when arrangements were making, fetch a loud sigh, or shake her head in a significant manner by way of deprecating what was going forward. In non-essentials she was obstinate, not to say perverse. Her parents tenderly loved her, and conceiving that her mind was perhaps somewhat disordered, they had removed her, in the first instance, to the sea-side, and paid her unremitting attention, in hopes that kindness and change of air might restore her to her former cheerfulness and vivacity; and though they were now become more harsh in their treatment of her, they were nevertheless solicitous for her health, which was not good, but which they hoped by proper air and exercise might come round. Priscilla, however, would conform to neither rules nor regimen. She spent the chief part of the day in reading religious books, instead of endeavouring to put the precepts of Christianity into practice; and, when reasoned with by her friend Phœbe on the subject, would reply, that she certainly would obey her father and mother did she conceive herself poorly, but that they were quite mistaken with regard to her health, and she was satisfied they could not seriously mean many things which they said to her, and of her. Thus, instead of anticipating their wishes, and denying herself for their sakes, she never appeared disposed to put herself the least out of the way, or to refuse herself any one gratification of a religious nature; and often, by her untimely hours and excess of reading, many needful duties, both of a religious and domestic nature, were neglected. The consequence was, her parents gave her credit for great obstinacy and perverseness; charged her (and not without some appearance of reason) with disobedience; and whilst they frequently exclaimed, Keep me from such religion!" threw all the blame of her conduct on Mrs. A. and the Vicar of; whilst her brothers and sisters set her completely at defiance, railed at her when she attempted to speak, and, perceiving no spirit of meekness and forbearance in her, but only what they termed bigotry and dissatisfaction with every thing around her, they became (with one exception) more prejudiced against religion than ever. Phœbe, on the contrary, had profited by the advice she received on leaving the town of -. She had to contend with greater difficulties than Priscilla, inasmuch as her parents were not of so affectionate and indulgent a disposition; and though she was one year older than her friend, yet were her brothers and sisters all older than herself, whilst the brethren of Priscilla were her juniors. By meekness, however, patience, self-denial, and through fervent prayer to God, she was enabled to perform wonders. When scolded and upbraided by her mother with disobedience (because she would not enter the theatre, the assembly-room, the card-room, or be seen at the races), she was silent, after having in the first instance assigned her reasons;-being conscious that those reasons were well remembered; and that, as she could not convince, it would only irritate to repeat them. Sometimes, indeed, when she beheld a practical illustration of the truth of that saying of our Lord, " I came not to bring peace but a sword," (i. e. division)-and the anger and vexation of her parents was for the moment hot, the tear would roll down her cheeks, and she has more than once fallen on her mother's bosom and sobbed out, "Indeed, indeed, I would, dear mother, if I DARE!" Her usual practice, however, was to take the earliest opportunity of retiring from the storm, by leaving the room, when she thought she could do it without appearing to light her parents' reproof; and then she would pour out her troubled soul before God for faith and patience for herself, and that it would please him to change her pa rents' hearts; and, I may add, that she generally found the storm hushed on her return to the sitting room. Her mother, knowing that she was of an affectionate disposition, and that her tenderness was easily worked upon, would sometimes alter her mode of proceed ing, and endeavour to soothe and persuade; but, though it gave Phœbe more pain to refuse her upon these occasions than on others, she nevertheless was not to be shaken from that which she considered the narrow path; and at last her parents, finding their efforts vain, ceased to importune. At times, indeed, when some gossiping visitor, unacquainted with the principles of Phœbe, affected surprise at her taste and behaviour, the mother could not forbear saying, "Yes, Madam, I have a strange disobedient daughter; she has picked up some absurd Methodistical notions at school; and she has lost all affection for her parents." Yet, the heart of her mother would smite her whilst repeating these very words; for she could not but be sensible, that Phœbe was far more attentive and dutiful generally than before; and, at other times, she would even contradict herself, and say, "I wish to God that all my children were like their younger sister, except her Methodism!" Poor woman! She little thought, at that time, that the very principle which she reprobated was the real spring and source of all which she admired in her. It pleased God, however, in the course of time, to bless the prayers and Christian spirit of Phœbe more decidedly. Her father had long since been, as it wére, neutralized. He was not brought over to her opinions; but JUNE 1824. he let her have her own course, and placed a confidence in her, which he did not in his elder children; asking her advice, and deferring to her sentiments when he did elicit them. Her younger brother, however, and a sister of Priscilla, were moved by the affectionate spirit of Phœbe to serious considerations, and soon became decided characters. She had never pressed the subject upon them, but she had availed herself of suitable opportunities to offer a word in season. When they were all on the tip-toe, expecting gratification from some new pleasure, she was silent; but if, as was often the case, she saw them, after the enjoyment of this pleasure, jaded and out of spirits, she would then venture to hint at the insufficiency of all merely human enjoyments, and wish they did but experience that peace which she had found. Many other opportunities naturally presented themselves for insinuating the truth; but I have trespassed too much upon your pages to enumerate them. Finally, she had the happiness of seeing her beloved mother become a worshipper of God in spirit and in truth, and as zealous in the promotion of real fiety as she had formerly been averse to it. The process was slow by which the Almighty brought her parent to embrace the truth, and there were many struggles with pride before she acknowledged her convictions; but I must pass over the circumstances connected with this pleasing incident for the same reason I have just stated. I have, indeed, trespassed too long, and would apologize, did I not feel assured that you will be as anxious as myself for these pages to meet the eye of Priscilla, and of the many who are like Priscilla in the present day. What may hereafter happen in these two families, I cannot di 2 F As a warm friend to your truly excellent and useful publication, I take the liberty of offering, for insertion in one of your Numbers, the following extract of a Letter from the late Rev. H. P. to a young Friend preparing for the ministry. " I have pointed out to you, in some particulars, what cause you have for gratitude and praise; but let me now remind you of your high responsibility, in the privileges and mercies you have enjoyed. You know, that you are not your own;' that you are bought with a price;' and that circumstance places you under an imperious and blessed obligation, 'to glorify your God and Saviour with your body and with your spirit, which are his.'' None of us liveth to himself,' saith the Apostle; you cannot, therefore, maintain the character of a Christian, if you regard only your own improvement and gratification. You should place the glory of Christ before you, as the bject at which you are to aim in all the studies you pursue, in all the inquiries you make, in all the acquisitions at which you aspire, in all the recreations in which you indulge. To maintain the views and feelings connected with such an object, gives a dignity, decision, and energy to the character; it unshackles the man from the restraints of worldly shame; it supplies him with the most powerful motives to personal holiness; it stimulates him with God-like purposes towards his fellow-creatures: res: such a one will feel convinced, that all learning and all knowledge are vain and useless which are not turned to some account in promoting the glory of Christ and the salvation of souls. Such a one will say, What does it avail me to spend my strength, and occupy my time, and spin out my life, in seeking acquisitions and satisfactions that do in no way advance the honour of my Saviour (which ought to be dearer to me than my life), or the spiritual interests of my own soul and the souls of others (which ought to have the supremacy of my regard over every earthly concern)? What does it avail me to fit myself to act a mere respectable part in the world, the whole fashion of which passeth away? I have a nobler object in view, and one that is capable of giving pleasure to an immortal spirit, and affording peace to the mind when all nature is dissolving around me; it is to live to the glory of that Saviour, in whom I have found pardon and peace with God, and through whom I look for the gift of eternal life. I will read and study; I will think and write; I will inquire and converse; I will investigate and pray; I will take every possible means of enlarging my knowledge on every subject, that I may be the better prepared to effectuate the end I have in view. I want to hallow the name of Jesus -to recommend his holy and blessed religion-to defend his Gospel-to promote his cause-to silence gainsayers - to support them that are weak in intellect and in faith-to assist them that stand in need of being taught the oracles of God-and to give an answer to every one that asketh me a reason of the hope that is in me. For this purpose my faculties of mind and body had need be in their most cultivated state; and as in the providence of God they advance in the growth of vigour and power, I will faithfully ask myself, what is the application of them I am making? Do I feel my responsibility? Do I maintain a sense of my obligations? Do I abide with him in the calling in which his providence has placed me? Do I live in communion with him? Do I realize his presence, and draw strength from his fulness? Do I consider each day as lost, in which I have done nothing for him? and each acquisition worthless, which does not draw me nearer to him, or enable me to advance those objects for which my Saviour lived and died?" I trust, my dear friend, that in penning these thoughts, I am but giving expression to the best feelings of your heart. O cultivate a close and undivided communion with Christ, and be ambitious of doing something for him ere you leave this world! and in this spirit wait in peace for the glory which shall be revealed in you." OXONIENSIS. ODE TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE REV. "In labours more abundant." -PAUL. BRING me my harp, my harp of woe! Angel of death! why mov'd thy wing Why swept it them from earth ?-- If sparkling wit, as good as bright, Could teach thy wing to cower,- Ye realms of Genius and of song, Who honour Owen's clay ;- The darksome cypress bring, Did witlings e'er assail the cause Of Bibles and of God, His bow the mighty champion draws; How brilliant did his fancy gleam, With judgment, sense combin'd, Should its own life-stream drink! Which never droop'd-should sink? Mysterious angel, dark-rob'd Death! Then take my harp, my harp of woe, O favour'd one! in realms of light Well-pleased, it thinks of cares bestow'd, Of mortal pains endur'd, Well might thy spirit love the book, Rest, Owen, rest! but thou hast left A mournful blank below From kindred, friends, and colleagues 'reft, Tears not unbidden flow; Yet listen-" I will never leave," Saith Owen's God,-Can ye believe? A MEMBER OF A BIBLE ASSOCIATION. |