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Observation, Poetry for cultivating, 209
Observing children, 251

"Omnia sponte fluant," Comenius, 136
One thing at a time, Ratke, 109
Opinion, Education of, 502

Sensible men cannot differ in, Locke,
221, n.

Orbis Pictus published, 132, 167
"Over and over again," Ratke, 110

Over-directing, Rousseau against, 265

Overworking teachers, 497

Oxenstiern sees Comenius, 128

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Philanthropinum, Subjects taught at, 279
Physical education for health, 104

Ed. neglected by Port-Royalists, 188
- Ed., Rabelais for, 67


Physician's defective science, 519

Picture-book for History, Dr. Arnold, 487

Painter, F. V. N., History of Educa- Pictures for teaching, 476

tion, 543

Parallel Grammar Series, 114,

Parænesis by Sacchini, 34, *.

Parker, F. W., and Kindergarten, 411
- on reading, 482

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Talks on Teaching, 544

Parker, C. S., in Essays on Lib. Ed.. 33
Parkin, John, 366, n.

Parkman, Francis, on Jesuits, 55, 56
Pascal and Loyola, 172
Past, No escape from the, 2

Pattison, Mark, on exams., 228, %
- on dearth of books, 12

on what is education, 228
-on Milton

Pattison's account of Renascence, 4
Paul III recognizes Jesuits, 35
Paulsen on Jesuits, 55

-on Comenius, 153

Payn, James, on learning from books, 546
Payne, Joseph, on Pestalozzi, 359, n.

un observation, 361

-on child's unrest, 407, %

Piety at Port-Royal, 181

Pinloche's Basedow mentioned, 289, #, 527
Plants and education, Rousseau, 255
Plato against compulsion, 113
-on literary instruction, 14
Play and learning different, 367
Pleasant, Learning must be, 138
Pleasurable, Exercise is, 464
Pleasure in learning, Jesuits, 506
in learning. Ratke, 112
in sch. work. Sacchini, 52
in sch. work. Mulcaster, 98

in study at Port-Royal, 183, 194
Poety, Memorizing, 483
Pomey's Indiculus, 40

Pope. Dunciad quoted, 31, 422
-on Locke and Montaigne, 230,
-on "Nature," 109

- quoted, 451. N.

Pope's "Little Knowledge," 446
Port-Royal des Champs and the Solitaries,


Posture, Importance of, 327

Potter, Miss J. D., quoted, ar

Pouring-in theory, 507

Practice does not make perfect, 182

Preparatory Schools, 374


Reading in elementary schools, 257, n.
- Jacotot's plan for, 435
Rousseau against, 256
silent and vocal, 482

Prendergast and language learning, 426, n. Realism, Birth of, 198

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Comenius for, 149

- Rabelais, 66

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Quadrivium preferred by Rabelais, 65 Reverence to be taught, 503

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

His detachment, 63

-on Curriculum, 67, n.
Racine and Port-Royal, 187
Ramsauer and Pestalozzi, 336

66 Rapid impressionists," 89, 426, #.
Ratich," 105

Ratio Studd, Soc. Jesu, 34, note
Ratke and Ascham, 117
Ratke's promises, 105
Raumer on Comenius, 146

Reaction in 17th century against books, 510
Reading after study of things. Petty, 209
badly taught, 115, n.


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Rousseau against schoolroom lore, 363

first shook off Renascence, 246

His proposals, 267

His two dogs, 312

His great influence, 240, 290

-on Common Knowledge, 458, m.
- studied by all, 248
Rousseauism, 516
Rousseau's work, 520

Routine work a refuge, 498

Rudiments not to be made repulsive, 194

begun with Mother tongue at Port- Rules, Hoole about, 202
Royal, 183

Ruskin on things and words, 159, %

Russell, John, translator of Guimps, 317
Sacchini quoted, 39, 41, 46, 47
Saint-Cyran and Port-Royal, 174
Sainte-Beuve on Port-Royal, 195
Salzmann, 287, 289

Saros-Patak. Comenius at, 132
Savoir par cœur, &c., 74, n.
Scheppler, Louise, 408

Schmid, Josef, goes to Yverdun, 349
Schmid, J. A., on Jesuits, 34
Schuepfenthal, School at, 289
Schola materni gremii, 142
Scholemaster, When published, 81
School-hours of Jesuits short, 43
Schoolmaster and words, 538

his test of knowledge, 222

- in Education, 177

art led to Verbalism, 30

School means different things, 5.:

Schoolroom rubbish, 252

Schuppius, in spem, &c., 432

Senses, Insufficiency of, 152



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Learning from. Comenius. 149
Rousseau on training, 257, 258
Teach by the. Nicole, 191

Training of the. Mulcaster, 95, *.
Sequences of nature arranged by man, 514
Severity, Wolsey against, 81, n.
Shakespeare and Mulcaster, 91
"No profit grows, &c.," 473
quoted, 17

Shaw and Donnell: School Devices, 544
Shirreff, Miss, a Froebelian, 413, N.
Sides, Good of, 532

Sidgwick, A.; Lectures on Stimulus and
Discipline, 544

Simple to complex, 456

Singing, 368

Skyte sees Comenius, 128

Small schools worse than large, 179
Societas Professa of Jesuits, 36
Sociology, 449

Science of Education dates from Comenius, Sonnenschein's parallel Grammars, 114 m.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

"Soul instead of salt," Ben Jonson, 498, n.
Spartan Ed. preferred by Montaigne, 72
S.P.C.K. pictures, 476, n.

"Spectator's C. in easy chair," quoted, 527
Spelling, 483

- Jacotot's plan for, 436

H. Spencer, H., Conclusions about, 452
- his "Economy of nature," 235
Stanford Rivers, Mulcaster at, 102, #.
Stanz, Pestalozzi at, 316, 318, ff.

Seeley, J. R., on language teaching, 450
- on use of tongue, 112, s.
Self-activity, 401

- the main thing, 524


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The French at, 315

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- personality, Force of, Forum, quoted, Variations, Prendergastian, 428, m

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Vater, Dr., at Leipzig, 477
Ventilabrum Sapientiæ, 135.

Verbal Realism, 25

- Rabelais, 65

Verbalism, Milton against, 213, 214
"Visibles" used for Realien, 70,
Vive la destruction, 1

Vogel, Dr., at Leipzig, 478

Vogel, A., on Comenius, 156

Ward, James, on Kindergarten, 410

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Thring. Theory and Practice of Teaching, Well-educated, When, 525


Tillich's bricks, 480, n.

Widgery, W. H., quoted, 90

Wilderspin and Infant Schools, 409

Tithonus, Quotation from Tennyson's, 518, Will, learning depends on. Jacotot, 416


Tobler, 341

Tone of school and big boys, 500
Tout est en tout, 423

Tradition, loss and gain from, 518

- needed, 182

Trainer better than teacher, 422
Training of teachers, Mulcaster, 99
- of teachers needed, 520
Transcription, Hint for, 429, 4.
Translating both ways, 86
Translations at Port-Royal, 185

— discouraged at Renascence, 8
I would be literature, 15

Travelers, Tales of, 490

Trench, Archbishop, on 13th century

art, 5

-needed for study, 193

Wilson, H. B., on Mulcaster, 102
Wilson, J. M., against "telling," 422
-on training, 422

Winchester," Standing up," 541
Winship, A. E., on inter-class matches, 531
"Wisdom cried of old," &c., 77
Wisdom in "the general," 517, #.
- must be our own, Montaigne, 73
Wolf, F. A., for self-teaching, 268
-on child-collectors, 429, .
Wolf, Hiero., quoted, 31
Wolsey, 80

Women Commissioners, 308
Women's education, 98, 412
- education, Comenius, 141
interest in education, 106

Trumbull, H. K. Teaching and Teachers, Wooding, W., on numbering, 479, 480, ".

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