken into private conversation, even pinched on the car, yet presented with no money; at last indignantly dismissed. almost thrown out of doors as an 'Ideologist.' He himself." says the Professor, was among the completest Ideologists, at least Ideopraxists: in the Idea (in der Idee) he lived, moved, and 'fought. The man was a Divine Missionary, though unconscious of it; and preached, through the cannon's throat, that great 'doctrine, La carrière ouverte aux talens (The Tools to him that 'can handle them), which is our ultimate Political Evangel 'wherein alone can Liberty lie. Madly enough he preached, it is 'true, as Enthusiasts and first Missionaries are wont, with imper'fect utterance, amid much frothy rant; yet as articulately per

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haps as the case admitted. Or call him, if you will, an American Backwoodsman, who had to fell unpenetrated forests, and battle with innumerable wolves, and did not entirely forbear strong liquor, rioting, and even theft; whom, notwithstanding, the 'peaceful Sower will follow, and, as he cuts the boundless barvest, bless.'

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More legitimate and decisively authentic is Teufelsdröckh's appearance and emergence (we know not well whence) in the solitude of the North Cape, on that June Midnight. He has a light-blue Spanish cloak' hanging round him, as his most commodious, principal, indeed sole upper-garment;' and stands there, on the World-promontory, looking over the infinite Brine, like a little blue Belfry (as we figure), now motionless indeed, yet ready, if stirred to ring quaintest changes.

'Silence as of death,' writes he; for midnight, even in the Arctic latitudes, has its character: nothing but the granite cliffs ruddy-tinged, the peaceable gurgle of that slow-heaving Polar 'Ocean, over which in the utmost North the great Sun hangs low ' and lazy, as if he too were slumbering. Yet is his cloud-couch wrought of crimson and cloth-of-gold; yet does his light stream ' over the mirror of waters, like a tremulous fire-pillar, shooting downwards to the abyss, and hide itself under my feet. In 'such moments, Solitude also is invaluable; for who would speak, ' or be looked on, when behind him lies all Europe and Africa, 'fast asleep, except the watchmen; and before him the silent Immensity, and Palace of the Eternal, whereof our Sun is but ' a porch-lamp.


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'Nevertheless, in this solemn moment, comes a man, or monster, scrambling from among the rock-hollows; and, shaggy, huge as the Hyperborean Bear, hails me in Russian speech: ' most probably, therefore, a Russian Smuggler. With courteous brevity, I signify my indifference to contraband trade, my hu'mane intentions, yet strong wish to be private. In vain the 'monster, counting doubtless on his superior stature, and minded to make sport for himself, or perhaps profit, were it with mur'der, continues to advance; ever assailing me with his importu'nate train-oil breath; and now has advanced, till we stand both ' on the verge of the rock, the deep Sea rippling greedily down

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